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About inch

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    System Security, Application Development. Shooting stuff! ;-)
  1. inch

    Build Rolling Update

    For all those whom are again having issues getting hold of this. Mirrors are as follows; http://fr1.dayz.nu/ http://se1.dayz.nu/ http://uk1.dayz.nu/ http://uk2.dayz.nu/
  2. 01010111 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100111 01101001 01101111 01101110 01010111 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 01010111 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 01100111 01100101 01110100 Lol at the message. :D
  3. inch

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    It's best not to state a expected release date as something could go wrong which could hold it back.
  4. inch

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Just to those whom are complaining about "where is the anti hacks" update list. You're forgetting that making any change to do with preventing these "hacks" is one huge job. We're working on this as part of the community development. However its a huge co-ordination between all members of the community DevTeam and Staff. We've got to test server load, client load, in-corporate it into BE etc. So... to any trolls my reply: https://mlkshk.com/r/D00U
  5. Make sure you dont have the old hiveEXT.dll, also make sure you copied over the new .dlls.
  6. inch

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Screw that I want a pet COW! OP quick source of blood.
  7. inch

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    We'll see how this release goes, expect another to follow :)
  8. inch

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    More testing to be done on the next one now :) CDN should be updated too! FR: http://fr1.dayz.nu/ SE: http://se1.dayz.nu/ UK1: http://uk1.dayz.nu/ UK2: http://uk2.dayz.nu/
  9. Hi all, I'm shutting down all my Standard DayZ Servers. UK129, 201, 226. I'll be moving onto private setups. Thanks,
  10. Is your server reading the correct config? Have you entered the max ping value correctly? Should be something like this 'MaxPing 250' Your start up string should also look something like this; -port=2326 -mod=expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@DayZ;@Hive -name=Server-DayZ -config=[Drive]:\Server-DayZ\Server-DayZ.cfg -cfg=[Drive]:\Server-DayZ\Arma2-DayZ.cfg -profiles=[Drive]:\Server-DayZ -Name=Server-Dayz, is the folder it'll create within your config directory. This is normally where your active BE.cfg normally is. If you have any problems/questions let me know.
  11. inch

    I'm on IRC

    Surprised no one gave him beans. Gutted.
  12. inch

    I'm on IRC

  13. inch

    Despawning bodies

    I've had no other complaints, I myself have died and gone back for my kit. I had 100 people on the other day no issues.
  14. inch

    UK226 teleport

    OK thanks for the heads up.