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About joecacti

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. joecacti

    Cody's Hardmode.

    I want to add, I will try this, but I have to keep my axe out because there is way too much delay in opening my gear, right clicking the hatchet, left clicking the context menu to take from tool belt, and then finally reloading the hatchet. And then, sometimes it won't reload. So to avoid losing 2k blood while I fiddle with all that and Joe Zombie mauls me, I will keep my axe out thanks!
  2. joecacti

    Cody's Hardmode.

    This is awesome.
  3. This has happened to me twice now, but this time I was able to find my corpse. It was NOT on the server that I logged out, it was on the first server that I tried today. I want back to the original server to find my body, it was not there, but it was on the server that first failed to spawn me properly... Just a note, I did not have any "debug plains" issue, the first server this morning just spawned me right on the coast with no gear. But all is happy, I found my sheit. THanks DayZ Mod Forums!