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Everything posted by SmashT

  1. SmashT

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    How is that supposed to work when anyone can alt+f4 and escape.
  2. SmashT

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only, Do not want it to be subscription based Do not want it to be pay to win. I don't mind paying for cosmetic changes though, similar to planetside2's model. I'm not sure, what we have now is good? Both Kickstarter
  3. SmashT

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    I only started playing yesterday, one of my first games someone appeared with a helicopter, said he was friendly and asked if I wanted a lift anywhere, I just started so had no idea where to go, so he took me to his camp, gave me some guns, food etc then dropped me in town. Later on people are telling me that heli's aren't even in the game yet. Anyway I died some time later and spawn back at coast, and what do I see, two guys trying to get a stuck jet out of the trees, can cheaters just spawn anything they want?