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Pony Vests

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Everything posted by Pony Vests

  1. Pony Vests

    Video - Massive Camp with Server Info

    Here is a quick list of some things you can find there: 11 Soldier Clothing 40+ M107 NATO Mags 20+ Cooked Meat 10+ AS50 20+ Satchel Charges Med supplies out the ass 10+ NVGs/Rangefinders Coyote Backpacks 10+ PDWs 5+ DMRs 40+ DMR Mags Few L85s
  2. Just tried this server again today. Two black hacked-in SUVs driving through Chern blowing up buildings. I checked the player list and Fish was in the game along with several other familiar looking names.
  3. I was under the impression that only admins had the ability to global chat when the rest of the server was unable to speak in global. Plus, every time I have joined a server where the owner or admin was speaking to the entire server, it was in the same color as what was showing when Fish was playing the music. So it was either the admin/owner with a group of cheaters or it was someone using a script that allowed them to talk over global chat when global chat was disabled. Either way, teleporting/cheater group camping a hacked-in SUV Chern on US328.Edited the title until further proof is presented that an owner or admin was part of the group.
  4. Pony Vests

    Hackers on US 1251

    My buddy and I just joined US 1251 to look for some items when he saw a jeep with two guys from afar. He checked all around him when he spawned in then took a few shots at the tire which resulted in him being shot at from behind by someone carrying an M40. When he looked back to the jeep, one was looking directly at him and the other one was missing. Moments after my buddy aborted from the game (bleeding with broken bones), someone teleported behind me with an AS50 right after I had just checked around me. All I heard was a footstep, then I saw a gun barrell on my screen in third person right before I died.
  5. Pony Vests


    This worked! Thanks a lot!
  6. Pony Vests

    3 Weeks of hard work, finally paid off for my squad

    Kids are mad because they can't get good gear quickly. Lol
  7. Pony Vests

    3 Weeks of hard work, finally paid off for my squad

    Three weeks to collect that? You guys are really bad. Also laughed at the "I'm our squads sniper" yet you have one headshot out of 13 murders.