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Everything posted by dasd2516

  1. dasd2516

    I hate bandits and I'm looking for a group

    you dont realize how boring the game would be without bandits
  2. dasd2516

    KOTH: TEAM SNIPING in Cherno

  3. dasd2516

    Bambi seeking partner!

    why would we dislike jackfrags
  4. dasd2516

    Bambi seeking partner!

    why do people think that bambi is the official term for new people in dayz.
  5. dasd2516


    the babby talking is even more annoying.
  6. dasd2516


    too bad you cant shoot him :D
  7. dasd2516


    you disgust me
  8. But he is famous here for something else...
  9. dasd2516

    DayZ Memes

  10. dasd2516

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    requesting template with a frame
  11. dasd2516

    DayZ Mod Update

    will the standalone also include these changes?
  12. dasd2516

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    rocket disappointed us again
  13. dasd2516

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    so we were right? rocket had to wait until steam sales were over so BIS could make some more cash
  14. dasd2516

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    oh ok nvmd you have to deactive @DayZ expansion in menu
  15. dasd2516

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    how to fix this?
  16. dasd2516

    Standalone could slip to 2013

    I hope you mean WarZ otherwise 2/10
  17. dasd2516

    Did Namalsk get it right?

    its called object a2 not object ALL LOL
  18. dasd2516

    Future of DayZ

    what is the new weather system? I dont see how it could be improved
  19. in order to discourage people from hacking. less people will risk a ban if they have to pay $25 instead of $15 for a new copy. or the cost for the game should be raised after a few months also it will no longer be possible to buy stolen keys in standalone so everyone has to pay the full price every time they get banned.
  20. he is the hero chernarus deserves
  21. if its not on steam a key can still be attached only to a specific account