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About djmirv@hotmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. djmirv@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I´m not gonna cry about the zeds being harder in the new patch...its the end of the world so im guessing that wont be like a romantic holiday in some tropical island ! So to me it is perfectly fine and shloud have been done alonge time ago !! however what im not so glad about and what people should cry more about is the GODDAMN FPS LAG ffs it is ironic that the patch said "better performance" now the game runs about the same generaly as but when i drive thru a small town or sometimes anywhere my frames suddenly drops to about 33 -22 and the only way to get the fps reseted is to relog then its normal again the problem is clearly something whit the loot and zombies spawning beeing seriously broken now you the developer have said that people have reported better performance well have you driven thru any town and still have good performance ?? "dont try to fix the things that alredy work fine you will just end up breaking them"
  2. djmirv@hotmail.com

    Devblog details on engine architecture for DayZ

    hehe :D lets not get to technical :D but did you understand the rest how i meant ?
  3. djmirv@hotmail.com

    Devblog details on engine architecture for DayZ

    it wloudnt make sense that there are snowy mountains in the south ?? but namalsk in the north now that wloud be awsome ! chernarus+ cloud be the place where you can survive whitout keeping warm etc but wloud be limited in high end gear and namalsk is where you go whene you are a truly ready for hardcore the enemys wloud be brutal there and wloudnt even mind if there where mutants there that wlud make sure that none cloud run/drive from chernarus whitout gear to gear in namalsk