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Everything posted by Palora

  1. You need CO, officially that means you need to buy Combine Operations or Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead.
  2. Palora

    DayZ In a Nutshell

    Personally I think DayZ is heading the same way another great mod has gone, that of perma-Beta, like the awesome Resistance and Liberation for HL2. Since some of the key issues are taking to long to be fixed and you can already do so much, quite a few people are going to get bored soon, especially those who got Arma for the mod and do not understand the core fun of Arma. Pretty soon we MIGHT have a skeleton crew working on the mod with a handful of people playing.
  3. And you know this how? You've been in one i assume? Most people do not have a daddy induced urge to see and inflict misery on others (As someone said in another topic). Most people play ArmA for the cooperation.
  4. For real? Can you stab people as a wild boar?
  5. Palora

    Humanity -50 000, what do?

    Simply because you can stay alive w/o killing everyone you meet and getting to -50k humanity. I got your point (i find it silly). Your not getting my/our point: You did something, your going to have to deal with it, regardless on how you justify your self, you are at -50k humanity. That is how the mod works. There are no magical insta-fixes so you can ditch the results of your actions. You can either put the effort and put up with getting kill w/o retaliating or you can give up on restoring your humanity. No "Hey can i restore my humanity while still killing everyone i meet?" .
  6. Palora

    Humanity -50 000, what do?

    So you killed everyone you didn't trust, and you only trust people you know outside of servers, and now your asking for the negative results of your actions to be deleted from your account because now you can't maybe change your evil, evil ways? While I do know surviving encounters with players is hard your own actions made that harder. Because you were afraid you'd be killed, you killed others on sight, they in turn learned to shoot other on sight, and so on, and so forth, you have no one else to blame but you. And I think this is what the devs mean by real repercussions for everything you do. Now if only there was a king bandit skin. :P You wanna restore your humanity, sure, help people and don't shoot them again until +2000 I think. They will kill you, but you deserve it. And some even say getting killed over and over again is what makes this game fun. You've made your choice, deal with it. Sadly one of these days everything will be rested in preparation for beta/release (assuming anything survives past the grifers and hackers) and you might be restored then.
  7. Palora

    Hacker On EU1

    How do you plan on getting names? Unless your lucky to be on a server that has player names enabled (and for all the shit for brains, i doubt hackers are that stupid) there is no way of finding out a specific players name on expert settings in the mod, since i doubt you can kill a hacker and check the death news.
  8. Palora

    Humanity -50 000, what do?

    So, you killed people because you wanted get their loot or because you didn't trust them since they know you kill people to loot them, and now your unhappy because you have to kill everyone you meet or they'll kill you? Wow, never really thought the bandit skin works as a decent punishment until now, serves you right really, I don't really see a problem, no one forced you to get -49k Humanity, you squeezed the trigger all on your own, enjoy. I guess there might be an Arma sale soon...
  9. 1st vs 3d person: Since it's a regular/expert option for servers I don't really see the problem, if you don't like the settings you can change servers. Crisshairs: same as above. Player names: same as above. In my opinion the only thing that is offering unfair help, is the Death Notifications, since it will tell someone when his target is dead or not and thus when to keep shooting the body and when to stop wasting ammo. Where we not going for realism, there is no point in the Death Notifications since they don't offer any insight for anyone else.
  10. Palora

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    So you have Arma 2 DM' date=' Warfare, PR, CoD, APB, Warband, EVE, SoSE, and so many others and you hope this game isn't made for the people who don't wanna switch to an empty server, find a rifle and then switch back to a server with people so he can be an asshole? Congratulations, you are the reason the gaming industry of our day is full of shit. So once all of us who do not wish to bother with griefers are gone, are you gonna ask for weapon balances? Throwing knives? AC130 on Killstreaks? Guess i should inform the world that we shouldn't punish criminals, innocents my get hurt. Now relax, fucking to much isn't good for you. p.s. And no, I'm gonna stick around a while, watching you be butthurt by a suggestion is to much fun, who knows, maybe I'll be a good assho... griefer one day.
  11. Palora

    How many vets?

    Since OFP. No TrackIR but free look works decently well.
  12. I always thought it meant your deaf, since it coincided with me going deaf after taking a good deal of damage. :P
  13. Palora

    Hunting Q's

    Crossbows ;) or you can run them over with a car :P (probably).
  14. I'm guessing they will add that, at some point. Nice to see, although i had a grim moment when i saw the MGs looking down at the flare, a flash forward to times when helicopters would fly over the beaches shooting anything that moves... griefing at max level. Anyway to have helis w/o mounted weapons but the ability for the guys in the back to shoot (pretty sure there's a script/mod for it)? Question: Is there, as of yet, a way to store it for further use w/o the risk of having it stole when your team logs off? (Besides hiding it on an Island out at sea or other parts of the map where it's very hard to get to)
  15. Palora

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    My idea for repercussions: Use the domination script that kicks ppl who do to much shooting in the base. Modify it to give temporary bans to people who go over a set number of kills.
  16. Palora

    Why the Anti PvP arguments are pathetic

    I'm sorry, but you are wrong from the get go: there is no dispute over removing or keeping PvP. The discussion is over having a penalty for 'mindless' killing vs not having a penalty for 'mindless' killing. With that mistake and the overall sense of rudeness i get from you, I didn't really read further down your post, let alone down the topic. Sorry to those who did make good points, either way, but your better of keeping your opinions in topics that are already having the true discussion.
  17. What exactly is the problem? There ARE veteran servers and there ARE Regular servers, if you don't like regular stay on veteran, and vice versa, keep your elitism in check. I swear, some parts of the arma comunity are going the exact way they claim they don't want it to go, the CoD way.
  18. Pretty sure all EU servers are on expert. (Veteran)
  19. Palora

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    And you call other people names when you don't know that punishment act as deterrent in it self? If you get punished for doing something, you'll try to not do it again, simple really. Unless your dumber then ... an insect i guess. (can't think of any animal stupid enough to not stop doing something that causes pain to it self, well griefers maybe, since they keep trying even when the get banned) Getting the bandit skin even in self defense is a good start, it makes everyone careful about moving around (isn't this what you want as well?) so they don't have to be killed or kill in retaliation. If Retard X, who has 10 murders in 30 mins around Cherno, gets banned for 30 mins when he kills another guy then he'll be more careful who and when he kills next time ( = deterrent). But see, you don't seem to grasp why others are not having fun playing the way you play. In all your long, boring, inconsistent, post, not only have you failed to present what you think would be an acceptable solution, but you have failed to understand why there is in fact a problem. You have spent the last 28 pages shouting 'There is no problem' in order to prevent griefers for being punished. And have shouted that again every time someone has tried to reason with you. I've wasted enough time with you. There is no deterrent and no major consequence for going on a murder spree from the moment you spawn. The bandit skin is a decent step, but they are saying even that might be removed, i guess the experiment will end sooner then later.