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Everything posted by Veniathan

  1. Veniathan

    Suicidal Loot

    I never had any incidents with ladders myself, only in the mod. And tight spaces.
  2. Veniathan

    Whats your gear run

    Youtubers join buttbudy groups of 8 - 10 players, loot everything and kill anyone and record the "good parts" when their true skills are not shown.
  3. Veniathan

    To the 'LOST' clan

    Most people in clans I see on a server, I just leave the server. They are the following A: Group of bandits who have nothing better to do than kill newspawns at the coast, they are never creative and don't go for geared players because they're often shit at the game and extremely tryhard B. Group of hero wannabees who make let's play videos, often there is a leader and the other 4 members are his buttbuddies who watch his back because to him having 2 eyes is not enough.
  4. Veniathan

    Spray Paint isnt Working?

    Can't paint that axe aswell. All else is working however
  5. Veniathan

    Green Mountain

    It's just the community making creepy stories. Hate to be a buzzkiller but none of it is true. I've been to the place on full servers, empty servers, day and night, logged there, had battles. And I loot it repeatedly when I go from Kamenka > Zelenogorsk and then Green Mountain. Even at night, nothing is creepy there, and nothing ever happens.
  6. Veniathan

    Cannibalism Discussion

    Cooking it only decreases the chance, and even if you overburn it you won't eliminate the chance. You can only decrease it. Which is good for balanse, it's good knowing people who killed you and ate your corpse probably have a disease they can't cure now. :D
  7. Veniathan

    Not played for a long while......

    And what does that do? I didn't log out but I was at the top.
  8. Veniathan


    Sounds cool, reminds me of S.T.A.L.K.E.R which had interesting factions for a post-apocalyptic kind of feel. Factions such as. - Freedom, who fight for free enterance of the Zone. Relaxed guys - Duty, who are Freedom's enemies and fight to restrict and destroy the zone. Paramilitary guys. - Bandits, people who rob, kill, torture and live off of other's suffering - Mercenaries, western mercenaries in the country usually hostile - Scientists, self explanatory I mean it would just be awesome. If you ask me
  9. Veniathan

    Not played for a long while......

    I was there today at night, I didn't even plan it. Just happend to be night and I happend to be going that route. Looted the place, was dissappointing I found only a beret and stuff. I heard and saw nothing, like any other part of the game. And just so you guys know, creepypasta stories are not creepy or scary unless it's true.
  10. Who said they aimed to decrease KOS PVP? This is DayZ, if you want to punish certain play styles of survival then kindly fuck off to another game.
  11. Veniathan

    Persistence. Splain it to me

    Yeah it's not broken, it's just inheritantly bad lol. A system with no reward ..
  12. Veniathan

    Grab the apple

    Would greatly slow the game down, and ruin combat. Especially if there is no animation blending. If you have to holster your weapon, go up to a door, open it using both hands. During combat? No thanks. In real life you'd hold a gun and open with the other hand and I actually really doubt that will be implemented smoothly. Another factor is that people would abuse this. Getting shot at? Run into a house, close all doors and camp a door. The person opening it is screwed if he does it on the one you're camping. He's in an animation and you get a free kill. So again, no thanks. Something like Amnesia: The Dark Descend would be awesome where you can open doors slowly (with no animations of the character as it is in the game) but you can open it by holding the use button on it and opening as much as you want. To just take a peak or to open entirely.
  13. Veniathan


    Very very good idea, mainly because at this moment. A lot of people especially kiddies gear up and hoard up, go to elektro/cherno and KOS for days until they die. I think we really need diseases, infections and other ways to stop players from playing artificially and actually worry about their character. Currently all you have to do is bandage yourself, not cool at all. This should improve the survival aspect of the game a lot.
  14. Veniathan

    Restoring Faith Project

    And I will check in with another screenshot, also same bandit that I killed. He really came across the wrong people, and I think if Atre used his SKS he wouldn't have gotten any kills. But close combat is close combat, and all I had was a mosin. I shot him right through the visor of the helmet in an instant. He had no time to react.
  15. Veniathan

    Persistence. Splain it to me

    Cool, you had luck. Me and my friend played a week or so on a persistant server without knowing so. We kept coming across strange places, houses full of books, clothing and useless items etc. We looted every single airfield and military installation, and all I found was a Flecktarn Boonie hat, in fact the North West (International?) Airport was completely empty, literaly there was nothing, same with Balota. It's well known that Persistance is not working as it should, if you don't belive me check areas you've been to after server restart and tell me any loot spawned. It really doesn't. Not even food or clothing, it's awful. I don't aim to get full decked out Spetsnaz gear in 2 hours, but maybe in a few days would be nice. To reward me, cause I play alone 90% of the time and still loot military instalations. Leaving the place empty handed is really a massive dissappointment.
  16. Veniathan

    Persistence. Splain it to me

    Lol yeah, persistance in my opinion is ridiculous. The good things get picked and all that is left are hardhat helmets and crappy items. On Persistant servers I usually can't find a single military jacket in any of the military-loot areas. I'm dead serious, I even die out in the coast cause no food has respawned
  17. In my opinion what really needs a fix is the turn speed, momentum and what not. The combat is ridiculous. People just bolt from one place to another in 5 seconds as if they weren't there. Needs a fix man.
  18. In my opinion making people slower is a bad idea, cause the map is large. What we really need to fix is the stamina system, you should not be able to run forever. You should have to stop and rest.
  19. Veniathan

    Fix Everything

    Maybe you shouldn't be this violent and agressive?
  20. Veniathan

    Reduced AKM/AK74 spawn, replace with SKS

    Yes, so much yes. This actualy makes sense, good suggestion. And if you are going to start questioning foreign weapons i might aswell ask why our survivors use PMC skins. Lorewise that makes absolutely no sense, PMC's are usualy from the UK or America. This game is based off of the Czech Republic. Although same goes for way too many foreign weapons, they should be much much rarer or only found in high tier military areas.
  21. Veniathan

    Changes to female characters

    Get out, please. And never return. You're like a feminist, except worse. This suggestion is serious, although dumb because of his way to not see it's mostly about technique and not strenght. It is still nowhere near sexism. Why are you using words you do not know the meaning of at all?
  22. Now that you don't spawn with anything valuable there should be no reason to kill someone for an empty inventory. I cant feel your pain