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Everything posted by glemmar

  1. glemmar

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    When I try to cuff someone, they just disconnect when I tell them to put their hands up, so the only way to rob people is to first put a bullet in them. GG.
  2. Naturally, since then you'll get all the loot he had acquired in the past two hours.
  3. glemmar

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    I can't believe this thread is still alive. All I can say is that you two truely are elite at what you are doing. Well played.
  4. glemmar

    Reply with your favorite DayZ pun(s).

    "You're about to have an axedent."
  5. Please tell me about these other shooters where if you fail/die you will have to start from scratch and spend a whole lot of time to get back to where you was? Last CoD I played was the first Modern Warfare and the last Battlefield I played was BF2, and back then getting killed in them just ment that your K/D was slightly smaller which to me didn't really mean that much. And those people that recomend playing Arma III or whatever, I've played Wasteland and found it boring since it took only like 5-10 minutes to find a vehicle, assault rifle and decent optics for it. I found no feeling of actually losing anything when dying in that map and the same goes pretty much to all the milsim maps where you start with weapons. I get the thrill in this game from the risk of losing your hard earned stuff and so far the only other game where I've had this feeling was EVE online. And before you ask why I won't go back into that game is because I can't be bothered to pay the subscription. Currently there is no reason not to kill others in this game since there is nothing to gain expect a bullet in your head/back for not doing it.
  6. glemmar

    DayZ Item Use Compendium

    Ballistic helmet - takes up 4 slots, protects from projectiles (unconfirmed) Dallas mask - takes up 2 slots Hoxton - takes up 2 slots Wolf masks - takes up 2 slots Tactical shirt - provides 4 slots, takes up 2 slots. TTsKO Jacket - provides 6 slots, takes up 4 slots. UK Assault vest - Provides 8 slots, takes 6 slots. Cargo Pants - provides 6 slots, takes up 4 slots. Hunter Pants - provides 6 slots, takes up 4 slots. TTsKO Pants - provides 6 slots, takes up 4 slots. Working Boots/Shoes Leather Shoes Military Boots Combat Boots
  7. glemmar

    My First Kill!

    Thanks bro, I bet many people have ton of great stories about DayZ and I just love it how easily you can get awesome stories out of a game (a mod for nitpicks) that doesn't have any story in it self.
  8. glemmar

    My First Kill!

    I've killed so many players on public Cherno that I don't even care anymore. Also my humanity is so low that even if I'd use the rest of my days giving blood and medical aid, I'd propably never make it back to +0 again. On the other hand I've been trying to play friendly on private hives where I can start from clean table, most recently on Namalsk. But there is a problem with this map. For some reason everyone is born in the world as a survivor regardless of their humanity. The skin is set propely only after two survivor kills or after the first disconnect/reconnect. This has caused me serious problem with capheads being hostile and me getting killed because I haven't shot them on sight since there is no way to tell if they are actually a survivor or just a wolf in sheeps clothing. Also if you kill anyone with survivor skin you get -2500 humanity. About 99% of the time when some players sees me and shouts "Friendly friendly!" it just means "Let me get into a better position so I can shoot you in the back." Same goes for the "Don't shoot I am unarmed!" which translates to "Let me find a gun so I can shoot you in the back!" This has happened to me on many occasions. STORY TIME! One time when I was sitting with my M24, coyote backpack and camo clothing in the woods that over look the buildings at the Old Hospital. My reason to be there with such high end gear was that half of my squad was on zero gear and we were all low on food and medical supplies. Meds and fairly often even food can be found at the Old Hospital so it was only a natural thing to go look for them there. Anyway as I got into the position and the least armed part of our squad moved into the Hospital area when some guy (a caphead) started taking potshots at my friends with an Enfield from one of the roof tops. To protect my friends I started firing at him but he was well hidden behind one of those concrete thingies on the roof. As I was trying to find a better spot I came across two survivors in the treelines. They both said they were friendly and unarmed and begged me that I wouldn't kill them. I told them to go away in more or less friendly manner since I was quite busy with the hostile guy who was eye balling me from the roof and had no time for small talk. So they left. Few moments later the rooftop guy came out of his cover and I shot him in the head. The area seemed clear but my friends were having some trouble with the zombies that the Enfield guy had stirred up with his shots so I switched to my M4A3 CCO and ran down to help them out. As soon as I was infront of the market I got an Enfield round into my back from inside the store and fell unconscious. Apparently the two unarmed guys I had left alive, had managed to find an Enfield and M1911 and now I had to pay the price. So, I was lying in middle of the yard in one of the ~5 minute knockouts and bleeding. Fortunately none of the zombies came to eat me and because the place was just swarming with zeds the two hostiles didn't have time to check me out and finnish the job. One of my friends managed drag me behind some cover and give me all the medical attetion I needed. After I got back on my feet, we hunted the two previously unarmed players down and killed them with no regrets. As you might have guessed, they had really nothing on them except the guns. Since the server had tags on I could confirm that they indeed were the same two guys I met in the woods earlier. As I was wearing a camo the two guys had no way of telling if I were a bandit, survivor or even hero. So the only reason why they would have tried to kill me was purely for fun and loot. I know that I almost died there because of my own stupidity since any other player with any sense would have shot them both before they had managed to find weapons. And because of those two guys I now have bandit skin (my camo guy died about a day later at the Object AII) so anyone can shoot me without any consequences and now I am forced to shoot even the white knights of zombie apocalypse just to protect my own life. Not that I have seen any heroes in Namalsk yet, I wonder why... This event finally teached me that you can't trust no one, and I mean NO ONE, not even the unarmed players. You will live longer only if you don't let anyone else live. TL;DR Shoot or be shot. Don't know if this story helps you with your moral problems, but atleast it should show you that if you can't even trust the neutral looking capheads, there is no way in earth you can trust anyone with a bandit skin. You just gonna get killed!
  9. glemmar

    What do you do in DayZ?

    Go to Elektro, get a weapon, hide on the big mountain and wait for an Elektrosniper, kill him from behind, get that AS50/M107 (and all that other "end game" stuff) off him, go to Elektro hospital roof and shoot everybody in the streets and hill to the face.
  10. glemmar

    So what is special about namalsk

    Been playing it for couple of days now and so far liking it. In my experience the friendly/bandit ratio is about 50/50. I usually play douche and just shoot everyone on sight, basicly because they will most likely just shoot me on sight or until they find a gun, but yesterday I had to play friendly since matches are so rare and I've only seen one cow so far.You just can't eat your self back to full health in Namalsk. Someone has to punch those bloodbags in you if you get hurt. Anyway it was a refreshing experience to notice that live survivors can be more useful than dead survivors. Even though the cold weather is very very annoying, it is annoying in the good way. Fighting in the mountain tops is really hard if you keep shaking all the time. Only problem I have with this is that I don't know how heatpacks work, atleast when I used them I didn't notice any dramatic changes in the thermometer... The residential/military loot spawn ratio is really interesting in this. Basic military weapons have been reduced to empty tin cans in my mind. Every house, building and wreck is just littered with them. The more "rare" military weapons are also as common as makarovs in Chernarus. And you can usually find ammo for these guns more than you can carry. And like everyone else have said in this topic, food is RARE! You can usually find enough coke or pepsi to keep you going but those beans... you just can't find them unless you hit the old hospital or the big city and those are packed with bandits. Coyote backpack is still a rare drop even though military spawns are everywhere and because of there are so few residential spawns and such, if you find a bigger backpack you can consider your self lucky. Lurking the side chat and talking to couple friendly survivors gave me the impression that attitude towards bandits is very hostile which made me reconsider that do I even want to get lots of negative humanity and "accuire" the bandit skin because then I would not only have the other bandits to worry about but also every survivor and hero too. All in all the enviroment is really harsh and a lot more unforgiving than it is in Chernarus. My unprofessional oppinion is that this will force people to work together with random survivors just to survive, IF you are playing without +3 man squad in skype that is.
  11. glemmar

    LU129 - Arturia Pendragon

    About an hour ago or so, a scripter killed me and my two buddies. Just thought you'd like to know. EDIT: All of us exactly the same time and when I got back to our bodies it said that they were killed by an "unknown cause"
  12. Not sure if this goes into general or troubleshoot. Anyway I was playing DayZ with my friend in NL 20 when suddenly my friend says that his weapon changed into AS50. Soon after my weapon was changed as well. Also I noticed that my whole gear was changed. And so was everything I had inside my backpack. I'll post pictures about what I NOW have after the change. Anyway, I disconnected and when I got into another server I noticed that my skin was switched to some sort of british paratrooper and since the map also showed my character I was able to see that my guy was "rocket" instead of "survivor". Is there anyway I could solve this problem, since I don't feel like killing my character just because some guy at NL 20 decided to fool around with other peoples gear. About my current and previous gear I don't care at all, since I can get new, but the stats on the other hand, especially how many days I have survived since I currently have a new personal record going on. The reason why I am reporting this is because I don't want to get banned because to some I might seem like a hacker, but also because I was perfectly happy with my previous gear.
  13. Okey I joined the server and all the stuff was as shown in pictures above, but my friends gear had reverted to his previous state. I put on the ghillie but didn't resieve a survivor clothing. I guess I am damned to roam the land with AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, NV goggles, ghillie and such... FEELS BAD MAN! :/
  14. Well I just had taken a few shots at some guy in ghillie, ofcourse he disconnected the same time I shot him. But how did he managed to change mine and my friends gear since my friend didn't shoot him at all?
  15. I'll try it now. Any idea why all this happened or was some admin just feeling very funny? EDIT: Also this is first time I've actually seen any other clothing and thus I had no idea how it behaves.
  16. I can definetly confirm this. Few days ago I found M16A2 from power plant firestation. Since I had been using M16A4 ACOG as my primary weapon for the past few days, I decided that the A2 would be a great addition to my arsenal as a short range weapon because it is awfully tricky to aim at anything with 4x scope when you and your target are inside the same building. Anyway, I had it in my backpack until we kept a short break and logged off for about 10-15 minutes. When I logged back in the M16A2 was gone. I can't say about any of the other items since I didn't really memorize what stuff I used to have in my backpack when I logged off. Today the same bug was repeated. I killed a guy, went in and looted him. He had M16A2 in his ALICE and I decided to grab it for the same reason as few days ago. So I dropped about 4 magazines of M16 ammo, painkillers and a can of food to make room for the weapon. Then I put the A2 into my coyote backpack (no not the patrol pack, the actual 24 slot backpack) and switched between it and my A4 few times to see if that some how had caused it to dissappear last time instead of the logging off, you know just testing 'couse isn't that why we are here, right?. I kept on playing about 20-30 minutes and then I decided to see if the weapon would disappear from my backpack. I disconnected to lobby and joined right back in. On my belt everything was just as it used to be, but in my backpack the A2 had gone and but the food and painkillers were back. In my oppinion the weapons disappearing from backpack isn't that of a major problem at the moment since you can easily avoid it by simply not carrying extra weapons in your backpack and I have already lost so many weapons because of bugs and gliches that I don't simply care anymore. But like I said, I am here just to confirm this bug.
  17. I saw the red splash on his head when we hit him and he did the falling down animation, but we didn't see clearly what his body was doing since the towers edges are little bit higher than a body, but even if he would have just fallen unconscious there is no way he would have been able to get back on his feet that quickly. It was litteraly out and right back in. Anyway, feel free to disregard my posts about ALT+F4 issue, just throwing my oppinions into the mix... Although, this was first time I actually witnessed this outrageous alt f4/disconnect exploiting. And yes I know it is know and I truely hope they get rid of it at some point because it servers no purpose to anyone who just wants a fair game.
  18. Zombies are somewhat bugged. The vision system works most of the time if you just keep out of their line of sight ie behind them. Maybe just little bit tweaking on their vision then are perfect. The problem I have with them is their spawning and hearing. Zombies keep spawning way too close to player and it breaks the immersion when the zombies clearly come out nowhere. Also on deer stands they spawn under the stand and are trapped there effectively until killed. Also the zombies are deaf. You can basicly shoot as much as you want with AKM or Enfield and you won't be pulling any zombies to your directoin, unlike previously just one Enfield shot would attract half of the servers zombie population to your location. These facts combined don't motivate me to sneak around in towns anymore. Especially the hearing thing. It doesn't matter how much noise you make so you might as well crouch walk where every you want and if one zombie happens to notice your presence then couple of fast sprints trough few buildings and you are on the clear again. So basicly zombies are now just a nuicanse more than a real threat. I see your point and it is that you are attached to your gear. In my oppinion gear is ment to be lost. And you lose it by being stupid. Everytime I have lost my gear I could have easily avoided it just by thinking "Maybe I should wait just few more moments to see if that building actually is empty", "Maybe running trough that open field isn't such a good idea.", "Maybe I should make sure that dead guy actaully is a loner and not a part of a team." and so on. And you propably guessed that lowering my guard has cost me my gear more times I want to admit and I know it pisses off to lose all your hard earned gear but maybe next time you know that climbing on the highest point on the map just to enjoy the scenery isn't the best idea. Anyway, cheating death by disconnecting should be fixed since it is clearly an exploit. Also I almost got myself killed last night because of a guy who kept using it. STORY TIME! Me and my friend were on a hill over watching Elektro to make sure it is safe for us to go in and loot it, when we spot this guy running to the fire station at the edge of the city. He climbed the ladders to the top of fire station tower and we noticed he was armed with a sniper rifle. Because of his armament and position we thought that he most likely isn't hunting for cows or zombies and decided that we must take him down. In one clean shot my friend shoots him in the head from 700 m with a DRM and we see him go down only to notice few minutes later that he is back there with his gear and rifle, scoping the hillside where we were. We fire a second shot right into his forehead, but this time we also look at the player list and notice he was gone. I started to approach the city while my sniper was covering my back. When I am almost at the fire station, the guy joins the server, spawns, stands up, shoots me once before my sniper shoots him for the 3rd time in the head. Again he alt f4 out, but now I am pinned down at the edge of the city with ~4500 blood and bleeding. He didn't come back to the same server anymore, but that didn't help since the shooting had attracted attention of an other sniper who started taking shots at me few moments later, but that is a story for another time. If I had been killed by that alt f4 guy I would have propably been more angry to myself than to the coward that was on top of that fire station, since when I made the decision to approach the station I knew I would most likely be killed on my way there. /STORY If your precious gear is so important to you, maybe you should just stop taking dumb risks and learn how to keep quiet, stay out of sight, not attract unwanted attention and watch your back. Running trough an open field into a city with guns blazing is the most effective way of getting shot by a bandit or a murderer. Or maybe I just don't understand the consept of getting attached to your gear well enough, since I've played so many games with permadeath or losing stuff when you die. In my oppinion that is part of the excitement in DayZ! Taking a wrong route, taking one wrong step, looking into wrong direction, trusting the wrong person or just by being at the wrong place at the wrong time can cost you EVERYTHING. Atleast for me it gets the adrenaline pumping and that is the reason why I keep playing DayZ. TL;DR, Alt + F4 = Cheating This one guy made whole new topic about this and I bet this isn't the first time this idea has been tossed around, but anyway I approve this message and I consider it worth mentioning here. EDIT: I forgot to say one thing that is sort of relevant both to the zombie matter and PvP. In my oppinion the zombies should be enough of a threat that it makes you think twice "Does that guy really have good enough loot on him to make it worth while to risk everything I have" before making the decision between pulling the trigger or just walking away. The zombies definetly need to be dangered up a lot.