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Everything posted by SandMan20

  1. SandMan20

    Solider Clothing

    Has anyone else seen it? Its pretty much camo clothing but with a helmet and what looks like a different vest and long sleeves. My friend found it at some random tents. I don't remember reading about it being put into the game or anything like that, so thats why I ask.
  2. SandMan20

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Oh god, I'm wearing a ghille suit.
  3. SandMan20

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So should I in theory have this "hero" skin? I have no murders and a few bandit kills. Now I'm REALLY not gonna want to die if I get this skin.
  4. You need to start as well. This community wants to call it the ARMA engine and will do that, no ones going to stop and start calling it the RV engine.
  5. SandMan20

    Port crossbow?

    I'm sure you could find the crossbows .pbo file in the DayZMod Folder and copy paste it into its own @Crossbow folder then run ARMA2 OA go to expansions then select @Crossbow and enable it, then restart the game. You'd have to put "removeallweapons this;" into the int of your unit then enter "this addweapon xxxxxxxxxx;" (Xs being the crossbows weapon ID) then "this addmagazine XXXXXXXX;" (Xs being crossbow arrows ID). I think that'd work, not 100% sure. EDIT: Never mind that, you'd have to take the "dayz_weapons.pbo" file out and make it into a folder, @DayZWeps. Inside that folder make another called Addons, put the .pbo into that folder, activate as I said before using the expansions menu. EDIT#2: The crossbows weapon name that'd you'd put into the int area of your unit should just be "Crossbow", according to this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/9568-spoiler-digging-in-the-pbos/ I can't find a name for the crossbow bolt, so I'd try something like "Crossbow_bolt" or "bolt" or something along those lines.
  6. SandMan20

    Here's how to stop Server Hopping

    Oh, this thread again
  7. SandMan20

    Someone edited my map?

    This problem could be solved easily if Rocket would shove ACE into DayZ. ACE has a "maptools" item that goes into the hunting knife, matchbox, etc area of gear. With Maptools you can draw whatever you want on your map so only your group units can see it. Since all players are leaders of their own group, these markings would only be visible to themselves (which is why group chat does nothing). It'd let you mark on your map things like your tent location and server incase you forget, or a large camp you found and need to mark and wait for your friend to get on or whatever later in the day.
  8. VSS Vintores is not a medium range weapon. It fires special 9mm rounds and is effective to 300m MAX. You would use that gun at 150m usually and it arguably has the worst stopping power of any gun in ARMA (aside of side arms). Please never put that gun in game. Also KSVK is not "basically the same" as the AS-50. KSVK is bolt action, AS-50 is semi auto with adjustable zoom. So does M107 and AS-50 in the actual ARMA game, but for some reason DayZ has it so you can have a backpack and M107 or AS-50. Most LMGs do this too. There must be something in the code to keep backpacks enabled no matter what.
  9. It wasn't part of the learning process for me and a lot of others. It makes perfect sense that if everyone spawns on the coast, Cherno and Elektro (the biggest cities on the coast) are going to have a lot of player activity. Since everyone kills on sight, you should avoid high player density areas. You should avoid Cherno and Elektro. It's so basic and easy to figure out that I refuse to believe these players seriously think that this is the only way to get good loot and that they really just want a Free for all kill fest in these cities.
  10. SandMan20

    Is this getting fixed today?

    No, the map does actively track them if they are in your FOV, whether or not you can actually see them.
  11. SandMan20

    Drag/Carry injured survivors

    Well, you can't carry dead people. Only unconscious or critically wounded players can be dragged/carried.
  12. Incase someone hasn't said this yet, it isn't possible with vanilla arma 2 to have backpacks on any characters that aren't from OA or a DLC. There are some mods (ACE coming to mind) that would allow them to have and use backpacks, but in the current state of the game it isn't possible. It'd be nice to have these skins though.
  13. SandMan20

    C130J Crash Sites

    I was in the editor and noticed in wrecks there is a C130J wreck, so I decided to see what it looks like. It's pretty awesome, you can walk around inside the passanger compartment and it is pretty big. I know finding Heuy cash sites are always exciting, well just imagine finding one of these! It should have tons of food, water, and medical supplies because thats what the C130s generally transport. I think it'd be pretty awesome to get this crash site into the game at some point. So what do you think?
  14. SandMan20

    C130J Crash Sites

    Yeah I know, I was kinda hoping it would have a wing broke off or something like that
  15. SandMan20

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    click on the start button then search for arma2.cfg. Worked for me.
  16. SandMan20

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    So how would you do this if you bought the game with steam? I'm in steam>steamapps>common>arma2 and there are no config files in OA or vanilla arma. Can someone tell me how to find these files if you bought the game with steam.
  17. "Shoulda keep the shotgun instead of taking the AK". Good thing you kept the AK if you ask me. Assault rifles > shotguns imo
  18. SandMan20

    If DayZ wasn't situated in Chernarus

    I'd like to see DayZ on Isla Duala (if you don't know what this map looks like google it). Basically it is a fictional island between Madagascar and Africa. 4 Airports on the main center Island with a bridge in the north west connecting to a smaller island. Another small island to the north east that is cut off from the main island so you'd need a boat to get there. No buildings are really "enterable" besides a few (hotel in cherno is in one of the cities, along with ATC Towers on airfields) but most have stairs to the top of them with only one way down. This would make running from zombies much harder as you can't just find a large barn to run inside one way and out the other, you'd have to fight your way out and kill any aggroed zombies, make them more deadly. Pretty barren land with some hills so it'd be sniper paradise though. http://i53.tinypic.com/993n1s.jpg
  19. SandMan20

    Pending Update: Build

    Yes, give away 859,412 free copies of the stand alone game to the people that played in the Alpha. 859,412x$20=$17,188,240 Yes, just give 17 MILLION away Rocket.
  20. SandMan20

    The whole Chernarus

    He can just convert the mod for ARMA3 and use the 900km2 Limnos Island. Better movement controls for players, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more enter able buildings (I think a dev said over 90% are enter able and destructible), better lighting, better physics, better AI...I could go on and on. I really hope this mod goes to ARMA3, maybe he can work with BIS to get it as a DLC that would cost $10 so he can make some money.
  21. SandMan20

    The whole Chernarus

    Well obviously its not there. The suggestion was to add it, not "let us go there". We get to play in a province in Chernarus. What he said was to add the rest of the country, which can be done but would require lots of time and resources to create. ARMA2 modders have made other islands before (like Isla Duala) that are very high quality but not as large as what the rest of Chernarus would be.
  22. SandMan20

    The whole Chernarus

    Imagine trying to find your newly spawned friend. That'd be a trip.
  23. SandMan20


    There is already a built in option to ARMA for construction. In warfare you can scroll the mouse wheel to select construction then it takes you into a flying POV. Your POV is about 10m in the air and you can choose to build defenses like H barriers, wire fences, bag fences, small bunkers etc. I think this system could be edited slightly (not using money to buy defenses, rather have them in your inventory to build them) and implemented rather easy. Another method would be the one in the beginning of this video This is probably the best suited method for DayZ. If you have sandbags in your inventory you just right click on them and select place then they pop up infront of you like this and you place it where you want it.
  24. SandMan20

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    BE Warfare has it so you have to be within so many meters of a possible spawn point like a strong point in a city to spawn there. You could implement it so that you can only spawn in at set positions on the coast that are like, what, 500m away? I think this would be the best way. Also there is defiantly a way to implement this into DayZ. Add some Military objects like Service points or something like that along the coast and set respawns to "base" and then assign these buildings, in this case the service points, as "bases" for blufor. Make minimum distance away to respawn on one of these positions be 500m. Boom. Problem solved. I mean sure, it'll be waaaaaaaaaaaaay easier to camp fresh spawns, as there is a building near where they will spawn, but I believe you spawn within a 50m radius of the building in Warfare.
  25. SandMan20

    Practical: "Gun Zeroing" Needs a tweak!

    CQB fights are even more fun. Remove scopes entirely for like a week and see the response. Honestly I think it'd be a more yay than nay response. No more camping in the hills over elektro shooting fresh spawns or camping in the hills NE of the NE airfield shooting players looting it. You want to kill someone you gotta get close.