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Everything posted by ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

  1. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Basicly no EU- Servers available, after Free Weekend.

    Can we get an official update on this? I have no idea if I should expect at least some servers to go back on or if I should just... well... go play something else. There's hardly any 100% vanilla community servers out there, and even then I don't like the idea of a random admin having control over everything.
  2. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Request to move Dichina military base

    I was rather disappointed when I found out the Stary military base was removed. It was a very open base, with only tents. You could get great loot out of it, but never top of the bill, except for a big backpack or DMR. The real treats spawned at chopper crashes and barracks. (At the time there were only two barracks in the game). It was a very open base, both entry point-wise and line of sight-wise, making it a very dangerous place to go to. In SA, they moved the base to Dichina (hairy tit hill) west of Kabanino, about 2 KM to the west. They have tried to emulate the Stary Sobor hill setting by putting the base next to the hill. But it simply is not the same. The base is pretty much covered by the walls, and because the hill is so small, it is really easy to pinpoint someone on it. The vantage point it offers is also rather lackluster. Dichina simply failed to replace Stary in every aspect. On top of that, Dichina used to be a safe location one could use to scout the neighbouring fields for crashes, a temporary camp, etc.. It no longer is that either. SA has a lot of big bases and lots of barracks, despite looking great, I personally believe they were a bad decision. In the mod, military loot was distributed over several tiers: tents -> Barracks -> Heli Crashes. Sadly, we lost that hierarchy in SA. Barracks are too plentiful, and tents spawn the same items as barracks plus the much needed attachments. Improvised military camps are gone. As such I would like to voice my desire to have the Dichina base removed, and once again changed to an improvised tent camp in the open of Stary Sobor. Ideally, I would also like the amount of barracks at balota/south-west to be trimmed down, in favor of the return of small tent camps similar to the one we had in Cherno in the mod, as well as the return of the loot value hierarchy. Heli's at the top, Barracks and jail buildings a step lower, and tents at the bottom. I would like deer stands to only spawn hunting gear (mosins as a rare), and civilian prison buildings to no longer spawn military weapons. Pistols and SMG's should be the highest value loot you can find there. It is alpha, and loot distribution is a beta thing, I realise that. But map design is something one should comment on during alpha, and when placing buildings, it is important to know what items will spawn in it, not the other way around (placing buildings first, and then later on seeing that it will be a pain in the ass to make the right weapons rare, and the common ones common simply because of the amount of spawn points the game has for it).
  3. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Request to move Dichina military base

  4. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Request to move Dichina military base

    I am aware of the intention to move all spawns to the east, but right now, the south-west side of the map feels way too saturated with bases. It feels very deathmatch-y and unauthentic. Moving Dichina base and reducing Balota's barracks would already go a long way. For example, a military roadblock on the road west to green mountain could replace the Zelenogorsk barracks, and feel more authentic at the same time. Myshkino would also be a much better place to put a small tent camp. The lesser amount of barracks at Balota could be replaced by reintroducing the army tents at Cherno. We were told the apartments at Cherno would be one of the most intense and dangerous BUT rewarding areas of the map. I simply do not see that happening anymore. It would be great to have an improvised camp there. Even if a lot of loot would spawn there, it would be balanced by the fact a lot of zombies can spawn at the apartments, as well as the PVP threat that comes with the skyscrapers.
  5. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    AKM performance

    Let's hope they will adjust the m4 stats to the one AKM stats, and not the other way around. The spread on most other guns is horrible.
  6. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Should walkie talkies have text chat?

    As a European speaking one of the least spoken European languages, I disagree with your reasoning. English is the future for us, btw. I agree there should be text, but simply for the sake of those who can't use a microphone or don't have one. I have a pretty expensive mic, but no matter how great it is and no matter how accustomed to TeamSpeak I am, there are plenty of situations when I can not use it. When there's too much noise in the vicinity, when someone is staying, or simply after a hard and tiring day, and so on... . No need to lose your head over it, Pitou.
  7. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Disappointing. I liked storing ammo for my possible next gun in the mod. At least make it a server option! I'd rather they move .45 ammo and colts to heli crashes then.
  8. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    I want all of it. Basically there are tools out there on the internet that make range finding easier than using an actual range finder in game. Might as well give those who don't use external methods a way to find distances accurately, too. And yes, it should all be rare. It's sad when people go bonkers over a feature that wont make a lot of difference, anyway. Taking nice possible features away from those who DO want it. You know what would be nice? Server hive options where you can change what drops and how rare everything is. Disillutional people who think they're Jack Grimes or w/e from [insert FOTM zombie series here] with their 23 different kinds of winchester rifles and 12 kind of revolvers riding a horse on their imaginary highway whilst talking about "walkers" (srsly?) at the coast can then have their own hives. Whether you all like it or not, the DMR was the real sniper king, and we WILL have the SVD soon enough. We'll also get a better scope, I'm sure. It would be naive to think we won't get an m14 eventually, either. Considering it's customization options and Bohemia saying they want NATO weapons too, to fit possible future new maps.
  9. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Watch this before forming your opinion. It should also be kept in mind he never uploaded any unedited footage of what happened, despite how easy that would've been for him.
  10. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    In a death loop. Any advice would be great.

    Try joining a server which is about to restart, and stay a full minute in after you get the loss of connection message. Normally you lose your character doing this.
  11. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    WW2 helmets made out of plastic? They're definitely made out of metal. Source: Got one less than 3m away from my desk. I can't speak of the inner components, as it's lacking those, though. I also had a german one at one point, they're not called stahlhelm because they're made out of plastic, you know?
  12. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Before you fix or add anything else.

    Hell YES! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T LET THE ART DESIGNERS MAKE ANY MORE MODELS, THE CODING NEEDS TO BE FIXED FIRST!!! Like, they should help out by brining the coders coffee or something. Facedesk time. Edit: Bring, not brine. =P
  13. Balance is not important in this game, imho. This game is all about imbalance and dealing with it. You know, antigame and stuff... I'd rather have it realistic/authentic. This is not a TDM where you get to pick your class and weapon at teh start of the round, and go up against other players.
  14. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    What will make you play the alpha again?

  15. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Hohoho! Hold your horses! I dont wanna be part of any of this rolepalying BS! I opt out!
  16. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    SKS ammo?

    AKM is a military weapon which is definitely going to be in the game which uses the same ammo. They might have added it to the military spawns already.
  17. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    that darn mouse sensitivity

    Nope, maybe its actually your fps increasing?
  18. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Bullets Going Through People

    Should ask Gews for the exact data, but at least for the FNX, this is true.
  19. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Bullets Going Through People

    Pistols are ranged. There was a whole hissyfit about the FNX being zero'd at 200 meters for some reason. And if you're aiming at something as small as a head, those couple inches are enough to make it miss.
  20. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    SKS - Confirmed Attachments

    No bipods?
  21. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    SKS ammo?

    SKS needs LRS, kobra sight, and bipod imho...
  22. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Bullets Going Through People

    You aimed at the head. It may not look like it, but EVERY weapon is zero'd at a certain range. Revolver is probably 50m. So if you shoot at someones head, 10m in front of you, the bullet will go right over him instead. This ain't Battlefield boy!
  23. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    High data traffic while playing DayZ

    Your English is just fine. Wish I could help, but I don't see how... All I can say is: stick to low pop servers. I do not think they'll ever fix this, as it's typical for the Arma engine. Only having 15GB of total bandwith is not from this day and age.
  24. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    Is weight going to play a factor ever?

    We need both. If I want to fill my backpack with lead balls (the ones used for that sport where you throw them from the shoulder), half a sausage backpack would be enough to drag me to the ground, even though half the slots are left.
  25. ratiasu@hotmail.co.jp

    I dont like to kill bambis buuuut

    Freshspawns arent the innocent they were in the mod. I ignore them, but if they come straight at me, down they go.