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About Gales

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    Making Zed's Dead.
  1. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    All in all a total of 0 fucks were given throughout all of this. (:
  2. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    It was an off-topic discussion though. :C I just wondered what other people thought about it. Clearly I'm troubled and should tell Zombella and seek professional help. I'm only human.
  3. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    I just thought it'd be a good topic to discuss, I think there's some pretty sound ideas in there.
  4. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    Welcome, to the surviving few, it's been a while since we got any virtual clunge hence all this talk, and yes, it may well have been a serious strain of STDage. What a world we live in, can't even acknowledge an erection without becoming a zombie. Damn it all!
  5. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    See, that's what this game needs.
  6. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    I don't know if there are female zombies, if there are I've never seen one. Monster, how awkwardly funny would it be to see a male zombie on all four being led by a female zombie all in leather? It'd just make me chuckle and make the kill that little bit easier.
  7. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    Exactly! It wouldn't take anything away from the game at all. Ah, my mind is wasted on this planet.
  8. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    Don't you think? I mean, people are always at it. I just have a pumped right arm and get suspicious glances from my girlfriend. I just don't know why there aren't any and it makes me sad.
  9. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    Nono, I'm not a master. I just wondered why there wasn't any sexy zombies, in an area that large SOMEONE had to be having sex. Why no zombies in their outfits?
  10. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    I just want some crazy messed up sex with the zombies, just to be the first one to say: "Yeah, I tap'd that". Applejack, thank you. You can live at the diner with me and Zombella.
  11. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    All team up against the crazy one. I get it. Just you wait, me and my zombie girlfriend, zombella will get you. When this gets added to the game, we'll see who's laughing.
  12. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    I take it you don't share my opinion?
  13. Gales

    Lingerie zombies

    Anyone else think it'd be a good idea? Perhaps a few more lady zombies at least, and the option to have sexy-boom-booms with them. There should be a "stress" level added to the game, all that zombie killing and coke drinking can't be healthy, so you should have to take a zombie on a date, walk around in the moonlight with her through Cherno, sit on the pier together and cuddle until the sunrises, then take her to a barn and get down and dirty, or if she doesn't enjoy herself she bites your face off. I think it'd add a whole new spin to the game. Another idea might be to make some zombies really slutty but with the chance of catching the infection, whilst others play hard to get and are clean. Diners, why aren't there any well fortified diners? When the apocalypse finally comes I'm going to open up "Gales' Greasy Gun", I'll cook fresh food all year round, we'll have a large security force to see off the horde, perhaps open up a motel alongside. You're all invited, thank you for your time. :D
  14. Gales

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Worryingy, it was the first thing I noticed. :C
  15. Gales

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Would not bang. She's carrying empty ammo casings.