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About KillyTheBit

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. One other thing I would find interesting would be some questing. Not in classical way where you go to an npc an get a quest to do. But something which is persistent for a whole server, not for the individual player. I was thinking of random notes that you would find, maybe leading to special locations where you could hints to another special thing and so on. The notes would be persistent and found at dead players and every note or hint would be persistent on the server. I think this would open up possibilities for interesting stories to occure.
  2. When I first experienced a massive storm with thunder and lightning I thought it would be cool if this would impact the gameplay much more. I imagined how I would be sneaking through a city full of zombies unnoticed with them staying "calm" but suddenly a storm would break loose and with all the thunder and lightning going on they would change behavior - suddenly running around spreading more and making other dangerous and inpredictable moves - maybe moving into buildings or something along that lines. I think this would be exciting because it would be an inpredictable gamechanger for everybody in a city overrun by zombies and forcing players to take weatherchanges more into account.