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About Grold

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello, I got the standalone from quite a while now, and for a period i stopped playing it; only recently i came back to the game and, while i can see many imrpovements made, there is still some core issue that imo needs some attention. So far the game , at least for me, is try to survive while you gear up and gather enough food, and than .... than either you suicide yourself in PvP or nothing. I mean this game still lack all the survaivability gameplay that shouldn't be only for the first hour where you search weapons/gear. If i want to survive in DayZ i can get some food and just reach the farthest forest and stay there without doing nothing , i mean nothing at all with the character standing there.... So i haven't read all the upcoming features but i really hope they are including something to get you busy and have fun that is not related to killing other players (that's the only funny thing in this game at the moment) Here are some ideas that i'm sure have already been mentioned by someone else before (i'd be surprised if not): - More Zombies i mean everywhere (wandering hordes of zombies) - Introduce profession/crafitng like hunting , building houses/shelters to rest, based on the environment and the resoursces you can get (basically the concept to survive while being away from the main cities without being bored to death, if i want to survive the last thing i'd do is to go where all players and zombies are like major cities/airports). Everything else that can detach the gameplay from the usual "gearup->pvp->die->rinse and repeat" style would be great. Cheers.
  2. Grold

    Character resetted again

    Have you ever played this game before the last patch? It doesn't seem so, before this patch this was a sporadic bug never happened to me more than once, after the patch is happening EVERY time i log out. I don't need to be proud of anything, as much as this is in test i still have to enjoy it as i spent money on it. Resetting the character at every log off is at the moment making this game test experience very bad and i strongly suggest those who are willing to buy it to wait as this is not a minor issue in my point of view. For the assumption just try to open the Troubelshooting forums
  3. This game is basically unplayable since the last patch, today for the 12th time as soon as you log out even if you log back in after few minutes the character is totally resetted no matter which server you enter than. This is the one and only issue you guys should fix or find a way to avoid ASAP , there is no point in playing the game if i get my chaacter resetted everytime, and i think every player is experiencing this. See you next patch/hot-fix
  4. I'm tired of this shit , really 10th time i get a character reset and it's not only on a server or a server-type it's everywhere in everyserver my character is resetted after a logout of 45 minutes... it's not i'm gonna see that gear appear again and no... it's not easy to gear up cause you need to make 30 fucking minutes of running in the desolation before reaching a military base .... ye it's a beta or whatever but this problem is here since the beginning and they should find a way to avoid it as i think it's the worst problem this game can have