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About Valyr

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Does anyone else think that this is a viable idea? I know that it goes against the established storyline of Arma 2, however, making Chernarus an island could help the game in a number of ways. It could: 1.) Get rid of the ugly and unrealistic debug plains, adding to the immersion of the game. 2.) Make boats more useful, as they have little use as of right now, except for maybe getting to Skalisty. 3.) Add interesting new terrain features, like boat wrecks or seaside caves.
  2. Valyr

    Why hack?

    I guess that's what I'll have to do, but I just don't understand how people could enjoy doing this.
  3. Valyr

    Why hack?

    I've started playing Dayz again recently after a long break, and the past 4/5 times I've been killed it's been from hacks. Now I was aware that this was a problem going in, but I had no idea it was this bad. That's not why I started this thread though. I wanted to know if anyone had a clue about why people hacked. Seriously, how can you get enjoyment out of ruining this game for others? What do you all think is the reason for this?
  4. Valyr

    New Patch Artifacting

    I got this at Cherno near the military tents and at the Balota tent base as well, so it very well could have something to do with the dead soldiers.
  5. Valyr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Profile name is A beat up blue chevy. Question, does the server have global chat, if so, then I'll just use that.
  6. Valyr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright, downloading, want to do some other form of communication, like steam?
  7. Valyr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    How would I go about downgrading?
  8. Valyr

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If any of you medics are near the NWAF, I could use a hand. I have a bloodbag and need a transfusion direly, if anyone is up for it, hit me up with a PM with a server name. Oh, and I'm running beta 95168 currently, just thought that might be useful info.