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Everything posted by libertine

  1. libertine

    Hard Hat

    Hard hat feature to become spotted from miles away: working. Saw a guy wearing one while looking for bandits in the apartments above balota, he was so easy to follow.
  2. libertine

    5 min rollback

    @OP: Yep They were constantly crashing/resetting last night too.
  3. libertine

    Raw Mouse Input Is Crucial To Immersion

    Im going to try this acceleration fix, the World of Warcraft one... http://wowinterface.com/downloads/info13581-LeatrixLatencyFix.html ...and i hope i don't get banned.
  4. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    As an almost pure survivor/vigilante, i do this in the mod and in SA initially, wearing only a blending top and light'ish jeans, no bright colors and I was still careful, even at times looking out every window i passed while looting to scan around. I had a guy come around the corner right when i was rounding another corner, I with holstered M4, he armed with M4. I stopped, put my hands up, said "Wow, hey, friendly... hows it goin man?" Without skipping a beat, he continues jogging, comes to me, slows to a walk near me, aims his M4 while still walking and executes me. He was wearing exclusively civilian clothes. And thats not nearly the first time. Thats why i want factioned PVP with band....err, murderer identification. If he was from another faction, such as the military, out to kill civilians to stop the virus and i was some sort of resistance (not a f'ing "hero") it would not only have been more acceptable, it would have made sense and possibly increased immersion. As it was, it felt like some goofball in his pajamas and one sock with half an erection got lucky in a weird PVP game.
  5. libertine

    My new play style and rules of engagement

    As an almost pure survivor/vigilante, i do this in the mod and in SA initially, wearing only a blending top and light'ish jeans, no bright colors and I was still careful, even at times looking out every window i passed while looting to scan around. I had a guy come around the corner right when i was rounding another corner, I with holstered M4, he armed with M4. I stopped, put my hands up, said "Wow, hey, friendly... hows it goin man?" Without skipping a beat, he continues jogging, comes to me, slows to a walk near me, aims his M4 while still walking and executes me. He was wearing exclusively civilian clothes. And thats not nearly the first time. Thats why i want factioned PVP with band....err, murderer identification. If he was from another faction, such as the military, out to kill civilians to stop the virus and i was some sort of resistance (not a f'ing "hero") it would not only have been more acceptable, it would have made sense and possibly increased immersion. As it was, it felt like some goofball in his pajamas and one sock with half an erection got lucky in a weird PVP game.
  6. libertine

    Raw Mouse Input Is Crucial To Immersion

    Any programmers that could make a test program that allowed us to edit ranges, limits and other values so we can figure this out? It kind of a complex issue to me. It represents your body, head, eye and gun movement, all at the same time. All for a FOV to the world much smaller than the just about 180 degree from real life. I think alt look head movement should be 1:1 as its so easy to move your head around with your eyes doing half the work to get where you want to look. I think it should be fast, if you whip your head around and look behind you as far as your neck will allow, as fast as you can, i think most will agree. I don't think 1:1 is the quite the answer for combat though. Maybe sorta 1:1 with a speed limit with a smoother (wider?) acceleration ramp and a little gun momentum that had a little learning curve to it (a great thing IMO) that varied by weight of weapon. By "momentum" i mean the gun lags behind the mouse movement a little bit. One odd thing about 1:1 is that it is more immersive for me when walking around in game worlds, because i have gotten used to taking it upon myself to control the gun as if it were real, like a swat team does, or carefully and smoothing when sneaking through bushes, etc. Yet still "twitch" when i need to. One thing i would like to suggest is whatever smoothing algorithm John Carmack put into Doom 3, which had no addition of lag (that i noticed, it may have had some), just smooth, smooth panning. Mice should have built in smoothing that doesn't add lag, most of mine are jerky, stuttering when trying to pan smoothly around. The negative is such a cluster F, especially at low framerates and with high input lag displays. Another bad thing about making small movements with the mouse to do things at normal speed is that small movements have been shown to be very taxing on the wrists.
  7. libertine

    SKS A mix of DMR and M14 ?

    I tried sniping a zombie near the barracks buildings at balota from the western most apartment building with a pristine long range scope and a pristine SKS and the bullet hit the wall behind the zombie, but about 20 meters the the left. Yikes.. Oh, i was crouched on a balcony though.
  8. libertine

    High data traffic while playing DayZ

    Lets face it, it could use some improvement probably. You shouldn't need to be updated frequently on anything in DayZ happening beyond your visual range unless its a fast moving plane/car perhaps. Yet in the mod, chaos in another part of the map could tank your framerate. Care to clarify that? I would think MMO's have quite a bit more resources.
  9. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Whys that? because my preferred play style is different than yours? Because im one of the legions that enjoyed the mod which had bandit skins? I bet your one of the pantsless warriors out there aren't you, making the game "authentic" and realistic aren't you? Or are you one of the karate experts with the high pitched voices chasing people? You enjoy that shit don't you. Are you bandit btw? Cause if you are you, holy sheit, you got some explainin to do cause that would make you one big puss.
  10. Noticed they brought back the heavy eye brightness adaptation (actually in the previous patch), often making bright scenery look way too dark and dark scenery look far too light. I was so happy when it was gone in SA, or at least i thought it was. One of the things i disliked most about Arma 2.
  11. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Im talking about DayZ vanilla Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Only for a brief trial period did it not have skins....and they went back to them. Fuck, i was just playing it the week before SA came out using several different servers.
  12. libertine

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    They could, but it causes quite a few problems for those with larger monitors and projectors, who need a slighting larger FOV in both directions.
  13. libertine

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    :facepalm: You have an almost 180 degree FOV in real life. Put your hand up beside your head like someone is holding you up with a gun. Hold them 90 degrees from your eyes and stare straight forward. Now wiggle them slightly and notice them moving. No standard tech today come even close to our real life FOV and many older gamers are extremely disappointed at the slow pace of tech development. Its much more immersive and its a key component, 2nd to the life-like 3D effect, which makes the Occulus Rift so immersive. Fun fact for anyone interested. One of the reasons that larger screens are so important to immersion is that it not only allows us to increase the FOV, but also allows the size of objects to match their real world size they would take up in our vision. Using 3D vision for a example is amazing on the 46" 3DTV i use, but it looks weird on a small 27" with the FOV cranked up high because it look tiny despite being on the right distance in the 3rd dimension.
  14. libertine

    DayZ.... The game?

    Everything will change when they implement respawning loot. The loot could even carry over from resets if they wanted.
  15. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    You guys are making me laugh because what i am describing is a little program called DAYZ MOD, CREATED BY A GUY NAMED ROCKET, WHICH HAD BANDIT SKINS....
  16. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Wha? I'd say sticking to my strict moral rules of engagement and hardly ever killing anyone, despite wanting to PVP more is pretty damn unlazy. How many fucking hours DO YOU have in SA and the mod?
  17. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Right now, having 250 hours in SA, i would call what we have now a mix of deathmatch and group deathmatch. Whats a good idea or not is all a matter to opinion isn't it. The same as in the mod which had it?... It has a lot to do with the limitations of any play-style whos basis is a strict rules of engagement limiting the amount of action you see while making it so the action you do get involves being shot at first from a guy who popped around a corner while you were looking the other way, taking all your shit time and time again. You might say be more careful and i'd respond with im probably in the top .5% of careful players. Origins mod had full skins and i was shot by as just as many survivors without bandit skins if not more. The difference for people with my play style, is that now if i see a serial murderer with a red armband, i can go get him. I personally don't want a full proof system, i want to retain a certain amount of uncertainty, i just want some targets to take out myself without spending 40 hours of playtime between them as there just isn't nearly enough explorable area or other survival activities to make the game fun after a certain amount of time IMO and what i fear too is that none of the stuff they will add, like hunting, will be nearly NEARLY enough to fill in those gaps. I guess confronting people and gauging their responses seems boring to me, plus i hate to say it but im older than most DayZ players i hear speaking and i don't like chating it up with young folks as we generally have little in common and its a little awkward sometimes. As far as people who've let you passed. I've seen so many youtube videos of people giving a friendly hello, then being killed by another team member for their weapons that unless you are safer in a group this makes no sense to me. Its just more people to avoid, more people watching. I want to hunt [fictional] evil and i'd like "bandits" to not be labeled "bad", but just other survivors paid by the remaining military/gov structure to kill survivors to stop the further spread of the virus. With "heroes" simply people who know about it and are resisting that. The [hard to see, faded] red armbands themselves becoming the [fictional] way that these mercenary survivors identify each other to keep from killing each other, with perhaps a red cross on it to draw in innocent survivors.
  18. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Yes, this is my whole problem with not having identification, i play as a vigilante and it is far too time consuming to try and witness a murder that you know for sure wasn't just self-defense from a guy exploring the map. I have never witnessed a robbery either, not once in SA or the mod. So if i, as a responsible vigilante, the game becomes a people watching game. I want action, but i don't want to KOS PvE types, nor separate these types from each other when they are grouping because it is a huge pain in the ass to get together. Full on factioned PVP is the best solution for my playstyle.
  19. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Why are you all assuming this is going to make the game easier? This is going to make it so "heroes" start engaging enemies more instead of leaving them be. This puts heroes in more danger because now we are closing to the enemy with plenty of chance to be seen and killed ourselves. It makes the game more dangerous for murderous players too. I killed 15 armed players in a day when i got bored and decided to PVP, when i normally would have steered clear of them. Furthermore, we can design this system any way we want, putting the difficulty anywhere we choose.
  20. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Nobody here in this thread is asking for KOS to go away, we want to increase it. Well, i do. I want all out war (in a way, not literally) and i want all my enemies to have good weapons too and KOS me the moment they see me. Thats not nerfing.
  21. Cause a virus would wipe out all cars...
  22. libertine

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    Why on earth would anyone aim their guns or have gun at the ready in a land where unknown groups of people killing others on sight, even helpless unarmed folks. Presumably we can assume our characters should know that at this point if we've been playing DayZ for ages. I personally where military clothes to blend in. I see red/orange/green clothing and backpack colors from much further away on other players than camo clothing. If you watched the PC Gamer stream where the camo guy was leading the pack, they had trouble following him through the woods. But i just know this from observing players regardless. I walk slowly crouched because i want to see other players before they see me, I have my gun out because if someone KOS'es me, i want to take him with me and i have received no mercy after putting my hands up the several times i used to walk around with my gun holstered and caught off guard. You'll find me aiming a mosin or an M4 with an ACOG on sniper points in Cherno, protecting survivors if i can, using the scope to see better. I bet i've been killed just as often or more so by guys with very loose rules of engagement than pure PVP KOS players. Lastly, in a game with lag, where you can aim you gun and shoot before the other players computer even received the signal that you lifted your gun up, it really helps to aim at another player your encounter with a weapon out, especially if they have an M4 or magnum at close range.
  23. libertine

    Quit Talking About Killing Bandits

    But thats where everyone is. If you want to counter-snipe thats a good place to go. The alternative is to sit for hours somewhere with lower populations praying to witness a killing that you can somehow positively identify wasn't self-defense. As someone who does this the majority of the time I can tell you this is not very fun for long.
  24. libertine

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I think you misunderstood me, i wasn't referring to your post. Way over my head in what?