Your Real Name: Noah -Name is for those I can trust- Your Screen Name: aznboi589 Where Are You From: USA Your Age: 20 How Long Have You Been Playing Arma: One Year Did You Start Because Of DayZ: No, but I did get into DayZ Do You Have Any Recording Software: Yes Do You Have A Skype: Yes Can You Be A Leader: Yes How Regularly Do You Play Arma: 5 hours Plus How Well You Work With A Team (1-10): 10 Why You Would Like To Join (4 sentences or more): I'm more into Squad based team work, I can work on my own but I'd rather have people I can trust to be around, rather then having to take my chances each time with someone, and having them turn their backs on me when I'm at my weakest. Not much else to explain, if anyone is interested in Joining me from time to time, catch me on Skype, You know my screen name.