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Everything posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Oddball_E8

    Lumberjack Simulator?

    Then it must have been hotfixed, because yesterday my temp went down all the time... went from 100 to 35 and it was day and only rained twice (both times i managed to get to a house and take shelter). Today, i havent dropped more than 1 or 2 degrees during the 2 hours i played... so obviously something has changed.
  2. theres no way to "fix" other players shooting you (at least not without making this game pretty dull). What you need to do is find people on the forums that you can play with or people that are obviously not going to kill you (like someone youve seen helping others). One tip is to use in-game chat after youve discovered another player in the game and followed him out of sight for a while. Talk to him and tell him that you are somewhere near him (but not the place youre actually at) and see how he acts on that... if he trys to sneak up on the place you said you were, hes probably not friendly. just running up to someone usually doesnt work well... even if you shoot the zeds chasing them...
  3. Oddball_E8

    Straight outta 28 days later

    I met a bandit in Elektro today... i was lured in by gunfire, and was on the chat with one survivor that was in there. I went closer to the fire and had Direct Chat VOIP on. Saw a bandit running from a zed, so i shot the zed as soon as the bandit was out of sight arund the corner of a house. The bandit stopped and came back around the corner. I said "dont shoot im friendly" two or three times over VOIP, and then suddenly (without raising his weapon, so he tried to do it without alerting me to his intentions) he started shooting at me with his rifle. He winged me once, and i started moving to avoid his fire. I aimed, i fired, and he went down... and disconnected... SOOOOO annoying and not at all like 28 days later... I wish we couldnt disconnect that fast, that way we would still get those movie moments... and not these annoying "im a wimp so im logging out to prevent you from getting my loot" moments...
  4. Oddball_E8

    Problems with bandaging+

    Yeah it must be that you are missing some file... because you just go into gear and right click on bandages and pick "bandage myself"...
  5. Oddball_E8

    Logging out for hours (or days) at a time

    Yeah... I... well... oh just read my signature...
  6. So we all know that day/night is based on where the server is located, so (theoretically) if its night where the server is, its night in the game. However, since most people have jobs and cant play until in the evening for most parts, how about we switch the Night/Day cycle, so that when its night IRL, its day in-game. That way all the poor suckers out there with jobs and families can play on servers with decent ping. Ps. im unemployed so i wouldnt be that affected by this change. (also, it could be a server side option, so some servers specialise in reversed N/D cycle for example)
  7. Oddball_E8

    Life is not valuable now?

    Making things more rare wouldnt stop this kind of gamey behaviour... they would just server jump for a bit longer and they would still have all they wanted, whilst all of us who dont play gamey like that would get punished. I think that you shouldnt be able to join another server within 15 minutes of logging out of another server. Sure, it would be a bit of a pain, but not that much. Especially if you make it so that this only applies if you have actually been in-game and not just stuck on the "waiting for server response" screen
  8. Oddball_E8

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

  9. Oddball_E8

    Kicked from server?

    Umm... yes it is? of course, i can only speak for Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, UK, France and Spain, but hey... thats not ALL the countries in the world... but it doesnt matter since it IS racist no matter how you put it, it was expressed in english and in english, nigger is a racist word. Hell, it would be racist if i called you Kaffir... as long as you knew what it meant and i knew what it meant...
  10. Right, heres how it should be in my opinion. 1: you only lose body temp if you are outdoors at night (maby also if indoors, but at a slower pace) or if you are outdoors during heavy rainfall. 2: body temp equals out when you are outside during sunshine. (meaning, even if you spent all night outside in the cold, you will regain your body temp during the day, if yorue in the sun) 3: running increases body temp (meaning you can keep warm if youre cold, but also overheat if you run too much during a hot day). 4: campfires keep you warm during the night if you are outdoors. 5: campfires should need nothing more than matches or roadflares to make (like it used to be with matches, you build a campfire and then light it with either matches or one flare that is used up) 6: Colds and other diseases shouldnt be dependant on body temp, but could occur randomly (with a low base chance, modified by things such as body temp, hunger and dehydration) and should also have a chance to dissapear naturally after a certain time.
  11. Its not that wood is hard to find if you loot buildings. Its the fact that its stupid to even require specific pieces of loot to start a fire. Right now, i could start at least 15 different fires (as in fireplaces) from just the stuff in my livingroom. And if i go outside, theres a whole forest i could use. But in the game i would have to find a town, look for a barn and then go in that barn hoping that someone has compiled a nice little wood pile for me that i can use to start a fire, since nothing else in the world is flammable. Also, matches are ridicculously hard to find. If i go outside right now, and start "looting" houses (ie. burglary) i would find some sort of ignition apparatus (either matches or lighters of different sorts) in 90% of all houses. And yet they are all gone in chernorus. And for some reason, road flares and such just will not start a fire... no matter how dry your leaves are (oh sorry, i forgot that leaves are inflammable in chernorus)
  12. yeah... that makes all kinds of sense doesnt it? or maby im just a carebear because i expect things to be a bit more realistic? having actually been outdoors other than to just go to the shop to buy more slurpies, i know that you dont get hypothermia from just being outside on a sunny day. Thats basically what people are "whining" about. Not the fact that there IS a temp, but the fact that its not working in a realistic way. Yesterday in-game i cought a cold and was more or less dying. "well you must have done something wrong" you say... Not really. I ran through woods on a sunny day, and then there was a slight drizzle of rain, and then it was sunny again... my temp dropped so low that i damned near died from it and caught a cold. Its a wonder that humanity has survived this long if we cannot go outside for more than an hour without catching hypothermia on a sunny day.
  13. Temp needs a LOT of work before its gonna be ok in the game... unfortunately it has been implemented on the harsh side of things. Basically, if you dont have matches (and theyre not that easy to find) youre shit out of luck. Ive found tons of firewood, but no matches. I even have a tent, knife, entrenchment tool, toolbox and flares. now, i SHOULD be able to keep warm using those tools, but instead i am catching my death of hypothermia in the middle of a sunny day because there was a slight drizzle earlier and im in a forest... Its a wonder mankind survived this long before we became civilized and started building houses to hide in...
  14. Oddball_E8

    Tents: how do they work?

    So in other words, if you find a tent on one server, loot it and then change servers to see if there are other tents in the same place on other servers :D
  15. It was VERY useful to know wether or not the server had saved your position and stuff... more than once did i loose stuff i had just picked up before logging off before i noticed this. But now its gone, so can we please have it back? its very useful to know when your position is saved or not...
  16. Oddball_E8

    Rocket, please read.

    Nobody is forcing anyone to host the mod on the other hand... its part of the terms rocket makes, if you dont like it, then dont host the mod on your server... simple.
  17. Oddball_E8

    Turn DMR mag into 4 m24 or m40 rounds

    If they could implement a sort of "ammo-mag-gun" system so we could find empty mags, and just plain boxes of ammo and then have to fill those mags ourself, that would be awesome... so if you have an M240 and find a mag, you would still have to find enough 7.62N to fill it :D id love that.
  18. Oddball_E8

    Nerf the crawling & winchester

    Heh, ive been hoarding winchester ammo in the hopes of finding one on my latest character, but after going through at least 10 barns and open buildings i still havent found one... i found a lee-enfield, 3 CZ550's and 4-5 crossbows, but not a single winchester :/ but i honestly believe the winchester is just a placeholder for some sort of civilian shotgun (for now there is only the M1014 and the saiga in the game, hardly civilian in most cases), and when they get it implemented, it will most likely be a regular 5,6 or 8 shot pump-action if you ask me. Although, i would have loved a 2-barreled breech loader :D
  19. Oddball_E8

    Holster pistol

    Actually, holstering the pistol would be great for "are you friendly or not" encounters... just pointing the gun away is kinda half-aggressive still...
  20. Oddball_E8

    Shotgun bullets must be same (12 gauge).

    12 gauge is NOT the only caliber for shotguns, and contrary to popular belief, it is not the only one out there, especially not when it comes to hunting... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauge_(bore_diameter)
  21. Now, most of us know that there is a back-story to the whole dayz mod, but its not revealed to anyone, so it might make sense in the light of that story to have western weapons in abundance. BUT, all the signs are in cyrillic and the country itself (understandably) is very eastern bloc looking. So why not have more eastern weapons instead of what we have? How about replacing the M16/M4 versions with versions of the AK-107/AKS-74U? And a PKM or RPK-74 instead of the M240. Put in a Mosin-Nagant to replace the Lee-Enfield. The saiga instead of the M1014. The Bizon instead of the MP5 and the dragunov instead of the DMR. Maby its just me, but it would just make more sense to me if most (if not all) of the weapons were eastern bloc weaons simply because the country still feels very eastern despite all the ruined hummvees and zombie US soldiers.
  22. Its not that i mind the fact that there are western weapons in the mod... its the apparant lack of eastern ones that i dislike. Even if there was a western intervetnion, there would still be alot of eastern weapons in the world. Not to mention that the farmers wouldnt be using western weapons anyway.