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Everything posted by Skurkanas

  1. Skurkanas

    Graphical Issue near balota

    I can confirm this for the Berezino Army tents. Went there with a group of 3, and all encountered the same errors, when - and only then - looking in the direction of the military encampment.
  2. Isn't the L85AWS pretty damn rare already? A friend found one at a heli crash site, and today he was literally hunted to death (over a distance of several miles) by a pack of bandits, who apparently wanted that thing.
  3. Skurkanas

    Perfect lunch in Chernarus

    'dem beans
  4. I wholeheartedly agree. For me, this seems to be the only feasible way to make team play more appealing. Making everything harder and more scarce, as the OP proposed, sure isn't. People will simply band together in their existing groups of RL friends and murder everyone else for resources, pretty much as it is now. It would only serve to further punish lone wolfs. If we had some sort of class system (with different skins according to profession) people would think twice before shooting a medic for example. He's the one who could heal you after all, and you CANT use his stuff yourself. So there's not much to accomplish by murdering him, but there might be some gain in making contact. Similarly, even lone wolfs, skilled for survival and hunting game, could approach a settlement of players and offer some meat for trade. Afterwards, they could be off again, to do whatever they want. Sure, the group could murder them, but that would dry up a potential future source of meat.
  5. Skurkanas

    Community Minigames

    This is the apocalypse and all you wanna do is bunker up and play Mario Party? Errr...no