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About shadow_moses

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    South Caroline
  1. shadow_moses

    Arma 3 and the DayZ Mod.

    Thanks everyone for the input. I hear those asshats at CCG have an Arma 3 Dayz Overpoch but I refuse to play there because the founder is the biggest douche nozzle I have ever seen on the interwebs. I have played Breaking point and its good but its not DayZ. Sad that Zoombies was shut down and I have been watching the 2017 Mod. Sad thing is I have DayZ SA and its not even the same.. Plus I cant remember the last time I saw a Zombie in the game.
  2. Hey Everyone, Been a long time since I have been around these parts. I have been really missing this game. For me DayZ SA is not the same game. I like DayZ SA but its not the same. So anyway I was thinking (I would hope that I am not the 1st person to think of this.) was anyone brought up the topic of moving this mod to Arma 3. I have seen other mods moved over to Arma 3. Was wondering why this mod has not been moved over? I searched a little bit for this topic and could not come up with anything solid. Shadow Moses OG
  3. shadow_moses

    mosin long range scope where anyone seen found?

    Military Loot spawns is your answers.
  4. shadow_moses

    2 Accounts with one Steam Copy

    Easiest solution is to buy another copy of the game for your brothers account.
  5. shadow_moses

    Do you think DayZ will go on sale?

    It is on sale for 29.99 there closer we get to Release the more it will most likely cost. Get it now while its 30.00 US dollars.
  6. shadow_moses

    We Need That Update.

    Smh... its a shame really. This post is useless and not really a suggestion. If you read the post about why the patch was delayed you would know there isn't anything that can be done at this moment.
  7. Some of the private servers are having issues with them. I know our server they are not spawning right now. But they do exist.
  8. I already have the BI Tools 2.5 so I am that far. And for some reason this thread was moved to here. It was in Private Hive Discussion. Maybe that was the wrong place too. lol. I was looking for some how to sites or videos.
  9. As the title states I would like to do a US City in Dayz. I have the perfect location selected but I am having trouble figuring out where to even begin importing the map into Arma 2. I have looked all over the Arma 2 Site and Armaholic and could not find much. Most of the articles over there are about customizing maps that have already been added to Arma 2. Anyone have any suggestions or leads as to where I could begin. Please feel free to PM me or post them here. Thanks
  10. shadow_moses

    takin a shit in the standalone

    I can't believe this is an actual thread and hasnt been locked yet. LOLOLOL
  11. Your host is going to be the best place to look for this information. My host has a control panel for the private hive.
  12. shadow_moses

    (Your Predictions)Official Release Date?

    Sooner than we think.
  13. shadow_moses

    Huey VS Blackhawk

    That was some good shooting. Nice Job.
  14. shadow_moses

    An idea about combat D/C'ing and logging out.

    Alt-F4 is your only hope of getting away from a bullet proof hacker at this time too. I like the idea but not until the hacking is more under control