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Everything posted by GoverningNick

  1. GoverningNick

    Now Kiss!

    they finally separated the human centipede
  2. GoverningNick

    What about adding AH-6X.

    i would love a small plane like a cessna or piper cub
  3. GoverningNick

    Geographic Servers

    nice idea, now car rides seem like an actual journey
  4. GoverningNick


    bro, you know how much that will be abused by hackers? thunderdome they spawn a bunch of slendermen in every civilisation
  5. GoverningNick

    WTT AS50 TWS for 2 tents

    what i would give to touch one of those
  6. GoverningNick

    To the Owners of US 2037

    there should be a rigorous test to apply to be an admin or server owner
  7. GoverningNick

    New Weapons/Items Suggestions

    chainsaw, but to balance it shouyld beable to run out of fuel
  8. GoverningNick

    Usage of humanity when dogs are implemented

    maybe like in minecraft where you find the dogs wild and have to befriend them?
  9. I was rocking the ghile suit looking for zombies then I notice a barbed wire pen with a unconsuious guy in there, I decided to keep watch, after a little while I saw some men with axes enter the pen and destroy the man, loot him, then hide his body. A man saw the bush move due to me moving for a better view and said in direct "Welcome to Hell pure one". OF course I started shitting myself and was considering DC'ing because my character was a week and a half old, so I did (still kind of new, only had 4 chars). I returned later and yet again saw a crippled man inside then pen, I decided to go to take a break and go onto Lingor LIfe for a while thinking about what sick cult I saw there.
  10. GoverningNick

    Have you seen these people?

    ive killed them before as they were taking in a guy when i was still a survivor, i helped the guy and we were fiends for awhile. Then i got an AK before him and took a winny to the back of the head, but i managed to fire my lee first >:)