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Everything posted by haggard93

  1. haggard93

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    I can't connect to neither the old or new TS3...
  2. You guys could hop in the Walking Militia's teamspeak whenever u play and someone will probably be playing. I will be on later if you wanna meet up. And for the time thing it doesnt really matter, play when u want. Teamspeak: Hope to see you in our teamspeak. Your fellow surivor, Haggard
  3. Join Walking Militia's teamspeak sometime and hit us up!
  4. Good to see some people still have the mentality and balls not to shoot on sight lol. You meet some interesting people nd it adds to the game!
  5. Yeah it was good coincidence for me that I ran into ya in game and got a lift. We searched around but never found a vehicle. My buddy was killed up there though after coming across a large camp with tents flattened. Maybe we will run into each other again on US9 or 10 again.
  6. So even if u save the huey it just reverts back to the island after a server restart?
  7. The Huey shouldnt have been there, I ran out of fuel with it a min after leaving the island to try to refuel and if I'm correct it takes a week for a vehicle to respawn. Btw it was an epic crash landing that we both survived lol
  8. haggard93

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    I see all these applications whatever but they are useless unless you join our teamspeak and play with us...
  9. haggard93

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Why u so awkwardly weird to him? You have crush? XD
  10. haggard93

    Looking for a partner or group

    Checkout the Walking Militia to see what we're about. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10474-update-v2-dayz-walking-militia/ If you're interested hop in our teamspeak!
  11. haggard93

    Need Some People To Play With

    Join our teamspeak sometimes and hit me up, I'd be happy to play with ya. Teamspeak:
  12. Or checkout The Walking Militia B) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10474-update-v2-dayz-walking-militia/
  13. I just saw my whole screen fill up with player deaths just now, don't know if it was a hacker or what. US 10 btw. Edit: I randomly died too while driving my truck a few min after. Edit2: I don't think my death was related to the hacker. I think I was shot by a sniper, damn good shot whoever it was.
  14. Are you one of the guys I met on US 9 at the ATV spawn?
  15. haggard93

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone is around Devil's Castle PM me please.
  16. haggard93

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone East of Cherno? If so contact me, I am in need of a blood transfusion.
  17. No problem. Thanks for being a great admin! Yeah it sucks man but maybe we will meet again if you are ever on US 10. Good luck and stay safe!
  18. Hacker just teleported bunch of people just now. I disconnected as soon as I saw I was teleported so I don't have details on names or location of where I was teleported to.
  19. Unlucky :( I won't shoot unless shot at first and if I saw you i would have avoided ya probably. I was around stary earlier though and didnt see anything.
  20. Is there a reason why I can't setup a tent? It keeps saying I need a flat place with no objects and I've tried to place it everywhere, forests, mountains, flat fields, etc. Halp please.
  21. haggard93

    US 10 Chicago -- Tents/Vehicles gone

    I logged on this morning and everything is back, we're fine!
  22. When I try to connect to US 10 server this pops up "Bad version Server rejected connection" and I can't connect :( I was able to connect to it until yesterday. EDIT: Fixed it, back to playing!