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About jdhayward

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  1. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    Thanks a lot!
  2. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    It wasn't your name either so I apologise for my accusations!
  3. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    Okay well that's fair enough. I did check a good while after ward and I still couldn't get on. I'll try it again tonight and see if the ban has been lifted. It did seem sketchy as someone was kicking off at me in side chat on voice as it happened and all my gear disappeared. Oh well problem solved I guess. Does this bug happen often?
  4. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    Displays the usual battleye client message with ban/admin at the end
  5. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    Beside this electro is a notorious pvp hot spot and killing other players is fair game. If not we all run around away from each other up north with powerful guns not doing much.
  6. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    Read above. I'd been on server many times and seen the sort of kit people had. We had to kill someone to get the DMR my partner had. Why would I kill for some road flares?
  7. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    We did the airfield and we had been on the server before. Not a lot of fresh spawns at all. We'd been nearly killed by a guy with an AK once and had seen at least 2 other people with similar weapons and one ghillied up guy with a DMR. Fresh spawns have nothing to steal so why bother.
  8. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    Just at the top of the hill opposite the other fire station, the one to the right of the mart if your viewing from the hill.
  9. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    I'm sorry but I'm failing to understand the rage here. My last character survived for 181 days over a 7 month period of on and off playing and I discovered pretty quickly that people shoot at you which is part of the 'survival experience' We had good gear and wanted to do some pvp against other people with weapons. If not the game just becomes 'farmyard hatchet simulator 2014' How is it fair to get banned for playing the game in a certain play style. It's a zombie apocalypse for crying out loud. Not everyone wants to be best buddies.
  10. jdhayward

    FR 34 Ridiculous admin ban

    Sorry I posted in the wrong place. It was indeed the mod
  11. Me and my friend (Rear Admiral) in game were banditing on FR 34 and killed a couple of people. We are then both killed and run back for our stuff. I find a m9 in elektros fire station after which I start sprinting for my corpse. I then hear something unintelligible in side chat and receive an admin ban for playing the game...The way it's meant to be played. Is there anyway this can be reversed or contested. Seems ridiculous to get booted from a good, populated server for being a bandit
  12. Hello everyone Ive just downloaded this awesome mod and im slowly trying to get to grips with it. Just wondered if anyone would be willing to play with me and show me the ropes, i have a mic etc Im not really sure how to join 'friends' games though. sorry if i sound like such a 'tard. Its an awesome mod though and i love the depth of this growing masterpiece. Good community too! Im free all of tomorrow if anyone is willing to train me :)