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Maca (DayZ)

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About Maca (DayZ)

  • Rank
    The Axe Saviour

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    I don't know, wherever i can find antibiotics.

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  1. Maca (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    So I haven't been on DayZ for a few weeks and decided to have a go at the hunting aspect of the game the other night, as you can see from the images below it turned out to be quite an excursion. Came across my first Elk (Score mid 300's) but unfortunately the boar looked a lot bigger from a distance only (scoring 600's). After all that hunting I decide to make camp and cook some of my well earned steaks (burnt a few), also made a nice improvised leather backpack from sticks, rope and animal pelt. Watched the sunset before calling it a night and retiring to my tent. All the hunting in The Hunter isn't gone to waist. :D
  2. Maca (DayZ)

    Anyone else think DayZ should switch engines?

    This week's Deanism is... "moving"! They haven't "moved/or are moving" to a new engine but just unveiled the existing one which they've been going on about for months. It's not finished, but finished enough to finally reveal it's name and to allow them now to put out stuff to patches they have been wanting to do and release. https://twitter.com/Hicks_206 http://www.reddit.com/user/Hicks_206
  3. Maca (DayZ)

    You want anti-KoS? Add safes.

    Aren't they making backpacks & other objects like boxes/crates and things persistent sometime in the next few patches. Honestly I'm not a fan of hoarding loot, if I can't carry it on my person then I really don't need it and nothing should ever be "safe" in DayZ.
  4. Maca (DayZ)

    Did i miss something ?

    You mean it's located above where the train-tracks end?? ;)
  5. Maca (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Just use tinypic. http://tinypic.com/ Copy the "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" straight into your post.
  6. Maca (DayZ)

    DayZ in real life: "I have peace!"

    Just brilliant, that's the last time I pick up any pieces of paper.
  7. Maca (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    After seeing this video (Link below) I'd say a lot of players will be leaving messages..... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180108-dayz-in-real-life-i-have-peace/
  8. Maca (DayZ)

    How many have you killed and why ?

    Just 3 all in self defence. First time I logged into the game made my way to Zelenogorsk came across some survivor bleeding so I decided to patch him up. All of a sudden he swings his shovel but unfortunately for him I had the mighty fire-axe. The other 2 weren't the brightest of bandits chased me into the red brick café/bar with the stairwell in the corner, so I just waited leaving loot at the bottom of the stairs. About 5/10 minutes past and the sawn off can be deadly at such close range. I try and be a medic but sometimes it's inevitable I can't save everybody.
  9. Maca (DayZ)

    Building Materials on actual later spawn site?

    Construction sites have been in the mod/arma for a very long time. That's where a lot of the parts for heli's and vehicles could be found also at the indurstial sites. OP more that likely when base building is implemented the same rules will apply as in finding building material, the obvious place will be these locations. We'll just have to wait and see.
  10. Maca (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Hope you have a healthy recovery vandal, looking forward to what video (*wink* *wink*) you might make for this thread. ;)
  11. Maca (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I use tinypic, just copy and paste the IMG Code for forums & Message Boards into your post. Never used photo(B)fucket. ;)
  12. Maca (DayZ)

    How do you get different titles?

    As far as I can remember when you reach "500" posts you can change it to whatever you like. It might even be lower post count, honestly I can't remember exactly. .
  13. Maca (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Hope you were looking for the keys for the handcuffs in his back pocket.......... :lol:
  14. Maca (DayZ)

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Nooooo (Falls onto my knees in devastation), Dayz you have broken my heart. :( Thanks LaughingJack for the great summary, apart from the bad news above. .
  15. Maca (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    This is just not acceptable kuma, what happened with the quotes? No :emptycan: 's for you. Joking ;)