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Everything posted by Obvious

  1. I'm playing and I get the feeling of having the eternal loading screen. But at those moments I just switch to my tv and wait for it to load ^^ Works 98% of the time
  2. I lost my DMR and AK74 Kobra to my backpack on my first day playing the game. It happened in an open field.. where it should be easy to notice it being dropped within 30m radius :P
  3. I think it would be a nice addition to the game (in a later stage) to have the ability to broadcast music or announcements through the radio tower in chernarus. The music would be classic music found on music discs. The radio would be found in supermarkets. Announcements would be commands which you can select. This is ofcourse a low priority suggestion, but I just had to post it. ^^
  4. Obvious

    Radio Broadcasting Through Radio Towers

    But then it would become a cursed mountain for a more peaceful/fun objective :P Though, the road towards that fun will take a lot of shooting xD
  5. Obvious

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    Google is your friend. - Inu
  6. Obvious

    The Guns of DayZ (Series)

    The first screen with info should includ: Rarity: Noise: Damage Mag Size Mag Type RoF Recoil Effective Range. Or basically have the information that is given on the wiki: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons
  7. Obvious

    How to play (scary) sounds in DayZ

    I usually run around elektro or cherno with my radio on :P
  8. Obvious


    You're from America; UTC-6 (?) I guess us Europeans won't be able to join in your series ;c Btw, I can make you a better YT background if you want ^^ My YT channel; http://www.youtube.com/user/superduck567
  9. Obvious


    Spawn in kamenka Walk up north and loot 3 deerstands, go north-east and loot barn, continue north-east and loot 3 deerstands, head further north-east and loot 2 dearstands, go north and then to west and loot 3 barns and finish off with a visit to Zeleno market and head down south for more deerstands. Deerstands: At least 10 Barns: 4 Supermarket: 1 Estimated distance of route: 6-7km You should be able to survive fine.
  10. Obvious


    Use the 24h clock when trying to do things like this, I'm too lazy to remember stuff like pm/am when you got the simple 24h clock.
  11. Give them compasses or maps, but no weapons. Getting weapons for free makes the game less fun.
  12. Just found a Lee Enfield, dead bodies and a map. And it gave me an idea; Go to a high populated server and wait at the bus stop for a bus to stop :D But yeah, which bus stop is the most recommended bus stop? Will be shooting the Lee Enfield to signal my camp which I will set up inside of the bus stop. Yes, that was done with paint.
  13. Obvious

    Waiting for a bus at a bus stop.

    Oh lulz, you guys stop it~! You're making me blush here :blush:
  14. Obvious

    Can Someone Explain WTF Happened???????

    There was a bunny on the road, karma did it :P
  15. Obvious

    Your humanity, good or bad, post it!

    Hero skin pics plox? :P
  16. Obvious

    DayZ new edition revealed

    Forums: 90% whiners. <3
  17. Obvious

    Part 2 - Big Foot In DayZ( Video )

    "OMG I SAW BIGFOOT" = "OMG IM LOOKING FOR ATTENTION BUT I DONT HAVE MY LEE ENFIELD EQUIPPED!" Hurr hurr hurr. Reason for thread being popular: "Lulz, dat idiot, gotta watch dat thread"
  18. Obvious

    The most pathetic thing, ever .

    The anti cheat atm is just one that bans you after some time instead of kicking you instantly. First week playing this game got me killed 3 times.. By hackers. First time dying in the game: Bus gets rammed by heli, we all crawl out of bus and get shot by the hacker.
  19. Flying car? That guy had sense for humour!
  20. Obvious


    Put me on your back and I will sing you sweet songs 24/7 :3
  21. Obvious

    Hmm, dearstands

    You need the items to spawn first before you get to pick them up you know :P Walk away 150m and then come back.
  22. Obvious

    Zombie bait

    Just found out that you can pickup flares and chemlights, and I have been wondering if you could distract hordes of following zombies by dropping them?
  23. My wires went down through the roof as well, guess it´s `normal` xD
  24. Don't be fooled by my name. It's simply the name I've had since last year. I used to be a forum regular at the Battlefield Heroes forum, around 6000 posts there. This server is owned by the Omega 6 clan. I have been a member there for 4 days, and I can pretty much say: Their base is easy to raid. The vehicles are fully repaired and filled with weapons. The members are fully geared and are easy to kill with even a makarov PM Well, this is because of the owner of the clan: Legendary Fox. He uses hacks to break down heli rotors, teleport to vehicles, locate survivors' locations, spawn weapons and vehicles and when his vehicles go boom... He will just restart the server so they are back alive again. A server owned by a hacker, don't bother joining the server.