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Posts posted by sab0t

  1. I think it still takes one less hit even with the cattleprod. Isnt it 3 to kill for body shots? I think its two with head-shots. Given that the battery drains so quickly you probably want to swing as few times as possible...


    i've had really bad luck using cattle prods so i haven't experimented much, but it stands to reason that a headshot would indeed be more effective.


    i'm honestly surprised to read about people using these things as much as they do given the crappy battery life you mentioned. i don't find batteries often enough for this to be a feasible weapon, especially when axes are as good as they are.

  2. Troll the forums...watch TV, ..listen to music, i go to the toilet a lot for some reason.. i make phone calls ..go for a cig....i make a pie...clean my house and the neighbours house..i do some gardening...pick my nose..some farting.....i count how many cracks are in my walls .. you know.. the normal things you do when playing DayZ.


    ahh, the noble pie-baking-while-playing-dayz

    • Like 1

  3. if not all the people who bitch about combat loggers are back shooters who feel they are being cheated out of some imaginary score that the game is not keeping.


    you gotta stop with this association of everyone in here being mindless psychopaths. i can actually recall one of the last times someone logged on me, was someone firing at me, not realizing (presumably) i was in a group 6 deep who were 50m behind me. we surrounded the building, suppressing fire, telling them to come out / surrender, and when we eventually rushed it, the guy had logged.


    but i'm the "back shooting KoSer". this shit isn't black and white.

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  4. a derringer is a really cool idea in theory, but imo it would really need unique animations/stances. a derringer has one positive trait, in that it is easily concealable, therefore the current handgun stance would ruin that.


    here's hoping...even without the concealment factor, it'd be pretty sweet to pop some sucker in the face with one.


    edit, just read about the new poses. i will now eat my words

  5. To be fair, it's hard to 3PP camera someone when you're, say, running across a field and they're hiding behind a wall.


    you're def right. it just changes the playstyle, pretty significantly. i find being patient, and extremely slow between moves pays off more in 3pp, in 1pp players tend to miss way more of what's going on around them. 


    i just find it ironic that OP is raving about "instant gratification era kids" or whatever, and the reality is that you can be WAY less careful / sprint around / loot faster in 1pp and get away with it.

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  6. You think I'm not aware that COD is in first person? I'm saying that COD kids like 3rd person in this game particularly because its EASIER. Easier to kill, easier to find loot, easier to spot people, more entertaining to see your character. Little kids need quick and fast entertainment, they search for the easiest route. I'm going to assume you guys are all about that 3rd person stuff, right? 


    doesn't really make it easier if everyone can do it, now does it? 


    such a vocal minority. must suck.

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  7. I used golf/tennis as a analogy (which by definition means that it will not be perfect in every imaginable facet, so please don't try to pick it apart because that defeats its purpose) to prove one simple point - every player of any game on this planet has the right to play with whomever they want to play with. And regardless of whether or not you consider someone's "play style" to be legit, that doesn't mean that everyone has to play along. For you to say otherwise is the epitome of arrogance. 


    that's kind of like saying, if I want to play basketball and I am not going to bother dribbling because that's how play, that is my playstyle, and not everyone has to play along. if you don't like it, well you are arrogant / ignorant / whatever the hell else you've been repeating.


    there are certain rules to certain games, dayz having like 2. sure, you can keep logging in combat because the dev implementation sucks or isn't working, but to seriously justify that shit? man, give it up, you are an 8 page running joke now.

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  8. If every volley my opponent would purposely hit the tennis ball as high into the air as possible because he thought it was hilarious to see how far he can hit the ball, yeah, I'd walk out and join a match somewhere else with someone who actually wants to play tennis seriously and not act immaturely. Is my opponent "allowed" to play tennis that way, even though it ensures he loses the game? Well sure, if that's his "play style", he can play tennis however he wants to. But I don't have to play with him. Geeze, sometimes I think you're purposely trying NOT to understand. 


    the argument you put forth coupled with how you've defined what you consider "trolling" would be something more analogous to "when my opponent hits the ball in a fashion i deem as trolling" aka "whenever i want"



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