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Everything posted by libertine

  1. My tests showed that turning shadows off gives worse performance in many cases. Oddly enough.
  2. I like the factions idea as it would make some sense out of the PvP going on. Loved the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series and playing those is kinda the reason DayZ feels a little bit bland sometimes.
  3. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    The beauty of the system in Origins is that it only nudges us in that direction but doesn't take us all the way. Anyone is still dangerous, but friendly players can have just a bit more confidence about friendly people being friendly, which i believe is FAR more realistic than what we have now. I believe people would largely be tolerant of each other in an apocalypse, short of one seen in The Road. When all that mattered was food gathering and shooting zombies. It doesn't matter whos carrying the weapon as long as they're not missing.
  4. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Zombie vision is human vision, so why wouldn't survivors wear camo too?
  5. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Its best NOT to make it 100% full proof anyway. If people are able to get around the system, then that clearly maintains the uneasiness around other players. It doesn't have to be a full skin, just an arm band or cool looking ninja-like face cover. The fact that in the beginning, the arm band or whatever will be taken up by self-defense or whatever, isn't a big deal, its over time were concerned about, unless people are only going to play this game for a couple weeks.... People can "work" off the red arm band by killing [mass] murderers.
  6. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    You simultaneously complain about the skin then complain about being able to work around it. If you wanted to be without a bandit/murderer arm band or whatever, then you could work at exploit workarounds to continue appearing as a standard survivor guy. It would be just fine if it were not full proof since that would help maintain the unease around other players. There will always be a competition for limited resources too.
  7. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    It doesn't have to be good vs. evil. It could be "guy killing people because he believes firmly it will stop the virus and save whats left of humanity" vs. "guy who is a target of those people and finally learned whats up"....with survivors inbetween. The "hero" term should be thrown out completely. The use of "bandit skin" was wrong from the beginning too since it was given from murdering people.
  8. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Ever been shot by ten different guys with or without a mustache on the street on the same day? Huh. Okay then.
  9. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Broken record time: Its not black and white, not even close, as i learned in the Origins mod, i was shot at by survivors and even heroes just as much as bandits.
  10. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    With some hopefully subtle form of bandit identification, the game would be like the mod, which brought everyone here, and had bandit skins. The ability to exploit workarounds to the system simple helps maintain the tension from unknown players we have now. Hopefully the other parts of the game will add in enough things to do to satisfy some, but even if they added in a whole other game into this game, how long would you play it. It remains to be seen...
  11. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Right now for PvP'ers, everyone to them has an invisible sign saying "shoot me!". You try "figuring it out" on your own and see if you don't get bored silly. Don't shoot camo/geared people, because they are just being careful in a zombie apoc., don't shoot pantsless guys with masks because they are just having a bit of fun, don't shoot guys with their guns out, because its fucking dangerous and they have every cause to be careful. Don't shoot guys with gas masks because they're protecting themselves from infection. Don't shoot anyone that doesn't harm another player or steal from them. Good....fucking....luck....having fun under those conditions for the long term.
  12. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Please give an example of what your talking about. Theres no body language in this game. Being careful when you don't want to be KOS'd is very common, so people have their guns out and even up when near player heavy areas. Its also a zombie apocalypse. YOU DO NOT know a player is up to know good by watching them 99% of the time.
  13. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    That is bullshit. This is what i do, and you can follow people for miles and gain no definitive insight into how they act towards other players. Give one example. I've said it many times, in the Origins mod, I was shot by guys in survivor clothing and by heroes just as much if no more than bandits. So you would certainly retain a large portion of the tension. Their humanity system was simple, gain humanity for killing bandits, lose it or survivors and heroes. I don't want to interact with other players personally, good or bad. I want to survive, and do it on my own. I want to fight, but if i won't kill people for a can a beans when the game doesn't make the case even remotely for it, and im super sneaking and rarely let players see me, then it becomes one boring ass game.
  14. libertine

    Hero/Bandit system made by the players

    Yeah, i believe i do. Its an improvement for my playstyle, a survivor/vigalante, but perhaps not for many murderers who don't like the danger to being KOS'ed. The point of an indicator [arm band] for me is to make some sense out of the [currently] unrealistic amount killing and provide more chances for action. Quoting myself because im lazy: The arm band could be said to be worn by mercenaries, paid to KOS anyone they see in an attempt to cleanse the area of [what is believed to be a] virus. The red arm band(with a cross on it to draw survivors in) would help identify you to the military and other mercenaries so you don't shoot each other. In return, the military won't kill them and will provide housing and food "after its all over". The survivors are with no arm band while the survivors that have played for awhile, killing only bandits have learned whats going on over time and wear a blue arm band. With this, now you bandits can join in on the fun of being KOS more often from an additional segment of the players. The additional fear is actually a good thing. With this you also don't have the good vs. evil attribute tacked on either. The mercenaries can roleplay someone who believes they are doing the right'ish thing. People playing realistically to gain immersion and don't shoot first, can more easily get some combat that isn't them being swiss cheese, if you play realistically safe, and avoid players, the combat is too few and far between.
  15. libertine

    Hero/Bandit system made by the players

    This is ridiculous. When i see another player kill another player, i kill them on the spot. This isn't realistic at all. Your claim that bandit/hero skins tell you who is friendly is false and misleading too. Its only an indicator. The point of an indicator [arm band] for me is to make some sense out of the [currently] unrealistic amount killing and provide more chances for action. The arm band could be said to be worn by mercenaries, paid to KOS anyone they see in an attempt to cleanse the land of [what is believed to be a] virus. The red arm band(with a cross on it to draw survivors in) would help identify you to the military and other mercenaries so you don't shoot each other. In return, the military won't kill them and will provide housing and food "after its all over". The survivors are with no arm band while the survivors that have played for awhile, killing only bandits have learned whats going on over time and wear a blue arm band. With this, now you bandits can join in on the fun of being KOS more often from an additional segment of the players. The additional fear is actually a good thing.
  16. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Its the retarded game play that is spurring the retarded suggestions...
  17. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Were not going to hide from you, the point is to kill you. We need some action, that is the point, it boring playing realistically and avoiding combat.
  18. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    :facepalm: You've JUST thought of that now? Im guessing your new (OR YOUR A BANDIT!).Ugh, many people have been playing this way since the mod came out more than a year ago. Please try it yourself, its tedious as all hell. Sit up above a military installation from a safe distance, the quickest place to find a player, and wait...... then watch him while hes there and see if he gets into a battle with someone else. 99 times out of a 100 you'll not actually see what both sides did. Even if you can tell who shot first, how do you know the other guy wasn't raising his weapon to shoot at the other player just reacted? This is the problem, you very rarely see both sides of the fight and its rarely clear who's at fault. Not ony that but its become much harder to find players than in the mod because zombies don't spawn all around players now. With zombies not indicating player presence, people are looking over their shoulders and being more cautious in general, making it more difficult and tedious to follow people. Building interiors are making it more difficult to find people. I've seen people go into a house in Zelenogorsk and not seen them again for 15 minutes until they came out the other side. In the mod, one glance at Zelenogorsk would have revealed their presence because of the zombies spawning. Without bandit identification, people who play realistically and don't shoot over a mf'ing can of beans are faced with tedium. Why don't you bandits man up and get KOS'ed like you KOS other people. Avoiding players all together is what players like myself have done a lot already, for THEIR safety and mine, THATS realistic, but sorry, avoiding player gets boring FAST! Its not a simulation game when the players are key to making it realistic and they shoot everything that moves. Its like military personnel using Bi's VBS during actual training and all shooting everything that moves, civilians and all for the fun of it. You can't expect people to care about someone's avatar like they would an actual person. Ah well, ill just bandage that hole in my face and be on my way then...
  19. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I think its okay if its mildly exploitable because then you retain the unease around survivors that everyone claims to like so much. Nope, look at screenshots from hero clans on the forums, all geared... Me, a survivor, all geared. Heres the thing, a zombies vision is based on human vision, so it makes sense to wear camouflage clothing and its a non-undead based apocalypse, so its been caused by someone biological and possibly still airborne. So it makes sense for gas masks to be used by people just trying to survive. As far as the other masks, friendly people wear those and i've talked to quite a few people wearing them that were totally friendly. So it doesn't help either. Nothing currently does besides the actions of a in-game avatar.
  20. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    You would still have that unease around every player you met based on the DayZ Origins mod which had the bandit and hero skins you see below (many many more actually). I was shot by as many survivors wearing the stock uniform than bandits, if not more so. I was also shot by heros. You wouldn't lose that aspect of the game! But you as a careful playing survivor would now have some bandits to hunt. ...and the WWII reenactment is NOT realistic, 90% of the violence makes no sense compared to the same situation represented in real life. To be clear, I don't want full skins, which i don't think we'll see anyway because the clothing system took a lot of effort and we don't need them anyway. Just a subtle, faded red armband. This is just to show what Origins had and that i was effective. Its a great mod and worth some time playing, at least on Tavania, which is beautiful.
  21. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    +1 for a bandit arm band, and please give the game just a hint of back story about why we think they have arm bands and are killing survivors, something to make sense of the violence. Right now it makes no fucking sense. There is the possibility that you'd get a bandit arm band early on from defending yourself. Its the LONG TERM that is important. Or do people just want to play this game for a couple weeks? Hopefully this game is going to be more interesting and fun to play than that. But some people do care, that is the point. There are a lot of friendlies out there and people like myself don't want to shoot them as much as we WANT to shoot bandits.
  22. libertine

    Dynamic Weather

    It shouldn't have to be difficult and there is no reason it needs to be set across different servers.
  23. libertine

    Don't mind my rage

    This is kind of an important topic. There is so much movement related stuff in the game which seems like it must be "approved" on the server first before the client can do it, but it just seems really wrong.
  24. libertine

    Grenades in DayZ,what you think?

    Yeah, you should be able to cook it by holding the throw button down for a bit.
  25. libertine

    Best Character Contest.

    No goofy ass glasses, I win. :facepalm: