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FiX (DayZ)

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About FiX (DayZ)

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    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Server Hosting and Programming.

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  • Bio
    Network administrator at Vert Hosting Limited

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  1. Hi Robbie, Feel free to hop on our support TS (ts.verthosting.com) or contact us on any of our other contact methods (Skype, email, support ticket, etc).
  2. That's unusual; what is your ticket ID so that I can look it up for you? (If you don't feel comfortable posting it here, please email james (at) verthosting (dot) com)
  3. Yes, that is fine - please specify which version you would like in your orders notes. Please note that this may extend the set up time marginally, as it will have to be processed manually.
  4. If you haven't already, would you mind bumping the support ticket for the script install? All tickets older than 24 hours have been updated at this point in time - it's possible that yours has slipped off of the queue.
  5. Yes, manual spawning of vehicles through the database and via other tools (TSW, for example) is supported in our systems.
  6. Hi Bob If you haven't already, please submit a ticket on https://my.verthosting.com/
  7. Hello, 'Wait for host' normally indicates one of two things; the mission file has a critical error (and can't be loaded) or required content isn't being loaded (wrong command line). You should be able to check the arma2oaserver.RPT (located in Bliss\) for the specific error. If you haven't already, please open a ticket on https://my.verthosting.com/ and we'll be happy to take a further look into it for you.
  8. Hi Brad, Our servers can be password protected (through the config.cfg file). Regarding pictures, please open a ticket on https://my.verthosting.com/
  9. With our admin map tool, in the current production version of DayZCP, the map is read-only. This will be fixed in upcoming releases.
  10. Initial support for DayZ 1.8.1 has been added - remember to install beta 112555.
  11. DayZCP is our purpose-built control panel for DayZ servers that extends the servers functionality (map tool, database backups, etc). The private hive addons message refers to Reality packages, which aren't present in Epoch.
  12. Our systems are tailored towards users that prefer more access and control over their services, so you should feel at home using our services. Unfortunately, we don't offer a trial period, but if you find our services to be sub-par soon after ordering (within 24 hours or an other reasonable timeframe), we're fine with providing a refund.
  13. We provide access to almost every file via FTP (including BattlEye filters, BEC files, mission files, dayz_server.pbo) and full database access (including remote connections).
  14. Servers are set up during New Zealand business hours, so it should be up shortly.