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Everything posted by sab0t

  1. sab0t

    The 22 rifle

    that is awesome news...are they really rare in civ houses? never seen one...i gotta say it's still easier to get a working AKM. or maybe i have twisted luck.
  2. sab0t

    The 22 rifle

    i really hope magazines for weapons like the sporter, makarov, p1, etc eventually get put into spawns other than military. i have a feeling the reason i never see anyone use weapons like these is because in order to have mags for them, you have to loot the hell out of areas where you'll just find an AKM instead. makes no sense to me..
  3. sab0t

    How did you last die?

    stair-death...walked up the stairs of one of those big 3 story concrete construction buildings.
  4. sab0t

    Lovely People out there...

    i built a bus exchange in front of a big mall, and I guess the guy i was playing with was halfway done a route that was supposed to carry those passengers. that is for real why he said he'd kill me :lol: nice avatar btw, cowboy
  5. dude, the exact same thing happened to me yesterday. I spawned outside of Vybor with nothing on (also didn't look like my default character). some guy found me and shot me and i ended up respawning on the coast, but it was weird.
  6. we've been noticing lots of this too. fire station staircase, as well as the roof of the police station in elektro, are breaking people's legs (and ruining their pants/shoes) like it's going out of style that and the crashes are the only things that are annoying, but everything else is great. zombies actually feel less glitchy/shitty than they used to. never thought i'd see the day.
  7. how people talk / their tone is how we roll. we had a constantly changing group of people that we'd bump into, then lose for whatever reason (usually due to server crashes). however, if we bump into someone that seems off at all, we kill em. no betrayals yet and we've grouped with at least 14 diff people over the past few days now
  8. sab0t

    How did you first taste blood?

    in the mod - some uber geared guy found me running around like an idiot and gave me an M249. i killed him with it and took all his stuff SA - gnarly melee over like nothing, one can of food or something. we'd both clearly only spawned in minutes before, i had a screwdriver and he had a wrench. SO MUCH BLOOD
  9. sab0t

    Cattle Prod

    we tried zapping a dude with the cattle prod, he took 2 hits (it was charged) and didn't go down. seems pretty unreliable to me
  10. sab0t

    The 22 rifle

    i like the sporter, but i have only found 1 since 0.49, and i've found 3 mosin, 5 shotguns, 4 SKS, 1 blaze anyone else find it's like the least common civilian gun? the one that i found wasn't even an original spawn, someone had traded it for a better gun (it was painted black)
  11. sab0t

    Lovely People out there...

    it kind of is the point. the problem doesn't lie within dayz, nor is anything going to come out of posting on the dayz forums. gamers needing an attitude adjustment as a group is a cultural change, so i'm feeling like the dayz forums are a bit too granular for getting that point across.
  12. sab0t

    Lovely People out there...

    is this really any different than any other online game you've played? i've gotten random death threats playing an online bus transit system simulator before.
  13. sab0t

    Timer does not count when I ALT TAB

    was just giving my 2 cents on what i do. i agree that if you want to do something other than surf the web then you're kinda screwed, which sucks. though tbh i am like 99% sure that alt+tab didn't pause the timers before. is this only happening as of .49? edit: yes
  14. sab0t

    Timer does not count when I ALT TAB

    shift+tab, browse reddit in the steam web browser for a minute
  15. sab0t

    Hey. What weapon do you choose.

    it is basically the trump card in CQC engagements. however, it's loud as hell, and going into your inventory to reload it after you fire your 2 shots is incredibly clunky
  16. sab0t

    Hey. What weapon do you choose.

    colt python / mosin, but i haven't played .49 yet and i've been seeing that the mosin is apparently weak as hell now, so i'll have to see how that goes
  17. i have bad memories of Kamenka from the mod. spawning there was like a death sentence as iirc there was never good loot locations
  18. tl;dr i got myself killed and i'm really mad about it
  19. for real? i love punching them in the head. other melee against zombies sucks because you basically cheese them by walking circles around them. with the fists it's a true fight for your life
  20. RIP paramedic. i've never been shot at so much in such a short lifespan. 10/10 would medic again
  21. sab0t

    Do you ever feel sorry?

    i once shot and executed a guy that had nothing except a banana. that is the only time i felt pretty bad..
  22. sab0t

    Zombies Opening Doors

    the blonde zombie is my bane. i thought it was just coincidence
  23. sab0t

    How do you bandit?

    typically after sighting someone, i will stalk them both to gauge how much of a threat they are, and to get a good opportunity to strike. if it's somewhere like NWAF where they are generally well armed i'll follow them into the treeline after they think they've gotten away. i've never really held someone up or robbed them, seems like a great way to get yourself shot to me.