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Posts posted by gsher2512@gmail.com

  1. SithLord is a real person, I know that from visiting their own forums. Mack17 i'm not sure about, he's yet to surface on there, but he certainly knows the admin in question somehow.

    I just sincerely hope someone from the Dev team sees this and makes an example of these guys because I'd hate to see it happen to someone else in the future.

    • Like 1

  2. One more thing before bed: this "logic" of "oh he's got hacked gear, so he must be a hacker" is so false... you've never killed someone, or raided a camp, and found an item you've never seen before and said, "oh wow, look at that! i want it."?

    Just because a guy has an item that's not supposed to be in the game, DOES NOT mean HE PUT IT IN THE GAME.

    You seem to be a bit confused about the definition of "hacker"...

  3. Apparently you can if you are the admin, cause he did. It's HIS server, not yours.

    actually, since it's running DayZ, it's technically Rocket's server. He's set rules for players and admins alike. The only part of that equation that has broken rules has been the latter.

    Guy posts a couple names that don't match the complaints, (not GUID's mind you, but names) and thinks that's proof of these particular guys hacking. It's shameful and a tarnish on this community, and something that the Dev Team needs to figure out how to monitor.

    By the way, that post makes you actually sound like a 3rd grader.

    • Like 1

  4. Ok so I found the way for these guys to prove their innocence. Apparently the server admins here thought they could get this by everyone.

    Tigger, Milkman: all you have to do is go into the global chat in game and type: #beclient players

    Your GUID, along with everyone else's on the server, will display on the bottom left of the screen. Take a screen shot and post it here. Simple.

  5. I post to prove you wrong because you're wrong.

    M1lkm8n, is m1lkm8n in game... thetigger is thetigger in game. There is no "brojangles" or "nos" or "php" even contributing to this thread. So find those 2 names in your logs, and then post them here. Then come up with another bogus story about how picking up a hacked item is against the rules...

  6. You can't ban someone for USING a hacked weapon. Ban the people that hacked them into the game, not the innocent bystanders... There's another post somewhere that said it well, "Not everyone in the game is expected to memorize the DayZWiki".

    Second: Your first reason for the ban was that they D/Ced during a firefight... now you're changing it to this.

    third: those logs you posted didn't incriminate anyone in this thread. Instead, you've got 4 other random guys and their gear on there....

  7. lol you used "we" and "we're" quite a bit in that post... hmmm

    btw... your so called "emails from the devs" were most likely canned responses. Meaning they send them out to any server admins that submit a ban, simply because they receive so many.

  8. people like you who just show up and think you know best but you don't even have anything to do with this.

    You should heed your own advice, pal.

    Second, he DOES have to provide reasons for the ban. It's one stipulation of owning a server for this game. Any server admin must show proof of wrong-doing when the ban is brought into question or the server can be blacklisted. It's really as simple as that.

    Since he hasn't done that, it's safe to assume nothing ever happened.

  9. You see the problem here? It's just that... are we supposed to just trust that you don't know them? We're supposed to believe that you created your account and, ten minutes later, happened to stumble upon a thread about a server that you use often? What a CRAZY coincidence!

    The reason we're so quick to accuse them of Admin "Abusement" is because the OP has told his full side of the story, yet the only thing we've heard from DumpedOn is that he refuses to re-instate them. No reason for the ban was given, other than they "must have been" cheating...

    and Snatchelcharge are you just some random kid I mean do you even play on 913 or what getting your self involved in something your not apart of.

    I'll also send the same question your way...

  10. I'm just concerned with admins abusing their power. I've played on 913 quite a few times. My understanding, or at least what it seems to me, is that there are more admins than just Str8Dumpn, and they took it upon themselves to ban a few guys that simply pissed them off... or scared them.

    Videos of you killing those guys proves nothing. It's pretty easy to stage something like that.

  11. Gotta love the guy that created his account 30 minutes ago and remembers SPECIFICALLY that Milkman was the only person on a "hacked" server, but he's got no connection with Str8Dumpn.

    Yea, talk about trolls...

    I actually do love the fact that you guys have Str8DumpedOn so worried that he has to create new accounts to seem like he's got some kind of public support. Keep up the good work!
