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About Digby

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Any news of any support on this map for patch v1.7.5.1 please? Thanks.
  2. Not interested in the stolen Vilayer map but does the original community map support the new patch code, and if not, are there plans to add it? Thanks.
  3. Does the map support patch features yet, please?
  4. Useful thread, thanks! Any chance that info about which maps already support patch could be added? Or if they are being worked on to include it?
  5. Digby

    DayZ Mod Update

    No "FoodgoatmeatRaw"? Shame the bacon wasn't called pork as bacon is only got from a pig after processing the meat while all raw pig-meat is 'pork'. LOL.All in all - great job! Thanks!
  6. Rolle's usage of the term doesn't need correcting, since its his opinion. Just FYI, his 50 spot server RP1 is at capacity during game daylight hours and its very hard to get on. 2 servers are running with day/night cycles in opposition and both are busy. Community has 1000 members. Sems a lot of people share Rolle's opinion on what makes DayZ more enjoyable to play.
  7. But better late than never. Good patch. Thanks to all for the work, including those who did a great deal of work but may not have been recognised, you were ALL a part of the community that delivered this.
  8. So if the victim turns and aims his weapon at the first warning, and shoots the bandit in the head the victim is free to do that, yet at that point (before several warnings have been given) the bandit cannot even open fire. Interesting.I suppose you would have to be a stupid bandit to get so close and reveal yourself that the victim could see you and aim instantly but even so... Its a big advantage to the victims.
  9. The basis of an RPG using Dayz is a great idea. Well done for implementing it. I am still confused though, about your rules that permit and don't permit shooting.What happens if the bandit commands someone to drop his gun and he doesn't? He doesn't shoot back, he doesn't hide, he doesn't try to escape. He just stands there and points his gun at the bandits face. The person being robbed isn't taking any action whereby the rules allow the bandit to open fire, yet the survivor may open fire at any time as he is being robbed. That response seems to me to be the most likely and yet it doesn't fit into any of the rule areas to permit someone to shoot. Banditry seems guaranteed to fail under these rules.
  10. Wait. I'm discussing present day theft of computer code and you're fucking talking about the... Huns? What fucking planet is your brain on? You think that's a relevant debating point? I suppose you also think Hitler had some good ideas - I mean he had to be right with an army that tough, surely? I think we'll wrap the conversation up there, you're clearly down in a lower order of primates with these thoughts. "You don't steal, you ask nicely." Now go away and write that out a hundred times, little chap.
  11. I don't hate to break it to you at all... in fact I'm loving breaking it to you. Its only how the world works if you're a thief, pirater (same thing), copyright infringer (hm, same thing again), or hacker (oh look), or other form of scumbag asshole.The world works by people creating things and having the ownership rights to them and others who want them either paying a fee to use them or buying them or asking decently if its a case of free code in a game mod. You are another person who wasn't taught plain good manners as a kid. You don't take, you ASK. Its not a case of legalities its a case of morals. One causes upset, frustration, disrespect and fragments a community, the other generates only positive effects and results. This isn't anything to do with fanboyism, its to do with what is right and what is wrong. If you can't tell the difference you are not qualified to hold an opinion on the matter. I have been in too many communities where this has happened before and in every. Single. Case. Badshit would have been avoided if only people had acted decently and been polite and asked. That's all.
  12. Pay them money to play on a server that uses stolen code. If you want to play a very similar mod for free, go here:http://forums.dayzredux.com/ Hey, Maximus, banning people who complain from your forums. You've stolen Sergey's ideas too!
  13. hahhahaha haha hah aahhoo hohoh hoh hhaa... hummmmm...You need to grow up and learn how the world works dude. I was a moderator on a train simulator forum a few years back and the community was ruined by people taking others code from free 3D models, textures and sound files and using it without permission. Model authors removed whole blocks of their work from the server library because they were sick of thieves "showing their admiration by copying" their work. Its stealing. Its morally wrong. Do you understand that? The way it works is for others to show respect to original works by contacting the author and asking permission. How hard is that? How much stronger is any community when that happens? People need to think before they act. Or write unhelpful forum posts.
  14. Guys, its so simple. If you want to use someone else's work, you ASK PERMISSION FIRST and only proceed WHEN THEY SAY YES. You also abide by any restrictions they may want to impose. Just because its a mod of a mod does not make it okay to steal anothers work and hard effort. The fact the code is on the Redux website does not make it a free invite to take it and run bits of it on your own server. The mod is there for players to download and play on the two Redux servers. What hapened to decency, good manners and respect? If you had an ounce of self-respect in your bodies you'd take Venthos' (who is is vorthos guy? You can't even get his name right) code off your server and apologise. Shame on you.
  15. Why does your character start hyperventilating and crying with fear when he's injured and zeds are close by or beating on him then?Almost all the suggestions of the OP have boiled down to discussions about long range shooting and the technicalities of making it harder to do it at longer ranges. Why not include, as someone a couple of pages back suggested, a compeletly random drift/inaccuracy element. A cone of fire that gets bigger the farther away the target is? Seems extremely simple to me and answers just about every question and situation everyone has brought up. As others have said, remember our survivors are ordinary people, many of whom probably never handled a gun before or only handled a simple one such as a farmer with a shotgun (this is a rural area in Russia, not the USA). You average person does not know much about sniping and what affects a bullet over long distances, and even if he did, he would be technically untrained and unable to effectively correct for the problem. Ammunition should be extremely rare, and would be much rarer in the game if people didn't dupe the damn stuff. How many anti-materiel rifles are lying around the average small barracks in a rural military airfield? How many military helicopters really would crash in a given 225sqkm area in a given day and not mangle their human and equipment cargo into twisted rubbish? The commonality of hi-end military kit in the game is way too high and its way too easy to use. The issue of drawing survivor graphics at long ranges when really a prone stationary figure would be invisible is easily addressed by making the figure slightly ghostly/fainter as the range increases or offsetting its location slightly from where it actually is. In some ways while its great that ArmAII provided the base game for Dayz its also a great pity because far too many hi-end military grade weapons got included. I realise Rocket was working mostly alone and so porting over existing mechanics and items was a quick way to get the mod finished but a lot of logical links were broken such as batteries for GPSs, NVGs and rangefinders and the sheer difficulty of maintanence for many of these guns. For more immersion I would prefer to see a hand-to-hand combat system created (it doesn't have to include a whole slew of wuxia moves) and a whole string of melee weapons in the stand-alone. To make melee weapons worthwhile would mean making guns rare, or at least the ammo for them. Most guns should be civilian weapons and they should be quite rare, with ammo only spawning with guns.