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Everything posted by GoverningNick

  1. torama, your english is pretty good. The side missions are actually created by players everyday. Just look at The Medics Of The Wasteland when they have vehicles, you can find the convoy and give them support.
  2. I'm into trading, hell, I'm looking for a trade caravan. (In USA area :3, preferably on tavi) The only thing that jumped at me a bit about the Warz (is for 5 year olds) is that it was possible to leave complete messages of your RP life before the apocalypse or outbreak. Sadly, this can be abused. I was installing dayz taviana and decided to check out if the Warz was good (Shivers in a scared sense). I got my Kruger (very creative, a German WW2 knockoff) and walked into town, I found a time capsle with nothing but racial slurs and nazism.
  3. GoverningNick

    lock out

    I was a member of a group that would only attack if shot at first. I left due to poor leadership. This idea is one of the worst I have ever seen. Punishing a player for their playstyle, if banditry was "not allowed" then why do they have bandit skins, how do you explain the section on the actual forums for bandits.
  4. GoverningNick

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    I am completely against this. A script for random noises might be easy (Not very familiar), but to have fake zombies? It would mean having to create aother line of zombies that do not damage and no one else can see. Until standalone, the devs are stuck with scripts. And making the bandits shoot themselves? Really? There have been mass murderers that were complete phycos (Jack the Ripper, Bin Laden) Bin Laden killed tons of people, did he shoot himself?
  5. GoverningNick

    [TVW]Toggable Vehicle Windows.

    This might be easy to do, I'm not very familiar with arma scripting but if you are talking in direct on a motorcycle its easier to hear then if talking in a skoda, but usually when I'm wastlanding I cannot hear the person over the engine noise either way.
  6. GoverningNick

    Phone app suggestion

    Do you know how long it would take to make an app like that, how easy it would be to abuse? If it is what I think you are talking about, in the working on base section it would have something like google earth. It would be so easy to find bases like that.
  7. GoverningNick

    Ungrounds or tunnels?

    I'm pretty sure rocket annoucned a underground system. A subway system? This would work on a more developed map like Taviana or another urban map like... dunno, Pantera?
  8. GoverningNick

    Day 65

    The longest Ive lived is about 2 weeks, my death was one of an ambush, a Fal to the chest as I was looting a crashed helo north of cherno
  9. GoverningNick

    A dead bandit is a happy survivor

    I found Shelby there on a private hive, shes a AKS-74UN Kobra
  10. GoverningNick

    Respawning Players

    Yeah, I don't agree with this. Although you can get regeared from your groups tent you have to think of the time logging in, getting there.
  11. Hi, I would like to join. I am 14 and love Dayz and TF2. My steam is governingnick
  12. GoverningNick

    DayZ theme Song

    nothing like the classics
  13. GoverningNick

    ps3 for dayz

    OH SHIT, it escaped from the test tube. LOL jk. Seriously, i think this game is better for you
  14. GoverningNick

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    those fuckers are killable!? Time to die FUCKWHORES! I dont give a shit if you help your mom in the market! DIE!DIE!DIE!
  15. Maybe the console could just be single player, like fallout, gta, and skyrim (Long Live the Dark Brotherhood)
  16. GoverningNick

    Change the Epi-pen function

    Ooooooooooooowee, cant wait to get high off of this shit
  17. GoverningNick


    pretty sure thats in season 2 m8
  18. GoverningNick

    Change the Epi-pen function

    Nice, somewhat like the adrenalin shot in L4D
  19. GoverningNick

    Zombie difficulty question.

    I agree, the zombies need to be buffed
  20. GoverningNick

    DayZ suggestion #5 - Chainsaw

    ME GUSTA, can't wait to tear COD 6 yrs in half
  21. GoverningNick

    Dog fights?

  22. pretty good idea, i think this in ACE but its been a long while since ive played it.
  23. GoverningNick

    DayZ suggestion #3 - Kill animations

    Can't wait to curb stomp a zed head
  24. GoverningNick

    Map conditions

    maybe the dj could be whoever is currently in green mountain, like theres a radio table. I would be playing my music all day. Oppa Gangnam Style FTW
  25. GoverningNick

    Why specific slots in Cars?

    one of the best suggestions ever