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Everything posted by libertine

  1. libertine


    easier to double click inventory items to transfer. Nice video.
  2. A year or more is how long people could take to make other maps, or more, just the modeling part. I'd like to make a Ruined New York map, like in Legend, with a full sewer system and burnt out skyskrapers with individual floors. Go'n take awhile....
  3. libertine

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    edit: ah fuk it....
  4. libertine

    Zombies should run faster than players

    +1 Definitely faster than they are. I had a zombie chasing me last night for the first time who gained on me in the beginning. I was like holy shit, now this could be a problem. If you want to make your zombies a dangerous threat, you've got to make them a dangerous threat. I just don't know how they're going to do this and make them look real and sophisticated....
  5. libertine

    Extreme Rubberbanding is active again all the time

    Mine, which made it so i couldn't really play in an area larger than Elecktro, has been solved. Strange.
  6. libertine

    Balance FPS and Player View Distance

    I don't see any screenshots of players beside yourself in the main menu...
  7. libertine

    I just think the blood system needs to go...

    Its only about 10 minutes to get your full amount of blood back if your are in a "healthy" state, which you gain by eating.
  8. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Um, but figuring out who is a murderer and who shot in self defense is not. So, any tips? (on the thing that i spend the majority of my time doing in SA and in the mod)
  9. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Including me, I killed about 15 armed guys (bandits? who knows...) today and a few last night, mainly in Electro, trying to pass through, pick up a good set of gear and head to Cherno. I did it out of shear boredom. In my normal playstyle, no one would have died. Thing is, I don't mind killing the PVP'ers, but i do not want to kill the guy exploring/admiring the view and playing realistically, as if they were there. Nor do i want to kill the 2 guys in the armed group of four i killed last night if they aren't PVP'ers, splitting them up, and making them wait for others etc.
  10. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    How do you identify a bandit in a non-boring way?
  11. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    The hero/villain thing should be taken out IMO. Just make the habitual murderers the military, trying to cleanse the virus from Chernerus. Re-name the heros "the resistance". With the survivors inbetween. Also, from this a more balanced form of PvE than the total PvE some servers have, as you could turn off friendly fire, encouraging the social realism that PvE adds while retaining a lethal military antagonist. All realitic, enhancing believability and immersion...
  12. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    The "console type addition" is also then the unrealistic, unbelievable and all too often un-immersive murdering. Putting a label to the people who habitually kill others, such as military/mercenary "sterilizing" the area makes the killing realistic,believable and the game more immersive in my opinion. The only realistic killing in when people surprise each other in door ways with both their guns up and even thats a stretch. Um, the VERY POPULAR mod called DayZ had bandit identification. It had it in the form of a head scarf. The Origins mod for DayZ had a series of pretty cool full re-skins and was a breath of fresh air to be able to protect survivors and fellow "heros" and it great to hunt bandits down from afar. In SA it is next to impossible to make a positive identification unless you just sit over watching new spawns (fuck that).
  13. libertine

    DayZ Spawn Points - Mass Suicide

    If they removed the loot at Balota, and instead distributed that loot in other places in the south, like some wrecked Humvees and small camps, etc, I'd prefer the old spawns too, or both together, because i don't see people for hours on end now. Didn't seem to happen that much before.
  14. libertine

    Terrible FPS after patch

    I had to use nvidia inspector to re-establish dayz.exe to use the Arma 2: OA profile to get SLI to work. DayZ.exe was selected for it, but after i removed it and re-selected it, it worked.
  15. libertine

    An incredibly new players perspective.

    The night time start is a tough one i agree i don't even play at night actually because its ridiculous unfortunately to turn your flashlight on. But not knowing what is going on about anything, during the daytime, makes for an incredible rewarding, immersive gaming experience. Put yourself there and care about your life as if it were your own.
  16. libertine

    Finally found a Mosin, and left it there

    I think its a bug, didn't used to be that way, but someone may know more.
  17. libertine

    Should this be called fun?

    You are absolutely right. This is in NO WAY Captain Shooty McShooterman's Team Deathmatch Extravaganza, its Captain Shooty McShooterman's Team Deathmatch Extravaganza. Big, big difference.
  18. libertine

    New Experimental build

    Since there is no respawn of items, if one or more people have taken the same path ahead of you, then things will be potential all gone. NEAF is a popular destination.
  19. libertine

    Is this OK for young teens?

    There are tons of better single player games for a 14 year old IMO. Mass Effect. Stalker. Metro 2033....
  20. Its not that people suck... They just get bored and/or want more excitement and/or don't know how to immerse themselves in the game very well and focus on combat. But the KOS and the all out battles aren't going anywhere and they will never make any sense unless they apply a label to people that KOS, such as rogue military.
  21. libertine

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    Well, i just made a huge response to your post, but got erased somehow when submitting it, but im not typing that all out again. Moral of the story was: All opinions are as valid as the next. The only valid concern is that PvE players are know what they're missing and loot gathering.
  22. libertine

    ACOG/M68 Zoom explained

    Yes, I hope they solve the problem of FOV affecting the zoom levels.
  23. libertine

    Panic Logging...

    Just keep the player in the world for 2 minutes after he logs.
  24. libertine

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    Sometimes people aren't sure what they want and when pushed into something they weren't expecting to do get something out of it and realize what they were missing. Just as often people know exactly what they want and don't want and are aware of all choices and have made their choice wisely, for themselves. I agree with that, i was only addressing his condemnation of their play style. Its a little Hitler'esc, and bothered me also because of the friendly looking package it came in.
  25. libertine

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    ...and this is just a friendly reminder that it aint any of your fuckin business how they play.