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Everything posted by libertine

  1. Don't belittle others just because you don't have enough life experience to understand why people would like to play this way and get something out of it. Lots of Kim Jong Uns in this thread, blissfully oblivious of other peoples needs and desires wanting shit to be the way they want it to be. Just can't quite understand it can you. Don't hurt those brains by thinking too hard folks, just let it come with time (20 years+ from the looks of it). lol
  2. libertine

    Very poor performance on GTX780 SLI amd8350

    Object detail has a huge hit.
  3. libertine

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    Its not an advantage so much as increased immerison being the purpose. Limit the FOV spectrum a little and put a limit on the total zoom level.
  4. libertine

    Bored? Try this new play style.

    Stalk a player without being seen as far as you can. Try and witness a murder, from him or of him and you MUST see it was not self-defense.
  5. Theres a million different multifaceted life experiences that could cause someone to create/join a server like that. Being new to the game, more immersed, exploring Chernerus, maybe playing in 3D like i do. Being brought up with a heavy dose of ignorance destroying anti-war education from the parents or outside source, being religious (like my cousin) , being disabled physically or mentally, being old and not being able to physically comfortable with the constant stress assuming they're immersed, being a shell shocked combat vet, then of courses there the very ironic -not wanting to play with immature, inexperienced, ignorant people. Apparently the OP could not think of ONE. Welcome to Earth. Everybody has different opinions and they're all valid. 10
  6. libertine

    psychological effects of banditry

    I say reward bandits for KOS'ing, let em spawn with M4 as military or mercenaries paid to kill survivors to try and stop the virus.... just please slap a small subtle bandit armband on them (red, with a medic symbol on it, that they originally put on to identify each other) so people roleplaying survivors/vigilantes can hunt/stalk/KOS too. Right now it way to hard to firmly identify a bandit/murderer action with 100% certainty. I spent about an hour overlooking a jail last night waiting for [a tiny] chance to see 1) a bandit AND a survivor come along 2) at the same time 3) and witness a murder 4) with enough view to know whoever shot first wasn't acting in self-defense (unlikely since i can't see into the barracks where stuff usually goes down), so i could act as a vigilante. It really felt like a waste of time after i was done. Seriously, i almost want a damn cardboard cutout of myself to see if anyone shoots it....
  7. libertine

    WTF is this place.

    The bandit god.
  8. libertine

    Less annoying eating and drinking sounds?

    At least there isn't the lip-smacking eat sound effect from the Epoch mod (i think it is).
  9. libertine

    Hacker on DE 1-19

    THE MAN DIED A HERO!! tried to kill a pos hacker...
  10. libertine

    Possible map expansion ?

    Oh yeah, were going to need new maps period, eventually.
  11. I tried the 1st only servers and I didn't like it at first and i must have hit the 3rd person button about 50 times in 20 minutes, but it is definitely growing on me, i like knowing that if someone can see me, i can see him. It sort of feels right after awhile. A little tip, if you miss seeing your avatar to see how the clothing really looks, it helps to go into weapon-up mode and look down.
  12. libertine

    For all you KoS complainers out there

    I only watched the 1st two, but he didn't seem friendly, but more annoying, with an unknown motive (from the players point of view).
  13. libertine

    Spawn Changes Too Soon!

    I like the change. If most people remain at the coasts, encouraged by a easy to get to PVP area right at spawn, it really makes the inland too unpopulated. Its already really hard to find players because of interiors and zombie spawns no longer indicating presence. I'd really rather spawns be all over the map.
  14. libertine

    Anyone having FPS issues?

    Shadows on very low gives better performance in many scenes i've tested, "normal" is even higher but doens't look quite as good as very low when it comes to tree shadows imo (and doesn't render at the right depth with 3D Vision). However in dense forests i've tested in it doens't work this way.
  15. libertine

    Spawn changes

    Or better yet, don't die. Play as immersively as you can, like your there and your life is as important as it is in real life, keep vigilant. When BI's first game Operation Flashpoint came out, some servers created 30 minute team death matches with no respawn. That was probably the first time i learned the value of loss in a game.
  16. If something simple doesn't work its UNDER design. Right now it is using the hand gun holding animations so with time it should be worked on. There is no reason why it can't be grabbed/used with one hand in future patches, without lag.
  17. If they do allow more than one weapon I hope it at least makes just a bit more noise when moving around and has the chance of making some very subtle, but potentially element-of-surprise ruining collision noises when the player model touches the environment.
  18. libertine

    Poor character render distance ?

    Yep, its very short now and i can still see the gun a little bit, but not the player. I do like that fact that only torsos show after a certain distance (my experience) and i like that fact that it is a little harder to see players at distance, but i think making it avatar go into "stick figure" mode THAT close is a little too much. I think its a little transparent too, which is actually a very smart way to handle the fact texture in the game at distances have very little noise in them to hide players as they would in real life. I don't think this would be a server performance issue, i thought they were trying to put a dampener on sniper rifle usage, but i don't know for sure. Another issue in alpha is that players are difficult to find now since zombies spawning doesn't mean a player is there and interiors are makign it harder to find players, ie, no longer can you quickly glance down streets and have pretty good idea a player isn't there. He may be in a building or going from building to building via back yards etc... I do hope they put in a little transparency for far away players when they are not moving, simulating the difficulty of seeing a player against a more realistically noisy background.
  19. libertine

    Zoom Vs Iron sights

    I think zoom should be reduced a little bit, and normalized across resolutions ideally, at least fixing it so that different FOV values don't effect zoom level. But if they do that, I think they should also increase player view distance because right now avatars just about disappear while i can still see their guns swaying. This would help us see them better with lower zoom levels. It is already a little too difficult to find players without spawning zombies and the addition of interiors.
  20. They were removed for a time, then brought back. Find me a server without bandit skins. I've never seen EVEN ONE! I've been playing for a long time. Did you know that the hugely popular Origins mod also has them, just more varied ones that changed as you progressed. Its not a hardcore survival game, its a warzone, which im okay with, but right now it doesn't have a rhyme or reason. Add in bandit skins, then it makes sense. People aren't going to go ballistic in a zombie apocalypse when what matters is people shooting zombies, it doesn't matter who is doing the shooting as long as they're not missing.
  21. Oh, fucking teamwork.......yawn... #2 IS DAYZ!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you not know there was a humanity system in DayZ? With bandit skins? Which was a negative effect for them since i'd KOS them ASAP as a survivor and im sure almost everyone else did too.
  22. libertine

    No Sound at all in Dayz SA

    The in game volumes are up of course? Try one quick thing that i must do to solve sound issues on my soundcard: Go to play back devices, select your speakers -> configure -> select a choice other than the one selected and click test. If a prompt comes up, click ok. Thats it, always solves my issues. Prob won't work though im guessing. Maybe try alt tabbing out when the game is loaded and check volumes? Good luck,
  23. libertine

    DayZ Sound Design Test - Part 3 Final Added

    Sound effects and sound behavior are so under appreciated. I used to be an EAX user I believe as soon as i could afford it but fell off the wagon while there was a lack of EAX supported games. When i came back to EAX after hearing the Battlefield 2142 supported it i couldn't hardly believe my ears. Its a little sad that sound propagation and proper effects aren't created for games as it is really amazing to experience when they are done really really well. Wish i could give more than one can of beans...
  24. libertine

    A KoS thread

    KOS is fun, the whole process sometimes. I only do it when playing the Origins mod to bandits wearing bandit skins. But for immersion players playing realistically it F's up their experience I think because in part it doesn't make sense. If there were a little hint of a meaning behind it via a small back story i think it would be much more acceptable. Sounding like a broken record now, but i think bringing back the humanity system and giving bandits a subtle red arm band would be best, making KOS'ers mercenaries for the remaining military structure, acting to try and stop the virus by KOS. The arm band would make sense because they don't want to shoot each other and have been told they will get protection/housing/food when "its all over". Survivors become the resistance, having learned what is going on and can now KOS bandits, acting as a sort of vigilante, or they can be passive survivalists avoiding people as per usual.