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About Archonic

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    On the Coast

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  1. Archonic

    What Is you'r View on the crossbow?

    Love it, I always remember where they are located for a pinch situation or if i want some stealth. The only down side for me was when zombies land funny and eat the bolts. Which can really fuck up a good plan. However, I accidentally found an "exploit" that solved that problem, not sure if it's been mentioned before: If you shoot a zombie (or wall sometimes) you get the option to go pick up your bolt (if you are lucky). If you lay prone while picking it up, you do not preform the pick up animation. If you mouse on and off of the bolt quickly, repeatedly retrieving the bolt before it disappears, you can end up with several in your inventory instead of one. Actually you can over extend your inventory by around 4 bolts if you try. (as in, your pack is FULL, but you bolt count continues to rise, as you use them up, the extras will appear in the vacant slots.) THIS IS NOT A DUPE METHOD! The extra bolts retrieved in this way, vanish if you try to place them in a tent, and usually upon logging out or after some time has passed. I see this more as a means of making up for the lack of quiver, and far to frequent zombie eating your bolt. I don't support duping or hacking, if mods don't want this posted, feel free to edit or delete my post, I'm not trying to cause trouble. I'm happy with the crossbow as a weapon, and was disappointed to see how many disregard it.
  2. Archonic

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    See, now I happen to know an ex navy officer who is a brony. He was discharged after a year for not listening to his superiors, not cleaning his living space, and not maintaining his responsibilities. So basically, being an insufferable man child. His "heroic" service ended with him back at home, using his, now substantially larger (do to military), unemployment checks to buy pony figures and merch. Sooo, shut up? if just like brony does not always = man child, military does not always = hero. Both are simply the case MOST of the time. Not happy to see brony threads, or brony hate threads. And I'm not challenging you on this because your a brony, it's because you're being a hypocrite. Telling people not to stereotype you as a brony, but to stereotype you as a vet. BOTH are stereotypes, and not always true, so basically, your "I'm not a pussy" argument is full of it
  3. Archonic

    Is this game dying?

    Actually yes, I DO enjoy killing zombies only, I very rairly pvp, in any game really, I'm just a pve sort of guy. the zombies arn't to much of a threat once you get the hang of it true, (thanks to the bugs) but things get more tense as you try to constantly beat your old kill record, without getting spotted by someone out to fuck your shit. I like to play with the mindset that this IS the zombie appocolips and I am doing my part to rid the earth of the zombie scurge. Even though humanity at this point seems to have spiraled into spawn camping skripters, I still like to think there are afew survivors out there, like me, who could stand to see afew less zombies in the area durring hairy situation. At the end of the day, it's a just a game, and I can play it however the fuck I want, and have fun doing it. (edit: wow my spelling really goes down hill in the morning...)
  4. Archonic

    US 373 pussies

    There we go, ya can't take the intenet so seriosly. And now that that's out of your systems, take some beans :beans: , and let's all go kill some zombies. ;)
  5. Archonic

    US 373 pussies

    Wow, just... WOW. US 373 must just be just PACKED with rape happy zombies, cuz you guys are ass pained TO THE MAX. But serriosly, jerking eachother off is best done in private, and you 4 should probably take it back to that server you were alt+F4'ing off of. It's just embarasing at this point.
  6. Archonic

    Would you like the DayZ Radio back?

    Hmmm, are you talking about dj'ing for Dayz players? (like the name being "Dayz radio" or something?) or the in game radio item that plays creepy noises and dishs out deerstand cords in russian? Edit: voted yes anyway, i want both. >.>
  7. Archonic

    The Bicycle.

    What else are friends for?
  8. How about you try reading some of the posts in your thread. It has been repeatedly explained to you.
  9. Welp, in the end you proved him right OP. Good job.