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About ALtrocity

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. http://www.twitch.tv/altrocity/c/1775608 That is a pretty legit video.. Also check out my stream for more clan Gameface bandit coverage !!!!!!
  2. ALtrocity

    Amazing 1st person prvt hive

    Do you like hardcore PvP ? Do you just prefer to be a survivor ? Then come over to BMRF.ME and play on the hardcore server. Right now I stream twitch.tv/altrocity with the clan Gameface. I am really hoping to see some more clans to jump over and try to oppose us. The server has custom loot, buildings, vehicles, and the admins do an amazing job. If you have any questions please inbox me or reply to this thread !!
  3. ALtrocity

    Amazing 1st person prvt hive

    Do you like hardcore PvP. Then come over to BMRF.ME and play on the hardcore server. Right now I stream twitch.tv/altrocity with the clan Gameface. I am really hoping to see some more clans to jump over and try to oppose us. The server has custom loot, buildings, vehicles, and the admins do an amazing job. If you have any questions please inbox me or reply to this thread !!
  4. ALtrocity

    Amazing 1st person prvt hive

    Do you like hardcore PvP. Then come over to BMRF.ME and play on the hardcore server. Right now I stream twitch.tv/altrocity with the clan Gameface. I am really hoping to see some more clans to jump over and try to oppose us. The server has custom loot, buildings, vehicles, and the admins do an amazing job. If you have any questions please inbox me or reply to this thread !!
  5. ALtrocity

    Amazing 1st person prvt hive

    That is why I am posting this.... The admins only fix the things you want fixed. You will have 0 issues with admins... They only help not hurt. These guys are genius coders that take pride in having the best server. They don't even hardly play.
  6. I highly recommend the 1st person server #2 .... Intense PvP .... groups going at it all of the time...
  7. Go to bmrf.me and register... This server has extra cars... intense PvP and the admins keep up with the server.... They recently opened a Namalisk server so the pop dropped a bit... If you like intense PvP and 1st person I would recommend hopping in !
  8. ALtrocity

    27 yrs old needs clan

    Yah well its good to get into a clan and make friends for when the stand alone comes out !
  9. I need a clan that likes to run around and kill everyone.. I don't even worry about getting looted out because I just get hacked fall from the sky and lose everything... add my skype or steam ALtrocity
  10. ALtrocity

    23 yrs + group needs a few more

    Still looking for a few more !!! hit me up ASAP !!
  11. ALtrocity

    23 yrs + group needs a few more

    Just got off work.... I know there are some more out there !! Lets go
  12. ALtrocity

    Brand New Clan

    add my skype...... ALtrocity
  13. ALtrocity

    Slow Zombies

    Surviving against zombies isn't the " challenge " in this game... it is PvP that is the challenge... I think the speed of the zombies either could be slowed or.... they could make it when you shoot zombies 5 million more don't show up...
  14. My skype is ALtrocity add me.... have a mic... be tactical... and play a lot .... o yah... 23 yrs and up please!
  15. ALtrocity

    Electro US 1883

    O well.... it was fun anyways....