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Everything posted by libertine

  1. I overheard some very young folks talking about using it as an exploit and they knew how to get in and out with ease. PM me if you need details i don't want to post it.
  2. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    That doesn't help people hunt murderers (and get free loot btw) like they do to us and it doesn't help us engage in PVP with "questionable rules of engagement" like so many others do without sending a few peaceful explorers back to the shore, something i hate the thought of. Having just grouped up with people for the first time last week, i'll add that i hate the thought of separating and group of "heroes" from each other as it can be a serious pain in the ass to get back together or ruin plans. There shouldn't be good or bad guys in my opinion, just gray and gray. I think Ideally there would be 3 factions i think because that would allow for 2/3 of the server to be your KOS enemies and more targets too. Military/mercenary vs. bandit group vs. caught in the crossfire survivors. A man can dream...
  3. libertine

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    The code could currently simply apply -x multiplier to the base FOV to determine zoom level. Im saying evaluate it so it is a fixed minimum value or set the same regardless of FOV. Other games have done this. Also, there is no need for the FOV slider to go so slow, so they can chop plenty of in the code.
  4. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Wow, wow now. That guy is obviously an expert, i'd like to hear from the genius who wrote that amazing post. This is my opportunity to expand my knowledge.
  5. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I have encountered many friendly groups wearing camo and i have heard many forum posts about groups who do only vigilante work. Search the forums, just about everyone wears camo. "i hope you have good information and judge of character that you didnt kill innocents" Yes, this is exactly the problem, there is no way to know forcing players to spend hours and hours in a search to possibly witness a murder that wasn't for sure self defense. It's all i do and its fucking damn near impossible to do without wanting to kill yourself out of boredom. If im hunting bandits im a bandit? Wha? im a vigilante who hunts murderers and i don't shoot unless people shoot at me. 3. How would they have enhanced hearing and smell? I don't see why they would and i hope they don't because difficult zombie AI combined with realistic sneaking mechanics could be very rewarding and believable, which is important to immersion, it would support our innate human instincts and in all likelihood "feel" right. Having zombie with super hearing would be annoying imo, like the Epoch servers i've tried, which put me off from playing the mod since it was so unbelievable to me. I've sprinted almost silently before, for example.
  6. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Do we bend over then before we say hi or after or?
  7. So realistic and authentic! WOW!
  8. libertine

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    If have to dress like that not to be kos'ed by other non-bandits while up high in Cherno protecting other survivors, well, i'll just keep on getting killed then.
  9. libertine

    Can Hackers Make You Lag / Lose Control?

    I was thinking having their hands cut off would be better, keeping them from using the computer. Almost getting to the point where it seems appropriate.
  10. libertine

    Why I Am Friendly

    Im a friendly player who plays as a vigilante, rarely killing anyone when i solo, but i'd rather have full on PVP with military vs. survivor factions. I don't get the friendly stuff as things are now really as there are not enough "antagonists" in the game as it is and giving players food and stuff sort of takes away from the only other meaningful aspect of the game a little bit IMO which is the survival aspect.
  11. I hope its 2 minutes or more on most servers.
  12. libertine

    Dayz Backstory?

    :facepalm: The "the story is your own story" answer. Not sure about back story, but in terms of fleshing the world out in a cool way, bringing in some more mystery, strange happenings, an unknown dangerous military/gov/scientific presence, etc, would be very welcome to experienced players i would think. Chernerus needs a little more creepiness IMO. To do that, i think you would need a little hint of a back story or "lore".
  13. libertine

    How Big Is The World Right Now?

    Too big for 40 players, during the daytime at least.
  14. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    The pantsless Vietnam is what is absurd. I don't want goofy powerful +easy to use sniper rifles either.
  15. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Sad that i can't see that? I have 250 hour in SA. I have 6 times that at least in the mod. I spent most of my time in Origins, which had bandit skins. The mod had bandit skins.... I think i know wtf i want and wtf i don't want thanks... The fact is that the way i play would PERSONALLY be enhanced if there was a small, faded armband for murderers and people who Please, for the love of the gods try playing solo as a vigilante, only engaging people you can identify as 100% positive bandit/murderer and realistically, as if you care greatly about your life and also the lives of others, at least more so than an avatar in the game. That is how i get my immersion.
  16. libertine

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    Anything camo because that is the best way to hide from zombies who's vision is based on human sight and so is the sight of human KOS'ers, smart people using camo are generally nicer and level headed than ignorant people, also empathy is learned and is why the poor give more of a % of their income to others. My theory anyway, tyvm.
  17. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Didn't you see "/dumbass posts" up there? Thats part of what this thread is about. Giving players who play realistically more opportunities to get some gun play and kill murderers.
  18. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    You can design an identification system that supports all those emotions still, but gives vigilante players who only target 100% positive bandit I.Ds something to shoot at more often and give pure survivalist PvE leaning players more of a chance to have more REALISTICALLY friendly encounters with other survivalists.
  19. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    /dumbass posts How do you identify bandits? How many fucking people will keep up this retarded claim that they know who bandits are. My main mode of play is vigilante and i can tell you that you go for hours and hours and hours between actual 100% positive bandit identifications, perhaps unless you want to engage in the goofy dumbass battles on the coast which have almost nothing to do with a cool apocalypse experience.
  20. libertine

    People Suck.

    Is this POS on these forums?
  21. Forgot pebbles in the road, low hanging branches and strong opposing winds. All, very VERY dangerous.
  22. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    No, were definitely not alone. Look at how popular the mod was, and i never encountered a server that didn't use them. Only during the beginning period where Rocket took them out as an experiment were they not there, then they were back in. Only a small fraction of the player base post here it is said and IMO not many people like to get involved in discussions at page 28.
  23. libertine

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

  24. libertine

    Any piece of clothing you associate with bandits?

    Yep, kill anything protecting himself from the others KOS'ers and zombies. Great thinking. Oh, and keep on killing me in my camo gear/M4/scoped Mosin while protecting other survivors in Cherno, etc. Great job. FANTASTIC WORK SHERLOCK HOLMES