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Everything posted by matt216@email.com

  1. So we made program that allows us to scan the RPT file that us server owners have control of and all it did was scan for log in and log out times. This has helped our server out more than you know as it shows us if people are duping. When we see someone log in and out numerous times in a short period of time its pretty good evidence that they are up to no good. Then of course we can compile evidence and proceed with the ban process if needed. But after our recent patch this is not possible any more. The RPT file will no longer register people loging in we still get the logout though but i cant confirm the log out log as it might still be old data in the RPT file. So my complaint is that at the current moment admins are the onlything stopping cheaters as we all know how good BE has been at it. So the new lack of log registered to the servers just restricts the admins even more. So on this note with our anti-cheat method being completely removed i am starting to believe that the Dayz team and BI have no intrest in stoping the ramped cheating atm. As more and more admins become wiser on all of this i expect the server counts to start dropping because if you guys cant control the cheating now what makes you think it will be any different in your standalone.
  2. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    Dont forget "Local event" too lol
  3. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    well when i can scan the logs properly i could prove they were cheating when player a got from point a on the map to point b in less than a second then i see a teleport.sqf script or fasttravel.sqf or my favorite one gunsandammo.sqf then im not really worried about being black listed as the proof is in black and white.
  4. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    all this and still not a single dev post on it
  5. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    actually i can see chat in bercon still but its buggy
  6. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    Update now in bercon i cant even see people talking so no one can talk to me as admin anymore nor can i read what people say when they are hacking my server
  7. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    This wasnt a fix that went with a arma update this only start when we updated to .5 now if im wrong then please some one let me know
  8. matt216@email.com

    Servers not updating in a timely manner

    This patch is a killer for admins since now we have no way of getting evidence agianst hacker unless they are dumb and run scripts without a bypass so GL because we will not update if rocket doest fix this and most likely shut our server down since he just opened the flood gates for hackers.
  9. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    Regardless of all our different views on this admins need some ability to police. You can say we are all bad or some of us or what ever but when all we can do is pay and allow our server to die because we cant ban or kick a person now because we cant get that hard evidence we need without them rage posting admin abuse and contacting our host and dayz requesting a black list. This is getting out of hand and I would like a Dev or Rocket to address these issues. Or let us have our RPT reporting back.
  10. matt216@email.com

    Any program to read the RPT file?

    RPT data is now limited thanx to dayz dev team so the rpt file is now useless no matter what program you use.
  11. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    Do you even know what admins can do. I promise you that there are more hackers/script kiddies than there are admins abusing the servers. A admin can kick/ban restart/stop a server thats it we dont have magical powers to spawn items or teleport or anything like that. O yeah i can set the difficulty level on the server too, I cant even change the time of the server.
  12. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    Its getting to the point where maybe rocket should get with BI to just set up servers on their own let them deal with all the crap instead of all of us that are paying for him to test his mod. Last time i checked we pay so you guys can play and test.
  13. matt216@email.com

    Lets remove even more control from the server admins!

    We might just revert back to .4 and wait till its removed from the hive then just shut the server down because now we have no way to detect a cheater unless we see it with our own eyes and keeping a admin on 24/7 is well impossible
  14. matt216@email.com

    US 900

    Hello guys, Just wanna welcome you to our server. We are trying to get a good restart rotation in place atm so bear with us. Also if you have any complaints or suggestions let us know. Some rules we like to go by. 1. Combat logging with get you banned no questions ask. We pay for the server not you so that is our rule. waiting on clarification on this 2. If you suspect a person hacking/scripting or exploiting let us know. We prefer pics/vid but we can check the logs as well. 3. We are working on the time of the server so its more US east coast friendly. 4. We do kick for high pings 5. If you are kicked for high pings and continue to spam join you will be banned. 6. We also kick for lobby idlers. 7. Have Fun!!! Rule can and will most likely change as the Dayz team allows for more server side control. Thank you
  15. matt216@email.com

    To hell with primary weapons says the medic

    I like the idea of a person giving up his main weapon for storage its a good idea but its gonna have to be a pretty large bag
  16. matt216@email.com

    Host Altitude: Anyone elses cPanel access down?

    same here down servers are still up which is good wish they would get a few more options though besides the basic difficulty settings lol
  17. you know making statements like that is a good way to loose your community support. If the problems keep going the way they are then the dayz stand alone will truely stand alone, by itself in the corner
  18. matt216@email.com

    Do you see a DayzHosting.Com Server LOCKED? VIEW!

    Really i mean this is what the dayz comm has become one giant tattle tail. I promise you this though as a admin i see your ip so please get my server locked down because your a idiot that knows nothing about hosting a server and i promise you your local court house will serve you the bill :) Grow up kids or maybe this game should be pay to play get rid of all the boo hoo
  19. matt216@email.com

    Admin abuse - What you need to know

    your stupid bro he was saying what permissions we have not what we do
  20. matt216@email.com

    Temporary Blacklist for all Locked Servers > 0 players

    I lock my server on restarts to allow the server to boot up with our the ddos spam and also i would like to be able to lock it when its capped out as well. But thats fine keep crying and watch as we server host get tired of all the screams of admin abuse and just stop paying for your servers then you can all enjoy your new pay to play game where one server company runs it all and no matter how much you bitch you get what you pay for. Im so close to shutting down my server due to all the whinning about how every server you guys see is exploiting or admin abuse. How about this just go buy your own server and let it stay open all the time tell us who pay for you to play how stable it is on restarts and updates while 500 people are spamming your server lol.... I cant believe so many people cry over something that other people pay for so you can have for free. Keep it up though please because the guys that host your servers we can afford to pay to play but can all of you
  21. I will let the patches run a few hrs just to make sure no major issues are found then do a manual update
  22. matt216@email.com

    Can I ban players for Alt-F4ing?

    you pay for the server ban them
  23. matt216@email.com

    Can I get in trouble for joining a locked server?

    No most likely rocket will eventually just black list the server for being locked, but you as a player shouldnt be affected just to guy that pays for the server
  24. matt216@email.com

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    please dont ever tell hackers they cant bypass things it just makes them work harder to prove a point