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About [email protected]

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Stalker, Metro 2033, Fallout 3 + New Vegas, Deus Ex, Half Life, Bioshock.
  2. Different running speeds are caused by the engine/netcode, just like it loves to desync players. I just had a quick look at the dayz code to make sure, and i found no trace of skins/humanity having any effect. People are just trolling. Well, I agree on that one. However, everybody being magically able to do everything is just as unrealistic. So, yes, I think there should be "professions" like soldier, medic, technician etc. Player should be able to increase their skills by learning from others or simply by "learning by doing" for lone wolves.
  3. What slippery slope? Skills & professions will be in, Rocket said so many times. Totally fucking gay RPG perks that I've already noticed: 1) Some players can indeed run faster. 2) They can activate invulnerability, teleport and turn invisible. Wtf is this carebear shit? 3) I swear to god, I saw one guy summon a helicopter right in front of him. I kid you not.
  4. Is this official artwork? looks kinda nice, but too messy in general. Current screens: 1) Clothing, items & modifing 2) backpack items 3) 3d view What I'd do: 1) items & backpack items (stuff that player often changes) 2) Clothing & 3d view (stuff that player rarely changes) 3) Modifing & crafting Also, screw rotate & flip. Should happen automaticly, no Tetris in DayZ plz.
  5. this. common friendly -> bandit transition: 1) be utterly careless and naive. 2) get backstabbed by 1 guy. 3) decide to immediately kill everybody all the time from now on. seriously? just try to help others without getting killed. Yes, it's much harder than simply becoming a bandit as well. Then again, people love to complain that there is not enough to do and PvP is the only challenge, when the truth is that trying NOT to PvP is much more of a challenge...
  6. Uhm... they work for BI and DayZ made MILLIONS for BI. The standalone will double that. Yet, it will be run by ~5 devs. Other companies got 50-200 people / 10-30 devs working on a game for years. Do the math. It will be stuck in alpha FOREVER.
  7. There's tons of talk about KoS and PvP issues, but barely any private servers / admins who do something about it, like special PvP rules or custom versions of DayZ. Why is that? I've only seen the server RP 1 and some french server. There's also some official servers tagged as "RPG" or "COOP", but the KoS problems are almost worse there...
  8. many private servers got side chat, just search for them. offical ones shouldn't have it enabled.
  9. Post links to those fixes. Do you mean the Lingor island team? Just interested. I had a look at the code myself and "most of those issues" are not easiy fixed at all... In fact, trying to fix them at the mod level would be a waste of time.
  10. Aren't most vehicles off-map?
  11. Btw is discussion on modding dayZ allowed on this forum? Having a few issues with it atm =D
  12. didn't notice much of a difference for now: 1x bandit KoS 2x bandit snipers at cherno, killing everyone 1x survivor replying "friendly", then shooting me 1x guy running away instead of shooting
  13. I play on public servers only with friends. We generally avoid others because there are too many players just looking for kills. When I play solo, it's mostly on private servers and RP servers.
  14. how does ghiliie and camo work with the bandit skin? Does camo replace bandit skin or the other way round?