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Everything posted by S3V3N

  1. S3V3N

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Interesting. So you need a barrel that doesn't have water in it to dye with bark - odd! Odd because you can dye in the barrel with water when using nails. After I couldn't get bark to work it worked with nails. I just wanted to try bark again, but it's been broken for a while now - it used to work fine in any barrel for me.
  2. S3V3N

    .60 Dev Log / Central Economy

    Really cool to see some more render footage and the information is very welcome. I wonder what kind of dynamic lights they are adding, since they mentioned that. I wonder if they are part of the environment or just something we can place as a player. Even though parity was the goal, I think this footage looks a lot better than anything Dayz was previously capable of. And we'll probably see more particle effects and a visual representation of wind and such (in the way the fog/rain blows). Maybe ;) What I see, I like, so bring it on and let us play :) The longer it takes though, the more time I have to build "Camp Chaos" on 0.59 stable. And that's still fun, too.
  3. You have eagle eyes man! Wouldn't have spotted that myself. From the dev-vid today, I'm guessing we'll see rifles with attachments spawning from 0.60 on. I think I read that somewhere, too. Nice to know the FAL is one of them.
  4. S3V3N

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Heh awesome! First of all I love the lighting with the new renderer and the gradual lighting change! Subtle changes, but they are there. Then I lol'd as I read the itemlist and saw Psilocybin mushrooms. Ok Dayz - weed and shroms - will this be a nightmare simulator? In theory the effects of mushrooms should last very long. Will be fun for force-feeding :) I hope it messes up player controls a bit too.
  5. S3V3N

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Back how? They were in the game in version 0.59, just not everywhere on the map. Since those weren't final in any way, I stopped commenting on their behaviour. The infected are a bit of a diversion now, but no real threat. It's still fun when they are involved in a fight between two gunners. We glimpse an idea of what we might get later. I'm wondering why there aren't any more hotfixes for 0.59. Cars getting stuck and needing driver change to move again, weapon getting stuck in one hand aiming sideways (gangsta!) and a couple more small things like that. I don't think they expect 0.59 to be up + running for much longer, so this will probably just receive some fixing in the next update. I still hope we'll see 0.60 pretty soon on experimental and quickly after that on stable.
  6. S3V3N

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Cool, I totally forgot that boar lets you craft that unique one. Stats are like the improvised backpack? I'll have to get me some boar.That thing looks furry as fuck! My next pillow. Me, I'm enjoying the camp life with my friends. Can't wait till we have base-building to toy around with. I love planning this kind of building stuff ^^
  7. It really shouldn't take longer or even that long. All systems: the zombie/horde AI, character controller, infected inventory, base-building, etc. have all been coded completely or two a point where they can be integrated quickly. Unless some major interaction bugs between the different system prevents them from functioning this should all be added gradually over the course of the next months. After all, the renderer was the main programming work and transitioning all files is a boring task. But now the programmers can reap the fruits of their labors and start messing with all those new systems. They will want to test what they have. Most likely we'll see updates with one or the other system active for testing and only at the end of it all everything will be put to work together.
  8. After 0.60 things will speed up, I think. If not, don't be disappointed. However, 0.59 isn't a bad version of the game. I just think nobody imagined we'd play it for that long. We had camps for weeks and months and it's been fun for me. Though I needed a break too and so did my friends - but we're back at it now and our camp's still here. Great! A lot of programming that has been done or is WIP can only be integrated after the new renderer, so there is reason to hope. And as much as the bugs piss me off, there often are workarounds. The cars have added some dynamics to the map. I'm trying to interact more with others and plan road barriers and attempt trading. It's not perfect, but in 0.59 you can find stuff to do, if you go looking.
  9. S3V3N

    Hunters Map Released

    The red circles are pretty accurate, but I'd suggest looking around those areas. I've been hunting outside the radius of some of these circles (to most locations I've never been).For example, I found deer several times at: 032/016, north of Novaya Petrovka. Your circle is slightly to the east of that and most likely they spawn there too. I find there is almost always water near group animal spawns, so if you see a river near those red circles, it's well worth pacing up and down a bit to check for prey. When animals run away, I can usually find them again in the direction they originally set off to. They don't seem to run very far and especially the deer tend to get stuck somewhere. I find it strange that I seem to have to lead shots on animals pretty far. When they are running, I always hold aim a good deal in front of them. You can see the bullet travel, it is so slow... Adding small info to your stealth section: When animals eat or lay down they are less observant to your movement. If you see an animals head go up and listen, you should not move and stay as low as possible. Once they return to feeding or walk somewhere you can continue moving. This is particularly challenging with groups of 4 animals, because their heads go up and down at different times.
  10. S3V3N

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Last night was a car-session (involuntarily) and lasted far too long. It was a perfect example of how you set out to get one thing done in Dayz and end up doing a bunch of others and playing twice as long as you wanted ^^ First I had to pick up my friend, who was injured, like I wrote in my previous post. He wasn't looking great, his eyes overshadowed and dark. I put him by a fire, fed him antibiotics and coal tablets and forced him to drink an entire jerry can of water. Which led to puking and then for a while it looked like we would get him cured. His status definitely improved, but "healing" basically only flickered up and he was always losing too much water to balance things out with eating/heat. I wanted to keep trying, but my friend suddenly started stripping (I thought because he got hot), pulled out a Glock and shot himself. I wanted to punch him out and tie him up, because I had just dressed up as "Nurse Danger" again, but I wasn't fast enough - patient dead. I then had to pick him up in that fishing village in the far north and flipped the car near Svetlojarsk. Took a while to turn it over again with bow and arrow. I haven't flipped a car in at least a week, but admittedly I drove a little crazy there. Met my friend and got him to drive. We only made it to Nowodmitrovsk, where he turned the car and flipped it on the main road. Weird - maybe it flipped on its own. He managed to put it up against a wall and we baptized it: "Spidercar". It was a ton of work moving it away from the wall with bow and arrow and then it got stuck on a wood pallette lying on the floor. After all the hard work our patience was rewarded by the car not letting us enter. We could still access its inventory and interact with it, just not enter. (After a restart on our final journey back, it was still there and the same - I guess it's somehow bugged and needs to be destroyed now). So my friend went to eat and I went to Green Mountain, where I'd seen a Sedan before. Found it and since I had one wheel and the car had one, I could drive it already. In Rogovo - the next place I went to, I found another Sedan, which had 2 wheels on it an AK74 with mag and 2 more AK mags + ammo inside it. My friend came back in the meantime. Nice, I thought and began putting my wheels on that car. We were excited! After I had finished I found that the other Sedan wouldn't move, despite pristine wheels. So I started moving its inventory to me and back to my car. Only the wheels and a grenade were left. Thoughtlessly I picked up the grenade and not a second later heard the boom and "you are dead". Some genius unpinned the grenade and put them in the car and it went off immediately the moment I put it in my inventory. Nice trap! I respawned in Cherno, while my friend went to check out our car and possibly my body. He arrived too late to loot me, but at least our other car was there. All four tires on the grenade car had been ruined, so we were back down to one tire again. I met up with him and we found two helispawns while running around. I went as far as Stary Sobor and found yet another sedan there (and a barrel next to it). Nice! I took one of its wheels off - it had two - and ran back to my friend. We started our car and drove off; at least I had salvaged the ammo and magazines from that first car. We drove to the car at Stary to get the 3rd wheel and while I was finishing attaching everything we came under fire. It was deep dark night and at first I had no clue where it came from. Inbetween the two cars we were in some cover, but my friend was on the ground and since the shots had missed me, I thought he got injured and bled. I rushed it a little bit, peeked around the car, saw a guy's silhouette against the star sky and gave him a double headshot with the Red9. He returned fire but missed, but his friend got me. I didn't even know there were two. My friend waited in cold blood, until the last guy was looting me. Then he rolled out of the car's cover and opened fire. Reportedly his hands were shaking and he was giggling happily in the car for minutes after. complications while finding wheels: So I respawned near Nowodmitrovsk and made my way back to him. The guys were loaded with ammo and weapons and mysteriously they decided it was a great idea to sneak up on us and open fire (instead of talking), even though they had a scope and a blaze and could have taken us out from a distance. The best explanation is that they were the owners of the other car and were as surprised of meeting us there, as we were with them. My friend was heading my way after looting and storing everything in our 4-wheeled car. Minutes before we met, I saw a herd of 4 cows near the road we would pass. After I got in the car we went back there and hunted. Somehow we completely blew the first approach and they ran away. We chased them with the car and found where they settled down again and I shot 3. We're good on leather guys :) One small thing I did: I gave my friend a scare. I had found a military smoke grenade at the chopper crash and chucked it at the car. I shouted: "oh fuck - the car is on fire!" and my friend panicked briefly, until I told him it was just a smoke. The military ones really make a lot more of it, it seems. So, originally we just wanted to refuel the car and maybe find a military tent. That turned into finding three sedans, losing our own car, finding 2 choppers, getting into a mess with infected and having a battle with two other players during nighttime. I wonder what would have happened, if my friend had cured his illness, instead. We probably would have just sat around the fireplace for another hour. This was way more fun ^^ Finally, we returned to camp cooked the steaks and tanned the pelts, ate and said goodnight. The burlap Jesus: I found a cool camo baseball cap in pristine, which I don't remember having found before:
  11. S3V3N

    Car inventory size

    Though your real-life logic is flawless your ingame logic is flawed. If cars were convenient to store weapons, people would leave them at their camps for storage or take one or two cars just for storage and one for driving around. It would also mean you can clean entire bases with just one car. Realitywise there should be hundred of guns in a military armory, yet we only find a dozen or so; so the amount of weapons and the space available while we loot is already in a balance. I think in the future there should be attachments to the cars like a roof rack, which offer additional space. But the vanilla version of the car is just fine for me. Sometimes I need 2-3 trips instead of one and have to plan what to take and how to do it. That's more interesting than the mod-cars, which you could just load up with scores of items, making those items and the space available much less important than what they feel like now.
  12. S3V3N

    Lockbox + Grenade = FUN

    Aren't these containers persistent at the moment? At least they stick around for a very long time. I'm gonna be dead afraid to pick any up, from now on! You do see the grenade inside though and nothing happens, right? Does the nade go off, only when you pick up the case or just when you take the nade out of it? If you just have to pick up the case - good lord...
  13. S3V3N

    First time playing for over a year....

    You can read the updates since you last joined Dayz on the Dayztv website: http://www.dayztv.com/dev/updates/ http://www.dayztv.com/news/ There is a 2-day-old status report commented on by Septic Falcon: http://www.dayztv.com/video/dayz-status-report-highlight-01-march-2016/ What is always difficult about Dayz is to understand that there are some systems they are rewriting entirely. The Central Loot Economy replaced the way items spawned in Dayz-mod. It's just the first of many systems, such as the infected-AI, character controller, occlusion, or bullet penetration that are refined for the Standalone. But true change can only come with the new renderer, since these systems require the computing power it frees up. Gradually more and more of the old systems will be revamped and all the new ones introduced. As for what we already have: cars are working and can be repaired, trucks, buses also spawn. Tents, ammoboxes and barrels are persistent, so you can really store your things now. Gardening works. Leather Crafting works, general crafting works (e.g. combining burlap sack, rope + 3 sticks to craft backpack, crafting bow or fishing rod, fishing works too. You can go hunting and skin/butcher animals and humans. Comparably new guns are the FAL, STEYR AUG, Glock, Winchester, PM Rak, Scorpion, UMP, Vintorez, SvD. There are a couple new items, such as radios and gasmasks, but they have no real significance now. Some areas have been reworked (e.g. Berezino) and others will be renewed with the upcoming 0.60 version. I'd say quite a lot has happened since you last played, but a lot of it was in preparation for the renderer and engine update. Zombies/Infected are in the game, but not in their final iteration or amount. In the future, they will be wearing clothes/backpacks and be lootable, too. And we'll see roaming infected hordes, as showcased in some dev videos from last year. I agree though, things are taking their time. I'd be a lot happier, if the development went smoother and things like the renderer would really make it in time and without delays. We've been talking about the renderer coming soon for over a year now. It feels surreal that it should actually happen very soon. I'm still playing version 0.59 and find it very enjoyable, but I can't wait to see the things coming. Overall my belief is that the game really increasingly builds its own character and strengths that can almost no longer be compared to the mods. I'm not saying it's better, but different and more fluent, though incomplete. There are still heaps of potential and I can only see the game getting better though at snails pace, sometimes. Of course, right now you need patience with those bugs involving vehicle and some other things. It can get annoying to figure out a workaround, but for most things there is. Dayz is playable at the moment. It could be better, but the best is yet to come.
  14. S3V3N

    Bullets penetrate tents and other thin cover

    I like knowing where camps are to build a map of where groups are located on the server. It serves me well to know where I can find people and I tend to play on always the same 1-2 servers. So I don't often raid camps, or sometimes I leave something for trade or come back to see what loot is available now ^^ Other times I just think of my own effort to build camps and pity people for losing theirs (to me), so I leave it. I haven't really found any giant camps yet, except for one time when the admins build something near my own base. Tents don't have enough value - that's the downside of them being comparably easy to find now. But they are fun to play with and everything except cars is replacable in an hour or two in Dayz. So I don't mind losing a camp or a tent or two once in a while. If they get blown up or shot or emptied out and dissembled doesn't make a difference; it would just add to the variety. Once basebuilding and barricading is functional we'll be able to fortify our positions anyway. Then at last tents should become nothing more than a container that can be shot at.
  15. S3V3N

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Here is some info about 0.60, btw. I guess we'll keep waiting for it, until it's done. Nothing new here, moving on (just wondering, why I have to find this on Steam and not the official forums): http://steamcommunity.com/games/221100/announcements/detail/877444819689318328 One surprise though: seems like we'll see some mapchanges with New Cherno being added to reshape the capital city into something more interesting. That's great to hear and will be nice to explore. We'll also be seeing guns spawning with attachments and vehicles with different parts. I'd like if the vehicle (body) parts would spawn in industrial areas or garages now. That would mean, some people with vehicles have a new objective in the game, i.e. to build their car from pristine parts. (I'd find it entertaining if later on we'd have 3-4 base colors for the car, so we can find all wrong color parts and puzzle our cars together.) There are a few things in the update that surprise me. I guess base-building and vehicle fluids/damage will be tackled later. Which is fine for me, since to properly use a base, you need a stable server/version. There's probably going to be a few updates, before that can happen. I just wish they show some love for the infected and create the herds and other features we have seen, soon. There is so much on the plate right now. Predators and aerial vehicles, bikes and radios...we have a lot to look forward to this summer! --- Quick question: has anyone been able to dye leather with oak bark in 0.59? I always get the message: "that's not enough bark for even one piece of leather" or something like this; I've put in ten or more bark, just to make sure the amount isn't the problem. So far only nails worked for me. It also seems that the types of bark are generalized with the only exception being beech trees, whose bark appears lighter in the thumbnail; everything else is just called "tree bark" and looks the same.
  16. S3V3N

    Bullets penetrate tents and other thin cover

    Yes, it's a bit hard to tell sometimes, which surfaces can be penetrated. This is, I believe, ArmaII's old system. It works, but you don't get any feedback, e.g. bullet holes or broken surfaces. Doors and such are supposed to become physical objects, so they will break into parts or become bullet sponges (depending on material). At the moment all small props are static (tables, chairs, fences), but in the future at least some of these should become breakable (there was a vehicle video were they showed interaction); it should be possible to destroy some cover. The question is if tents should really be penetrable, even if it is realistic. I'm not sure I want tents to become destructible, but as long as anyone can just pack my tents, I guess shooting and damaging tents is just an alternative way of camp destruction; it could also be that we can pierce tents without completely destroying them. Technically it would just mean the bullet ignores the collision mesh for the tent and passes through it. Shouldn't be too hard to do, but let's see how base-building works, first and what the devs have in mind with their physical surfaces and dynamic destruction.
  17. S3V3N

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Not me, sorry. My ingame name is usually SinKing.
  18. S3V3N

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I was in Kamyshovo with a friend and ran into a massive clusterfuck of different groups. Some of them were bunkering down in the police station. The hills were swarming with different guys as well. We had a shot on two groups attacking each other, battling it out with them and my friend got shot and unconscious. Meanwhile the guys from the police station decided it was time to join in and fought it out with the two or three remainders from the group that had shot my friend. Luckily he'd dropped near some good cover. In the middle of the chaos, with shotguns, smg and rifle fire blazing through the village, I managed to sneak up to him and bandage him. Meanwhile the fight was moving away from us and one of the groups fled into a house near the railtracks. As soon as my friend was up he darted away and I gave him cover from behind. A guy shot at him, but I distracted him and came under fire from his friend, while my buddy escaped. I had to swing around, while stopping to supress my followers and escaped through the hills. I went right by the house the other group was held up in and I heard them talk in direct. Met with my friend, gave him his bloodbag. He was status "I feel worn" and a little later changed to sick (I didn't know this can happen from getting shot). We went back and found that only the group of three was still there. I easily counted 5 bodies stripped naked during the length of the fight. Unfortunately everyone had despawned or was buried by the time we got back. But the three guys were in the police station again. Somehow they must have seen us, because one immediately fired on my cover when I stuck my rifle out. I had a sick friend and didn't feel safe with no cover behind me, so we left it at that. My friend later recovered most of his health at a campfire, eating all our food :) I returned to camp today to get the car and pick him up later. Everything was still there - it's always a relief to come home and find things the same.
  19. S3V3N

    Trading Post

    I'm looking for 2 military tents to complete our camp. I can trade weapons or ammo. I have a Steyr+60 mag to offer, a scoped UMP without mag but + 40 single bullets, a scoped Winchester + 20 bullets or scoped Blaze with 20 bullets (only got one LRS). Additionally, I can offer leather, high capacity or plate carrier vest, military boots + combat knife, food, drinks, medicine. We're kind of a trading people, roaming around scavenging and trying to meet others, but on our terms. Our camp is the center of operations and needs expansion. With two militents we could fill our "warehouses" and get on the road again to recruit or help others. Everything has to happen on the server and ingame, but we'll see if we can't get a half-decent society going - (probably not ^^). It'll end in blood and tears. I'm really looking forward to starting more social experiments, once we have the next stable version. The camp needs time to grow, before you can start going out to heal or shoot the world. This is what it looks like now (the barrel and the tree-root are tight entrances, so we can repel attacks):
  20. S3V3N

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Our camp is thriving: We need 2 military tents and then I'll make some gardens and throw down some lights for screenshot magic.
  21. S3V3N

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Yeah,0.59 is quite enjoyable. At least we are not playing a terrible version of Dayz, while we wait. It's still really odd we don't get more info, as I too expected and hoped today would be the day. Hopefully it will be Friday then. Fridays are great for releases. This development pace though...still too slow.
  22. S3V3N

    Bandit or Hero?

    The thing is, if you are careful and lucky enough too and get geared up, it is extremely difficult to trust just anyone you meet. I tend to play a lot more friendly at the starting hours of the game. What I love though, is getting into really challenging situations and fights. And for that the friendly approach is simply more interesting; though it also means you don't shoot at everyone and get fewer kills. If you find yourself in a gunfight, because it's close quarters or you both saw each other same time that's fair game. But I'm sometimes just stalking people for a bit to see what they are doing. Often I leave them alone, other times I try to talk a little and find out what they are about. Last time I did that with two people, who were hiding inside a police station, the situation turned into a clusterfuck of four groups shooting each other. It happened so suddenly and that's really fun to play and watch. It's nice to feel safe, big gun and best gear, but I keep a cartent with clothes for our group of 3, so we can change into something less attractive and take small arms or cheap rifles. When we go for airfield looting, we adapt our outfits and gear up. Of course I have my preferences in play-style, probably coined by my mod experiences and loving to play coop and fool around long before that. I shot a lot of people in Dayz and sometimes wrongfully. It's a game all about making decisions and you can't always be right. You can however try out different things. I like my camp approach, and they usually last quite long, once you find a good spot. Cartents are really good to hide. Here are some pics of our camp:
  23. S3V3N

    Where is 0.60?

    I feel like their are only two responses (maybe three): resignation, rage and acceptance. After all, the "accepting" people are logically right. It's just that, for example, I started work again today and had hoped to put in a few sessions of hardcore 0.60 before that. This almost always happens with updates. I paint beautiful pictures in my head about going on the hunt with my friends and then the patches get delayed. It's impossible to plan for Dayz at this time. We can play it as it is and be supersurprised about updates, because there is no other way. To me it just feels like the development should pick up its pace more now; things should be coming together soon after the renderer release; another reason to be excited! There was a long desperate time of patches and waiting for patches during 2015 and only towards the end of the year things turned out right. I hope for fewer experiments this year and a swifter release of overdue features. The renderer is something massively important to that process, so it's only natural we are sizzling with anticipation. What I'm often worried about is why even I myself can't phrase things less emotionally and with more patience for the developer. This here is basically a complete engine overhaul, which they probably have prepared as well as possible, but which still can go wrong in many different ways. I'm expecting them to get rid of redundant data, too. So despite more content, future patches and the full game could actually be smaller than now. Only thing I wish for is that there is a continuity of releases/patches and a flow of information. For example, if it is obvious the patch can't be released in February, where is the harm in posting a quick news update a couple days early, instead of a week too late? I know it was always said that we'll get the patch in February "unless something goes wrong" - but something can always happen. They announced they want to give us more insight into the development with weekly (I believe) videos. Maybe that will help answer some questions, but I'd also like to get informed about problems and delays as much as possible.
  24. S3V3N

    Great awerness will give you victory

    He was status "healing" when we logged off. We're going back to camp, in case he needs more medicine. I only have diarrea pills at camp though, so I'm a bit curious if that will heal him any faster/better. It seems like he is just really tired from the shooting and bloodloss and needs rest at a campfire and some drink/food rather than actual medicine. Yeah, I guess you can hold Kamyshovo and have some interesting encounters? But why are there even people there ever so often? This is a small PvP corner and I'm more careful around there now.
  25. S3V3N

    Great awerness will give you victory

    Weird little village. I just was there with a friend yesterday and ran into a massive clusterfuck of different groups. Some of them were bunkering down in the police station. The hills were swarming with different guys as well. We had a shot on two attacking groups, battling it out with them and my friend got shot and unconscious. Meanwhile the guys from the police station decided it was time to attack and fought it out with the two or three remainders from the group that had shot my friend. Luckily he'd dropped near some good cover. In the middle of the chaos, with shotguns, smg and rifle fire blazing through the village, I managed to sneak up to him and bandage him. Meanwhile the fight was moving away from us and one of the groups fled into a house near the railtracks. As soon as my friend was up he darted away and I gave him cover from behind. A guy shot at him, but I distracted him and came under fire from his friend, while my buddy escaped. I had to swing around, while stopping to suppress my followers and escaped through the hills. I went right by the house the other group was held up in and I heard them talk in direct. Met with my friend, gave him his bloodbag. He was status "I feel worn" and a little later changed to sick (I didn't know this can happen from getting shot). We went back and found that only the group of three was still there. I easily counted 5 bodies stripped naked during the length of the fight. Unfortunately everyone had despawned or was buried by the time we got back. But the three guys were in the police station again. Somehow they must have seen us, because one immediately fired on my cover when I stuck my rifle out. I had a sick friend and didn't feel safe with no cover behind me, so we left it at that. My friend later recovered most of his health at a campfire, eating all our food :) But man, these moments, when you walk into a situation that so rapidly turns from peaceful to total riot is what makes the combat so much fun here. Us included there were four groups at that time in that tiny village. And everyone was geared decently. The amazing thing is that if you play your card right (and have lots of luck ^^), you can live another day. It's not like we were fighting over stuff, so the action is voluntary. In Dayz retreat is sometimes the smarter choice, especially if you're the one who's got the better equipment to lose. It might be an incense to stay in firefights, if we could somehow workshop weapon parts, recycled from the stuff we loot.