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About melvindorf

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. melvindorf

    DayZ. AMD vs INTEL

    For some reason people think if they lie about there fps it will come true or something. I see it all the time on this forum, "yeah 60fps in Cherno no problem...." - Bullshit
  2. melvindorf

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    Got a AMD FX-8120 8 core @4Ghz and getting poor performance-CPU utilization. Getting average of 30fps, goes up to 50+ in woods and as low as 18-20fps in major citys. Even small towns its at like 25-30fps. I know AMD processors isn't exactly top of the line but i'm getting around 80% usage on one core and like 10-20% on the rest.
  3. melvindorf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    I thought the engine is derived from Take On Helicopters. Where are you getting re-written from the ground up from?
  4. melvindorf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    This is what makes the "its alpha!" argument pointless in this thread. I'm not bitching about how the game performs right now but I would love to see some transparency from B.I in regards to what they are/will be doing to better optimize the game. However I doubt they would tell us much because not keeping a promise is a lot worse than keeping your mouth shut from the start.
  5. melvindorf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    1280x1024 yeah that will be why your getting a better fps, i guess you have a low draw distance too. I ain't bashing at all man play the settings that work for you i guess :). Would have saved confusion if you would have stated that in the 1st place though. Also it is important to me to see what others with similar systems to me get because if it is way more and legit i'm doing something wrong and need to fix it
  6. melvindorf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    What I thought would make for improvements in performance would be this "network bubble" Rocket was banging on about. Was this included in the current build of the game? Because I don't see any difference performance-wise between SA and DayZ mod. I mean I understand that there is a lot of work to be done with optimization but I honestly thought that the network bubble would be more major of an improvement.
  7. melvindorf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    Seriously Baker I have a very similar rig to you and very different experiences. What do you consider smooth? what fps are you getting?
  8. melvindorf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    Well I got a FX 8120 and a gtx 670. I get 25-30 in citys and 40-60 around the wilderness. Have heard very much the same reports from every amd user I have spoke too and a fair amount more from the intel guys. Perhaps your mistaken or something idk. What I do know is you aint getting 40-50 in cherno no way no how :)
  9. melvindorf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    40-50 in city's? yeah right, screens or im calling bullshit......
  10. melvindorf

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    Yeah think so Out of curiosity what are yours and what fps are you getting in cherno and what fps do you get in the woods?
  11. Fucking awesome GIF The fact that the nice guys are so rare just makes the times when you come across them more special and makes for a challenge to be one. If perma-quitting a alpha because of one group of bad guys is what your all about you will be better off going back to bf I think.
  12. Arma 2/3 look and feel smoother? Don't get me wrong I have spent 100's of hours playing arma 2 and love it but smooth just is not a word I would ever associate with it. The control system for a new comer in any arma game is a challenge to get into. I can understand where your coming from but rember what you get with B.I. It's a realativly small team working on a huge landscape with complexity oozing out of it. If it was a huge dev team like say EA or ubisoft there would be compromises made in authenticity/realisim for the sake of popularising the game and also micro transactions and dlc all over the place. Basically you are getting the game that the dev's and the community want but sacrifice the polish of a AAA title which is fine by me.
  13. melvindorf

    I tried to be friendly

    This has been the case for me too. I think when anti combat logging features are introduced KOS will be less needed.
  14. melvindorf

    Is there a plan to prevent this in the future?

    Thing is I Imagine its hard for B.I to regulate every server owner so they should just make sure each server host is regulating there users in a more appropriate manner. Ban a company for allowing its users to cheat and other company's will be forced to do things right or risk loosing a good money maker.