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*Regulator* Jackeroo

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Everything posted by *Regulator* Jackeroo

  1. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    [Question Solved]

  2. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    [Question Solved]

    Ah ok, I was considering getting a 7790 if there weren't any decent ones I could crossfire with my setup, would this be a good choice?
  3. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    building1st desktop for gaming, rate my build

    I personally have a A10 5800k, and it's great all round. It overtakes the i3 in video editing and photo editing and for gaming it still does pretty good for an integrated graphics unit. It's also very easy on your budget. I would go with the advice up there about getting 1866 RAM, it can really boost the APU's performance. Also, I really advise you to get a decent fan, not a stock one. I've had experience with overheating problems on my A10 and because the CPU and GPU are in one bundle, it can heat up the thing pretty quickly. Later on though, you should consider getting an alright graphics card, because even though the 7660D is fairly good for what it is, it doesn't deliver much serious power. You can crossfire a few graphics cards with the GPU, including the 6670. Although if you have around 100-120 GBP, or 150-180 dollars, you could get something like a 7770 or even better, a 7790. If I'm correct these graphics cards can't crossfire with the 7660D but both the 7770 and the 7790 would exceed one crossfired with a 6670. Hope I helped a bit!
  4. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Dayz all about realism? Take out the HUD

    You've got to find a balance between fun and realism, for its genre I believe Battlefield 3 did well on this. I understand that the realism is partly the fun in this game but there is a line. Removing the HUD is just silly, it's an essential part of the game and actually helps you survive. I mean it's not realistic to die of hunger because you didn't know you were hungry. If you were going to take away the HUD completely there would have to be plenty of visual indicators, and sounds as well such as your belly rumbling or your player stumbling if he is tired.
  5. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Hi, I am blAke and this is my DayZ song!

    I tip my hero cap to you sir, please do more!
  6. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Need NVGs in Exchange for (This Part is Negotiable)

    Post removed (I no longer have it)
  7. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Hostage stories

    That is bloody brilliant
  8. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Looking for a group, potentially a clan.

    Bit over the top?
  9. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Looking for a group, potentially a clan.

    Well if you are looking to play hero, then consider clicking on the link in my signature. :D We're a fairly big group, made up of like-minded players and we usually have a few vehicles in our camp to use. If you want, you could type in regulator on YouTube, a couple of us have made videos on the kind of thing we do.
  10. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Feedback on status of infectious diseases in DayZ

    I love that idea, then there would actually be some real value in players. For example, in a group of your average bandits, a couple of people have caught a bad disease. They spot a doctor, and instead of killing him straight away, they hold him up and ask for his help and expertise. Also, maybe we could do that with other things. Let's say someone becomes a skilled mechanic by reading pamphlets and books he's found. They find a couple of players with a problem concerning their car that they can't diagnose or fix. The mechanic then sorts out the car and moves along... This kind of thing might include ammunition forgers and possibly, for base building, plumbers and carpenters if you want to make something more advanced for your house. BUT, I can imagine some fantastic sabotage situations coming from this idea. So those couple of players that needed their car fixed are found by the mechanic. The mechanic fixes their problem and secretly plants a car bomb in there. The car bomb thng would probably need some very advanced skill though to stop trolls sabotaging everything.
  11. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    How do you play DayZ?

    Bambi? I'll save your ass. Bandit? I'll lay down my machine gun bipod and lay down the fire on you.
  12. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    MrGoldenrods Gun Shop!

    Hi there! If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to trade a MK48 for an AS50, I can negotiate if you want, I have other supplies I can trade. Also, I'd maybe like to help you out every so often, I'll PM you.
  13. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    DayZ Songs by zSc0pe

    I love 'em, keep at it man!
  14. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Favorite Dayz vehicle?

    It's just so fun riding the motorcycle, especially the one with flames on it!
  15. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Scariest moments in DayZ?

    Namalsk at nighttime. That thing is made of nightmares.
  16. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Everyone is a bandit on Namalsk

    Most of the people I've encountered on namalsk are friendly actually, more than Chernarus or Lingor I've found. Me and 3 other friendlies randomly met up and almost fixed a pickup until my old UAZ came bursting through the trees and towards the warehouse, one of the friendlies nicked it and drove off and a bandit killed the other two who was then picked off by me with an M14.
  17. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Possibility of Horses?

    I think this a nice idea, and balanced with being bigger target, louder, etc. But I also think that the horses would have to rest after a while, and eat at some of the hay bales that can be found around a few of the DayZ maps, particularly Chernarus. Also maybe you could shoot a sidearm while mounted on it, but it would be more inaccurate the faster you're going.
  18. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Triple Crashed helis, WITHIN 500 METERS

    Maybe he wants to play it without trolls like you criticising his valid tactics? Anyways good video, you jammy s.o.b
  19. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    The Regulators are looking for good people

    Hi, I just signed up for cell EU West, it would be cool if someone could accept/deny me sometime!
  20. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    [VIDEO] The Ups & Downs of DayZ 3

    I grinned out loud at that, nice one.
  21. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Chopper hunting turns into firefight

    That was awesome, and that's a lot of loot. Have you destroyed or lost the uaz yet? :P
  22. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Thanks for the m14 and silenced pistol :)

    M9SD isn't terribly good to be honest, I'd keep an M1911 unless you're that sneaky type.
  23. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    Newbie, Gettin' In It

    Hey there! May I ask what time zone/country you're in?
  24. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    DayZ Memes

  25. *Regulator* Jackeroo

    [Video] Hacker destroys Airport near Cherno

    Or they blew it up with grenades, even smoke grenades work.