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Everything posted by WhiteZero

  1. WhiteZero

    September Rant Topic.

    Of course, because there is none. Just a bunch of impatient kids or otherwise cynical trolls whining about the game.
  2. WhiteZero

    September Rant Topic.

    Apples to Orangles. H1Z1 is using Planetside 2's engine, so theres not a whole lot of low-level engine work they have to do. While DayZ is still in the middle of an engine overhaul, which obviously takes a lot of manhours away from working on your aforementioned content.
  3. WhiteZero

    zombie or infected

    Officially they are infected, not undead.
  4. WhiteZero

    Whole Server Wiped

    Just glance over the first page of posts her, keyword "hacker"
  5. WhiteZero

    Rain will be the new night?

    You can die from starvation/dehydration. Thats pretty basic survival.
  6. WhiteZero

    Unable to play, game will not start

    Updated graphics drivers?
  7. I'd like to give OP the benefit of the doubt and say by "all work/resources" he means those only relevant to the issue (coders).
  8. Hicks has already said they are investigating the issue. I'm sure they'll allocate the appropriate resources.
  9. WhiteZero

    September Rant Topic.

    As far as I know, Steam/Valve decide what gets posted on the Featured Games roll, so thats not BI's call. Otherwise, how is it "plastered all over the front of Steam"? Being in the Top Sellers list is just inherinet to the popularity of the game, again not BI's call. Personally I think Early Access games shoulden't be visible on the Front Page at all. Less chance of all these ignorant people buying the game sight-unseen.
  10. WhiteZero

    September Rant Topic.

    Yeah the mod doesn't have to focus on any engine/backend stuff at all. And that stuff is the major focus of Alpha right now.
  11. WhiteZero

    September Rant Topic.

    Yeah, and how many kids lied about their age to buy the game too? ;)
  12. WhiteZero

    Could this run DayZ?

    Another good resource: http://www.logicalincrements.com/
  13. WhiteZero

    Could this run DayZ?

    We'll see with the renderer ;) Min/Rec Specs are probably more accurate for the game post-optimization...
  14. WhiteZero

    Could this run DayZ?

    Yeah, you really don't ever want a "Minimum spec" computer. Thats what is the lowest possible required just to boot the game, nevermind running it at a decent framerate even at the lowest settings. Shoot closer to the Recommended spec, whichs till isn't going to max the game.
  15. WhiteZero

    September Rant Topic.

  16. Since the DevTracker doesn't really get updated enough (seriously, I'd volunteer to help update it), I'll post this here: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2f5m7d/whats_the_hired_sound_guy_doing_lately/ck68qze?context=3 Q: "Is there any ETA for this "tech to support the vision" (like Q4 2014)? " A: "I see the snowball effect already happening. Understand though we will get these modules (as in Animation,AI,Sensors,Sound,Particles etc.) one at a time. They take a lot of mandays, and me making a guess is almost the same as making a promise. And Im not at a point where I feel confident enough to make those unless Im 100% sure. What I can say is that I know we will get there. The team is strong, and growth hurdles are mostly gone. We`re in for the long haul and want to see this game flourish down the road."
  17. WhiteZero

    September Rant Topic.

    You kinda sound like the butthurt one here. Butthurt that you can't handle Alpha. Anyway, here is what to expect during Alpha and so on, per Hicks:
  18. WhiteZero

    September Rant Topic.

    Stop yer bitching and come back for Beta/RC/FR Per Hicks on what to expect from Alpha, etc:
  19. WhiteZero

    Could this run DayZ?

    Not really. Just look for one that is as good or better than the "Recommended" System Requirements of the game. Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better For reference on similarly powered GPUs, check here. For similar CPUs, check here.
  20. WhiteZero

    Could this run DayZ?

    Not well. Very low level gfx card. So you could maybe run DayZ on the lowest settings... after the new renderer is in place. And you could build a much better PC from parts for not much more money.
  21. WhiteZero

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    And then of course half of those people go squalking around forums about how bad the balance is on the weather effects on players or whatever, complaining that the system is poorly done, not really thinking that this is Experimental for a reason.
  22. WhiteZero

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Thats when you stop, take off your jacket/hat/whatever and take a breather.
  23. WhiteZero

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Should have 0 effect. It's just a software requirement.
  24. WhiteZero

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Oh snap, the VC++ 2010 is a new requirement. That sounds like a fairly large engine change to
  25. WhiteZero

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Things like Visual C++ Redist, .NET Framework, etc are runtime files that enable users to use programs that use those programming backends. So it does nothing specific, just makes sure your PC has all the required runetime files to run a particular application. I'm guessing DayZ has needed this all long, they just weren't included in the installer until now. Including this in the installer likely prevents a number of issues if you didn't already have it.