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About DarkMayne

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Brisbane Australia
  • Interests
    Brrraaaains - Lame I know, but makes me smile.

    My Steam ID is dark_mayne
    I am on Skype quite a lot more however.
  1. DarkMayne

    [E.F.S] Aus branch looking to recruit.

    Free Freaking Muffins!! I've had a few people add me to Skype, so not all is lost just cause noone posts here.
  2. Hey guys! Looking to recruit AU and NZ players for the E.F.S. We run training days and are starting to look at clan vs clan battles as well as just generally helping each other out. We have bandits, we have survivors, we have heroes. All mature gamers are welcome. If you are interested in teaming up with us, just personal message me here, or on my wall. My Skype is Dark.Mayne, so feel free to add me to that so we can talk if you haven't heard from me here.
  3. cool story man, anyone who doesn't get it... Doesn't deserve to actually play DayZ.
  4. DarkMayne

    Sound & Smell oriented Z magnets

    I think it would be far too ahrd to implement, especially at this stage where it's ALPHA based off an engine that I believe doesn't already have a smell system built in to it. BUT, I love the Idea and maybe once it goes to a standalone game it'd be an awesome asset.
  5. Hey man, any chance of getting ping set to 300? I'm from Aus and would love to play with my mates on there, but can't get on. I log on in like 3 seconds but get kicked (obviously). All good if the answer is no, just thought I would ask. (Nothing ventured, nothing gained)
  6. DarkMayne


    registered mate - every second saturday I'm happy to join in
  7. Request Sent. Dark.Mayne - I'm an aussie, but only play around this time... SCratch that, you just accepted me, ha ha
  8. NO PICTURES OR VIDEOS, I WOULD HAVE DIED IF I TRIED. * Server this happened on: US 737 * Time that it happened including your timezone: (around) 11:15PM, or 23:15, East Coast Australia Time Zone. * What happened during the incident: All players were teleported to the North West Airfield and were shot at by someone in a Ghillie with a silenced M4. Here is a list of the players left on the server once I reached lobby. Bishop Muskrat Baillies (though he logged out at the same time I did) ALLANS (Also logged out) Myd Sneek xGawdx [stoleUrShoe] DarkMayne (Thats me, and I promise it wasn't me.) I don't know if I died, I am too annoyed to check, this has happened a few times to my survivour pack. I lost an AS 50 and FN FAL if I have died. Took so long to get, and to die from something like this is....... demoralizing. I don't mind being shot in the back or anything like that, I should have checked my corners, but, getting shot by someone who can't even play the game :@.