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Everything posted by Obvious

  1. No probs Winchester ^^
  2. It's funny to see how you got them to bomb on my thread Fox. But whatevs, time will reveal the truth anyways. Your hack account got banned already, and soon, your main account shall be next. ^^
  3. Obvious

    Omega-6 DayZ Clan

    There´s no order in the TS, there´s always this guy who creates disorder by toying with his mic. Noone can do anything about that guy, since he is the clan leader; Fox. I have seen too many members die because of your "Professionalism" Fox.. Even you died from friendly fire because you didn't identify yourself ingame, and then you start to ragequit because you died. Also, anyone who steals a heli from Omega 6, will have their rotors broken in midair by Fox's hacks. And then the server will be restart so that the heli is back alive again. Same story for all vehicles btw, though they started to keep less vehicles so that it became less obvious that there was a hacker in the clan. About 70% of those who kill Omega 6 members and whose names are found out, will be banned from the server as well lol.
  4. Obvious

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    It's still useful for calculating distances and travelling time ^^
  5. Obvious

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I´m at Elektro and in need of blood real badly. I´m almost at the point where I will faint every minute. I have a map, so traveling shouldnt be a problem.
  6. Obvious

    God Save Us All is Recruiting

    Re-Read your last sentence.. Then you'll understand why you guys are no different from bandits. Yes you help new player.. Who have first applied to your clan. But you still kill everyone outside the clan dont you? Thats where lots of survivor clans fail at.. They do "coordinated attacks", which is most times the same as "kill on sight and take their loot".
  7. Obvious

    So I met 10 year old kid...

    Well yeah, 95% is annoying and tops 5% may be mature enough to play.
  8. I happened to have massive FPS lag on this one server, then I got a sudden faint.. And then I got the You Are Dead screen o.o Dafuq just happened.
  9. Obvious

    Death from lag?

    The screen was all gray as well ;/ DE 1255 was the server
  10. Obvious

    So we found an SUV?

    Ah, so that's why the Omega 6 clan disables name tags.. So you can't see the hacker's names ;o Dats why I always play in name tag enabled servers, then you can see each others name and call each other ;3
  11. Obvious

    Will It Run?

    Fraps usually decreases your FPS by 10-20.
  12. Obvious

    In need of a military torch

    I guess he wants all tools :P
  13. So I'm thinking of setting up a camp near a city to catch some travellers to aid them on food and water and maybe some medical supplies while I'm at it. What I need is a friendly appearance; Campfire songs. If people hear my awfully good singing at the campfire, they will surely join in and maybe sing along? So here's my question; What is the best location to set up a campfire where people will notice me but wont aggro zombies? ;o And what songs do you want to request? ^^
  14. Obvious

    Campfire songs and location

    It's time to equip my trusty old hatchet and matchbox and head to electro!
  15. Hurr hurr, cpt obvious. It's ironic how even me, the obvious.hacker, does not use hacks.. Yet a clan leader does ;/
  16. ^I barely comprehended what you tried saying there, but I guess you're right? xD
  17. Obvious

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    How is it not a challenge to team up with someone who might have evil intentions? I'm not the one taking chances, as it's them who get to choose if they want to shoot or team up with me. Also, you're contradicting yourself in your second sentence, since you're simply confirming what I'm saying there, while you're trying to tell me wrong xD And really, again, how is it not more of a challenging to help strangers instead of shooting them all down. Challenging part of shooting strangers = Making the shots count by hitting the target, while not being guaranteed if of satisfaction. Challenge of teaming up with strangers = Helping them survive while exposing your life to great danger, while being guaranteed to have a good time/memory of your good doings. I, as a sane person, would obviously choose the more satisfying option. But there will always be maggots who are too much of a chicken to choose the harder but more satisfying way, and end up choosing the easier and less satisfying way. This happens in real life too you know; "Bullies Bandits are weak insecure people who try to become bigger by picking on other people to make them more miserable than themselves."
  18. Obvious

    Sniping in Heli-crash sites

    Player Killers are the players who are too scared to face the challenge of helping strangers, they just get paranoid from being near a stranger. I for myself was forced to kill 3 survivors who were too scared to approach me without shooting first. The peaceful approach needs to come from both sides ofc. If you think that killing people is a "challenge", then you sir are heavily mistaken. The real challenge in this game is to help strangers survive while they have the ability to kill you.
  19. Obvious

    Successfull trade; It is possible!

    I found my m4a1 cco at the firestation in Elektro or cherno lulz ;o
  20. Obvious

    Hunters Become Hunted

    Thats an awesome story <3
  21. It's got quite some items, since it has like the highest capacity of every vehicle. I even got NVG from it, though i lost them due to a buggy failed save Q_Q Anyways, found it above Cherno, ended up driving it to my friend so he could get some loot as well at north-east airfield. Then we kinda abandoned it. It's a great vehicle that can take down trees and rocks(not sure bout rocks, but wiki says so). Have fun taking it over <3
  22. I have been on the DayZ community TS all day, so the guys there prolly found it ^^ Btw, you can't judge someone on his post count, you should rather google that guy first :P I have got over 6000 posts on the Battlefield Heroes forums ^^ http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/en/forum/showthread.php?tid=252968