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Everything posted by libertine

  1. libertine

    Low Content Posts

    The kids and the a-holes won't like this suggestion... thus *Regulator*'s post. Nice suggestion. I think the gaming industry needs to go even further and create separate games and forums for adults and kids. The child/kid/teenager/young adult mentality is totally legitimate, but adults grown out of it and frankly, we can't fucking stand it. Adults, well most adults, learn empathy for others, learn how tough life is for many people, learn that making a jerk reply is a lost oppurtunity to educate, etc, etc, etc. Thus no bullshit. On the game side, adults have experienced the real world long enough, that unrealistic behavior by NPC's, or unrealistic physics in airplanes, etcs, is like a bright red blinking light that says, IMMERSION BROKEN!
  2. I kind of have no problem with this and don't really mind *a few* people doing this. Although sniper rifles are a different thing, people have to realize that when they use hacked sniper rifles and even just sniping in general using normal legitimate sniper rifles, your greatly changing the gameplay to a type that is not fun for many other people. There is a reason they don't make games were the main content is dodging sniper bullets. Its just not fun to stop, then get blinked out of existence....and its only one of many kills for the sniper.
  3. I totally agree and give you props for saying this....but i laughed when i was contemplating your post, then slowly looked over to your name and your photo. I loved that character btw.
  4. libertine

    The Sad Realization.

  5. libertine

    The Sad Realization.

    Oh, what i would say if not bound by god damn rules....1. You are a motherbleeping, bleep, bleeping, bleeping, bleeper, bleeper, so congrats on that....and probably a piece of bleep cheater who literally ruins other poeples fun to gain a bit, just a little bit btw, for himself. Have you also made yourself a problem of your society? 2. A lack of caring about other people in general is usually caused by ignorance, which is the factual and more polite word for STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So also, congrats on that too, great job. 3. Many people MIGHT think that people who play online video games are the same trusting, considerate [think about that word dude, "considerate"] people they know in real life. Then they go online and meeting bleeping bleepers bleeps bleeping bleeping bleeper life you. 4. I feel sorry for you and the people you live by. Most people desire fairness and are considerate of others, their feelings, needs, desires, etc, hopefully you'll meet some eventually so they can teach you civilized behavior and civilized thought. My guess, your the guy that joins the Army, goes into Iraq gun-ho, kills a few civilians on purpose, then is one of the masses of military personnel that kills himself.
  6. libertine

    Fun for cheaters ?

    "They do it because they can." Word from the wise, when you here someone say this.....it means they don't know....*annoyed adult smiley*
  7. libertine

    Fun for cheaters ?

    Having fun cheating there mgsloth? Been ruining peoples time much?
  8. libertine

    you sir, are an ahole

    NO, welcome to the way people who don't know how to immerse themselves into games play.
  9. Ill smile when hes banned for good.
  10. libertine

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    Don't forget boredom and the fact that people want to PVP. Im a survivor myself, but you can't put the a-hole label on everyone.
  11. libertine

    hack or annoying server admin?

    Happens to me all the time now. Last time was a few minutes ago. It was a bunch of kids that were in it together. Obviously a bunch of peer pressure was involved since i got a bunch of different reactions when i spoke up. Its likely that one or two [bleeping bleep bleeps] are the ringleader\s and the rest are just going with the flow. SO PEOPLE, IF YOU KNOW ITS WRONG, AND YOU KNOW THE EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT THAT IT HAS ON OTHER PEOPLE [AND YOU CAN PUT YOURSELVES IN OTHER PEOPLES SHOES] WHO AREN'T YOUR ENEMIES AND NEVER DID SHIT TO YOU, DON'T GO ALONE WITH IT. YOUR RINGLEADER IS A TROUBLED PERSON WHO IS UNAWARE OF THE VERY REAL DAMAGE HE IS DOING OR IS AWARE OF IT BUT HAS BEEN HURT HIMSELF.
  12. I thought maybe you could have players vote to save the current state every so often so that in the event of a hacker messing everything up, someone could initiate a vote to start a reversion to the last saved state. Or better yet (>) Save the current state automatically and then, in the event of a hacker f'ing it up, people could initiate a vote to revert back in time a certain about, like 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes back, etc...
  13. libertine

    Coke or Pepsi?

    The sugar/fructose in soda causes your body to start storing fat, which is a large part of whats causing the obesity problem, many people are starting to get that, but the alternative sweeteners found in diet products have been shown to do the same or similar thing unfortunately, AND potentially cause all sorts of other health problems, like cancer. Not many people know that. -Source: Dr. Mercola's health email newsletter. Which i recommend highly if you value your health. Its like once a week or less. http://www.mercola.com/
  14. Its a mod to a game, wtf. Dayz is buggy? No its Arma that is buggy.
  15. So change servers then, fuck. Seriously, this is your concern? OF ALL THINGS, THIS?
  16. Hmm.............so maybe lets not code it that way? Just an idea... Call me crazy....
  17. No, this is for when they kill everyone on the server, not when they mess with a couple people. and btw, thats what the voting is for, if only one or two people get killed, then no vote.How do you spell iyiyi?
  18. I'd rather kill a hacker, just can't decide whether to use pliers or a spoon. Oh, did i not understand that right?
  19. libertine

    People using Tree /Grass exploit.

    Just got off US896. The same thing happened. A group of people firing through building. There were dead bodies everywhere in Elektro. They would come and go i think, so i think they were teleporting or server hoping. They ruined so many people's time its unbelievable.The ones i've heard on voice chat are very, very young, and im guessing they like the the game so much because its all new to them that they can't imagine the grief that other who having been gaming longer feel.
  20. libertine

    Tree Hack and ESP. ETA on fix?

    How do you know when your not playing on one?
  21. libertine

    Tree Hack and ESP. ETA on fix?

    THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?Thanks to Steam, i know that i have played 300 hours of Battlefield Bad Company 2. From that i can guess how much i've played other games online. Heres the estimation: The orginal Operation Flashpoint (Arma devs): 1000 hours Rainbow Six, Rouge Spear, Urban Operations, etc: 6 months with a competitive clan. 1600 hours Tribes 2: 500 Unreal Tournament 1: 350 Battlefield 2: 200 Ghost Recon 1: 200hours COD 2: 200 hours COD3(with openwarefare realism mod): 200 Battlefield 3: 100 hours Total: 4,250 hours (hacking result: I remember in ghost recon 1, there were two guys that sped themselves up so they were going so fast we could hardly see them and they were shooting at us. We asked them to stop. They did... Dayz: 78 hours: (hacking result: I get killed by hackers almost every day. Not only that, whey they kill, they usually kill the entire server.) You add that shit up, its a lot of emotional stress on people....and to the ignorant people that reply: It may be just a game for you, but its a mode of escape for others. You know all those people you see doing the jobs you'd never want to do, living a life you can't imagine living?
  22. libertine

    World on fire

    Hackers actually fuck up peoples experiences and waste people's time by "nuking" large areas, making them off limits, could be that but you'd probably know it.
  23. libertine

    This game is ruined by cheaters

    You understand that some people will be affected more than others right? You not so much apparently. Different play styles and mindsets will make a difference too.
  24. libertine

    This game is ruined by cheaters
