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Everything posted by rybec

  1. rybec

    Mosin Carbine

    It's almost like you think the 91/30 was the only model ever made.
  2. rybec

    So everyone is right handed?

    I love that my vz58 and SKS eject straight up. I'd like to get a T97 but after checking in person at one of the local gun stores the ejection port would be about an inch away from my face. Too close for me.
  3. There's this golden spot I have somewhere in the map where it has enough cover from a gorup of trees that you can set up a tent and it is not visible from any angle. Not a single time in the mod did my tent ever get raided and I'll continue to use that area when storage is more of a thing in the standalone.
  4. rybec

    Survivors DEC 2013 to AUG 2015

    Steam says the peak for today is currently at 13,172.
  5. rybec

    Using the hood of a hoodie

    Arma2 had models where the hoodie would stretch when someone would freelook with their head. Just don't add any decals to the hood and then it wouldn't look like shit.
  6. rybec

    New death effect

    Well, think of it this way... People surviving being shot in the head is the result of life saving medical attention. Getting shot in the head is a death sentence in DayZ whether it's an instant one or not as you'll have nobody performing any surgery on you. An infected cut that goes untreated would be a disaster.
  7. rybec

    New death effect

    For sure people have survived being shot in the head, but someone surviving that is an anomaly.
  8. rybec

    New death effect

    Lung shots will still leave a person incapacitated for a short period of time before dying, but longer than that 30 seconds to 1 minute. Your body won't just stop extremely quickly unless you lose your brain, your heart, or a lot of blood.
  9. rybec

    New death effect

    It'd be great to have you incapacitated with very limited movement with your head. People do not die instantly when shot unless it's in the head, and it takes a long time to bleed out from stabbing wounds where the victim lays there for a while just waiting. Oh, but but but then people would tell their friends on teamspeak or skype what they see when they're incapacitated! So? They'll see the sky most of the time, or what's off their shoulder. Doesn't matter much.
  10. rybec

    How to Fix Gamma Exploit

    When was the last time you played a game where you had to mess with the brightness from the standard being unbearable? I honestly can't remember any other game I've changed the standard brightness except for Arma and DayZ for night.
  11. rybec


    I'd dispute that, the bullet is gone long before your body would react to the powder being lit. It's a really stupid addon for the rifle where its only purpose I hope was to test the attachment system.
  12. rybec

    Double wield pistols

    Bwahahahahaha Couldn't hold that one in. It's very rare for me to happen across someone who doesn't shoot before trying to communicate. I play that way even, however only if someone has a firearm. If they don't have a visible firearm I leave them be.
  13. rybec

    Guns jaming

    I'm not very enthusiastic about the idea of a small % chance of a catastrophic failure every time I shoot. The cleaning though I'm all for. If you don't maintain a firearm well, it's going to fail on you. Sounds great.
  14. rybec

    Meals Ready to Eat (MRE's)

    MREs also bring another thing to the table. heh A HOT meal. It's pretty cool that all I need is water and I can dump some in the packet and have some hot ravioli in ten minutes. That'd be a gamechanger if you're starving.
  15. rybec

    .308 Ammo not named right...

    But that's not relevant to what I typed. The thread is about a typeo, I was just stating a fact.
  16. rybec

    .308 Ammo not named right...

    Sometimes ammunition is not safe to mix and match. Like using 5.56 in a rifle made for .223 (even though it seems like it's the same thing) .308 is suggested to not be used for rifles specifically made with 7.62x51 in mind.
  17. rybec

    A believable world

    The game is supposed to take place after Arma2, where you had a little bit of a civil war going on. It takes a lot of effort to clear heavy vehicles like that.
  18. rybec

    Reduce semi-auto fire rate

    You live near Nanaimo? :3
  19. rybec

    Reduce semi-auto fire rate

    That's such a nice part about having old Russian rifles. There are few smells I enjoy more than the mix of burnt powder and cosmoline after shooting.
  20. rybec

    Reduce semi-auto fire rate

    Let me rephrase that. I can fire the SKS very quickly as it's not shaking around much. I can't fire my M305 quite as fast as the recoil throws you off a little. Let's take a .22 as an example. It's very easy to fire quickly because you're not being moved by the rifle at all.
  21. rybec

    Reduce semi-auto fire rate

    Semiautomatic chambers a new cartridge in the blink of an eye. A person isn't going to pull a trigger twice before it cycles. With a bit of practice you can magdump an SKS very quickly. I can't say I'm anywhere near as accurate as waiting about one second to fire the another. Depends on the trigger really. I've tried some friend's rifles where the trigger pull is so light it is very easy to shoot faster than normal. In comparison the only time I've ever tried a Suomi M31 the trigger pull was horrifyingly bad. Back to what you were saying though, controlling 7.62x39 is easier than you think. It's not going to throw you around and make it harder to fire again.
  22. rybec

    The new crosshair...

    I bet you never used an old Ironman brand watch to keep timers on powerup respawns in Quake I&II either.
  23. rybec


    Can you explain "456" to me? I'm not up to date on fancy terms. Make the females grow facial hair too then. You tell me what signs a female would have that a male wouldn't after being out in the bush for a month. Add it.
  24. rybec


    Doesn't have to be a badge of honor at all.
  25. rybec


    Ew. And would they really have to add something in for female characters for equality's sake?