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Everything posted by mattdbx@yahoo.com

  1. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    The Brutal Diary: Part 1

    I appreciate it, good sir.
  2. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    The Brutal Diary: Part 1

    Of course I do, there's too much canvas to cover alone, I'm always looking for budding artists.
  3. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    The Brutal Diary: Part 1

    Well I started as a survivor, and I enjoyed the game a moderate amount, it was 'interesting', at best. When I got in my first gun-fight with a bandit...my heart was racing, the adrenaline rush was immediate and powerful, my fingers began to twitch from anxiety and excitement...I was hooked. I went back to being a survivor but in my mind I kept wanting to "get into more gunfights like that one." I broke down and went to Cherno with a Lee Enfield looking for trouble, and I found it, and I embraced it, and I haven't looked back since. I soon found that I had no "bandit's honor", I wanted to kill anything and everything that was not affiliated with me. Though killing people with something to lose was indeed more gratifying, I still enjoyed killing other people regardless of gear level. I began my spiral, and it's the only thing that's kept me interested in the game. No matter how many times I get fucked over by hackers and bugs, they can't take away the short bursts of elation I got from some good old-fashion murder. You don't need great gear, or to put in much work, it's fast, it's easy, it's fun, and it's what makes the mod worth playing for me.
  4. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Success is addictive

    I'm glad to hear it, Day Z gets stale when you're alone, comrades sweeten the experience 10-fold.
  5. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Losing 10 blood per second! HELP!

    You're not infected, that's like 3.5 blood per second, If you have the debug monitor enabled your food, drink, temperature, and blood will not show normally - they'll be locked at "normal" status - even if you're hungry, or thirsty. get food n' drank,
  6. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Arma 2 Veteran searching for serious players

    "Arma II veterans" are the most annoying people to play with... "I can [snipe],[use the SVD camo],[Fly a chopper],[Drive this vehicle],[shoot],[Ambush] better than you...I payed Arma II for two years!". No one cares. Having Arma II experience (which I do have...and I can attest...my other friends that I started playing with...got as good as I was in a matter of weeks.) Doesn't mean you'll be better at DayZ than someone who joined just for the mod. It's also weird that most of the Arma ii "vets" are from the netherlands. that's possibly unrelated, just an observation.
  7. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    My server just restarted, and my tents were still there...just empty..
  8. It's been quite a while since I've made a forum post looking for people to play with, but I've been playing with the same group of 3 friends for a while, and it's gotten to the point where I'm so bored when they're not around, because the game just isn't as fun alone. I'm looking for more people I can casually tap and say "Hey, you wanna ruthlessly hunt and murder everyone on this server that's in a high pop area?". I know I'll get a variety of people reading this post so let me make a couple things clear. -18. I don't care if you think you're mature. If your voice annoys me, or you annoy me - I'll delete you - I kill anything I want to. Armed, Unarmed, Medic, Hero, Regulator...none of it matters. If I feel like killing it, I'll kill it. - I take dying well, in most cases I like dying...gives me a chance to prey, without reservation, on those who have something to lose. - I don't get attached to gear, and if you betray me...and take it? You earned it, don't expect me to rage. - I won't trust you. That being said, it doesn't mean we can't paint the sidewalks of major towns red with the blood of our victims. I'm a sociopath in-game, but I'm a pretty cool guy, we can be friendly, joke, enjoy each-other's company - but there will never be a time where you betraying me will come as a surprise, or even cause me any distress whatsoever - even if I'm fully kitted out. Know that. - I'm experienced, knowledgeable, and tactical - I expect you to be the same, if you're lacking in any of the aforementioned categories...I'll just delete you off skype. - I need someone who's savy with all weapon types, down for doing dangerous high-risk-high-reward activities, and most of all reliable in a gun-fight. My definition of reliable in a gun-fight: Will try their hardest to destroy the threat in a calm, tactically sound, brutal manner. Will not alt-f4 in the face of danger. Will not alt-f4 if there is a man-down. Will track down unknown assailants who kill a member of a group - based off the instructions of the victim, and who will defend the bodies of fallen comrades. If you're interested add me on skype: put Sociopath/bandit/murder (depending on how you play) in the skype message. If I add you, but don't call you - it means that I'm putting you on deck for another time. skype: Mattthornz
  9. Thanks. I have no reason to play with someone who is less than ideal...there's no logical reason why I should give squeakers and annoying socially inept teenagers a chance. It's just annoying. Too many people are finding issue with the truth, if it makes you sad...go watch teletubbies until you're happy again.
  10. I don't mind using TS but I'm not going to give anyone my TS info unless I'm sure I want to play with them. (Is English your first language?)
  11. If you're passing because I sound "unfriendly" on the bandit forums, under a post looking for ruthless sociopathic killers...you definitely don't fit the bill. The kind of people I'm looking for wouldn't even consider saying shit like that. There's a difference between blunt and honest and unfriendly. For future reference - if you're going to pass, no need to tell me...like it will matter.
  12. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Looking for Someone to screw around with

    *come to thread* *read* *backspace to forum wall*
  13. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Intellectual Extreme Players

    Good luck trying to find intellectuals on the forums.
  14. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Bandit Diaires CANCELLED

    There's a difference between roleplaying as a ruthless sociopath in a game(and on the forums of said game), and letting it affect my real life...It's not like I walk around my college campus murdering people for their food and belongings... and I gave you beans because you're simple-minded, and that's cute.
  15. So. We all have noticed the long red messages from battleye saying that they're aware of the problem and "12000" global bans have occurred. At first I thought "great, I can finally start enjoying the game!" And for those first 2 days that message ran, I wasn't killed by any hackers. I thought "Yes! Battleye's finally getting their S*** together!" Ironically on the third day the message popped up, and at the same time I was blown about 300 meters by an artillery strike. It was probably the most facepalm moment I've ever had in this game. That day I was 1. gunned down like a dog in the streets of Elektro by two helicopters. 2. Teleported to an unknown location with about 20 other players that massacred each other out of panic. 3. picked apart by a hacker in the middle of the wilderness as "It's raining, it's pouring". played through direct comm. The next day I was killed by hackers 5 times. You know the various ways, I don't need to tell you. The next day I was killed by hackers 3 times, I alt-f4'd out of 3 attempts. Today I was in Cherno school, when 3 dogs (Yes....dogs.) came into the school, ran up the stairs, and killed me. trailed by about 20 zombies. I was killed about 3 other times. It's gotten to the point where an AK and an ALICE found in a grocery is the most advanced my gear gets, since there's no reason to get more, since I'll have it an average of 2-3 hours tops. I love this game. There's nothing like it, it's tremendous fun*...but I don't know how many more nights I can take going to bed disappointed thinking "This game would be so amazing if they took care of the hackers." I'm sure battleye is catching hackers, but I assume they're mostly catching the people who think "so many ppl do it...hacking must be easy in this game." and fail. AKA the bad ones. TL;DR EVERYONE IS GETTING MASSACRED BY HACKERS, YOU'RE NOT WORKING FAST ENOUGH - AND IF YOU THINK YOU'RE MAKING PROGRESS IN FIGHTING THEM I CAN TELL YOU IT'S WORSE THAN EVER. GET IT TOGETHER. WE DESERVE MORE AS CUSTOMERS. WE DESERVE MORE AS FANS. I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE IN BED WITH BATTLEYE, WHEN A COMPANY IS NOT UPHOLDING THEIR END OF THE BARGAIN THEY SHOULD BE REPLACED. I ranted a bit, and I don't even feel an ounce better. Time to wait for War Z?
  16. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Bandit Diaires CANCELLED

    ............Do what you gotta do, but this was overly dramatic, and definitely disappointing. Your play-style in a video game doesn't reflect (or even affect...usually..) your subconscious. You love this game, and a major part of that love is the thrill of PvP, I believe without it...the game will slowly begin to lose it's appeal for you. All hardcore players have had DayZ related dreams, it doesn't mean that you need to stop being a bandit (if your DayZ change of heart even makes the dreams subside..and it's possible it won't.) If DayZ is slowly eroding your sanity, or subconscious...? You probably shouldn't be playing video games, because that's what it is...a game. It shouldn't affect you in such a way, you shouldn't LET it. Best of luck to your channel...survivor diaries has been done, and failed so many times before. What will your content be? You sitting next to a fire in the woods...cooking meat from a pig you just killed? I doubt the youtube community is ready for such nail-biting action.
  17. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Hero skins how many bandits use it to draw in unsuspecting players..?

    No one takes the time to get a hero skin (and keep a hero skin) just to lure "unsuspecting survivors", because 1. 90% of "survivors" are just bandits that are either bad at being a bandit, or have been killed recently. 2. No one takes the time to distinguish a hero skin from a survivor skin, in order to determine whether to shoot you or not, and if they do - you don't need a hero skin to lure them because they're horribly low on the food chain already. 3. Luring someone = high risk, mid level reward (congrats you got someone to trust you then betrayed them...there's no challenge in that. No glory in shooting some dumb 15 year old survivor in the back as he kneels down to pick up some flares in the grocery store "for when it gets dark". killing them outright = less risk, since you've probably spotted them first if you can "lure them" and high reward...because gunfights, ambushes, and the like are the bread and butter to this quickly staling game.
  18. All my vehicles, and camp sites across 5 different servers have been completely wiped off the face of the map after the Hive crashed earlier this morning...What is going on guys...fix your shit. How many times are we going to get fucked by bugs, programming deficiencies, hackers, and slow problem response times? waved off with a *shrug* "shit happens". I love this mod, but it seems to hate me so. It's an abusive relationship, and for now I'm too much in denial to follow good advice and leave it. Sitting here...telling all my friends "It's getting better...it doesn't happen as much any more." Whilst covering the bruises left on my psyche. I'll leave you Day Z...if you don't start treating me right! No...I was just kidding don't ......*Hive Crashes* WHY DO YOU ABUSE ME SO!
  19. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Traders and Traitors

    Had a great trade with a player named Reo, my rangefinders for his ghillie - back when they were rare.
  20. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    A boring afternoon in Stary Sobor...

    Read the warning at the top, scrolled down to check length....fucccccccccck that shit.
  21. He laughs from his mountain.
  22. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Hell hath no fury like a bandit scorned
  23. Join us. We know what is best in life: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
  24. mattdbx@yahoo.com

    Why didnt anyone tell me!

    I don't believe you read the thread topic...