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About Corp

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    NSW, Australia
  • Interests
    Camping spawn points, military bases, airfields, towns, factories, docks, the coast. I will find you, and I will kill you.

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  • Bio
    I was just a young'en on the coast, I found my way and now i'm slaying all the people who made it hard for me.
  1. Corp


    Then are we no better than the zombies themselves?
  2. Maybe the items from the game type now, carry over to this 'capture the flag' idea of yours. Then maybe a ranking system? But there would be penalties for losing, like it may take away some of your ranks and items you may have, so your at a disadvantage if you lose a lot. This would then encourage team work as people (obviously) wouldn't want to lose their items.
  3. Corp

    Trains Can we have one please ?

    This would be great! But could you imagine what you would have to do to repair it, also the amount of zombies it would attract.
  4. Corp

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    The chances of actually getting a sniper is veeeeerrrryyy difficult. Even though i've gotten lucky, killed 2 people over two servers with my friend, and found two AS50's two GPS', compasses, maps, range finders, NVG's and plenty of bullets for a range of different guns. Buuuutt.. I guess i'm just lucky.
  5. Z-dogs, like in "I am Legend". That would be very funny. (scary at the same time though)
  6. Corp

    dayz clan clothes

    This is the greatest suggestion i've seen so far, the amount of times i've almost shot my team mate is ridiculous.
  7. This is a great idea, even though I class myself as a player killer, I wouldnt mind waiting.