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Everything posted by drseptapus

  1. drseptapus


    The issue wasn't his grasp of the english language, it was him typing like an obnoxious little kid who just found out about the internet. On topic: Defibrillators as others have already said, on their own wouldn't help. While i am not opposed to it's inclusion, I just don't see it being practical enough to make it worth the time to implement. I would support a system where upon losing all 12000 of your "blood" you don't die, you just go permanently unconcious and have the opportunity to respawn, but if somebody comes along with the proper medical supplies to fix you up like a blood bag, bandages, something to remove the bullets (if it's a bullet wound) AND a defibrillator to restart your heart, you could come back with something like 1000 blood or so. A defibrillator on it's own would be out of place.
  2. You are an angry dude. You should also explain your reasoning. That was useless post otherwise.
  3. drseptapus

    Discourage Player Killing Suggestion

    What gameplay mechanics do you think favor PvP? I would argue that right now there is a stunning lack of anything like that which is why PvP is the issue that it is. Right now, if you are alone, there is no reason to NOT kill anybody other you the player, deciding that you want to group up or that you simply don't want to. I think it is just part of the gamers mentality to kill each other. I do not think the PvP issue should be, or will be solved by any kind of reward/incentive system. After participating in a couple threads, I have formed the opinion that PvP will eventually become somewhat reasonable. I think this will happen because: -Weapons and ammo are going to spawn much less frequently (as stated by Rocket) -The thread I mentioned earlier (Day Z becoming a living hell) has been noticed by moderators and will hopefully be incorporated in some capacity in coming updates. -Rocket's interview with FPSGuru (there is a thread around her somewhere) had a couple points that I thought would make the world harder to survive in, accenting the philosophy in my previous point. Also if you bother to look at that thread, you will see: "19. The world is unfair and unbalanced and it will stay that way." and "14. No skill points. Ever." It is my personal preference that the game stay raw and keep the interactions as real as possible. However I don't disagree that your ideas will alleviate the PvP problem, I would just prefer the gritty reality that in a zombie apocalypse, tensions would be high and the stress of the situation might drive people to be a little trigger happy. I would also like to reiterate that people killing people just to kill people is not what I am talking about. I am strictly talking about confrontations in which players kill each other out of mistrust.
  4. drseptapus

    PvP Idea?? Maybe

    That's not as funny as you think it is and you should stop spamming the forums with it.
  5. drseptapus

    Discourage Player Killing Suggestion

    He's not saying that rocket wants it the way it is now. He (and I) are saying that there should never be something that influences one play style over another. The relations between players should be handled by the players, not a gameplay mechanic like you are proposing. In my opinion, the guy that started the thread about "making Day Z a living hell" was going in the right direction. In his scenario, the increased difficulty coupled with the minimal resources will lower the benefit of killing another player. This would reduce mindless PvP but not erase it because banditry would still be a viable way to play the game. As for people killing just to kill. Thats an entirely different issue.
  6. drseptapus

    Discourage Player Killing Suggestion

    I believe Rocket stated that there will never be anything like this ever. I have seen the quote by Rocket in somebodies signature around here, it is something like "if you want balance it's up to you because I am not going to give it to you". The bandit issue is only ever going to be addressed by the survivors, not the devs. you racist.
  7. drseptapus

    Has rocket given up on DayZ?

    Everybody sell your stock! Rocket's out! He sold Day Z to EA. We're all fucked!
  8. drseptapus

    Bowel Evacuation

    I like to poop.
  9. drseptapus

    Dayz needs a 2nd gamemode ( Request )

    I feel like this would be a mod for the anticipated standalone game. I fucking love CTF and this is a rather new spin on it. I'm a fan. However I think the reason you and many of the other flame victims are getting ripped apart is that this is a forum for discussing the development of the Day Z mod. When people make suggestions like "We should be able to paint houses" or one I actually just saw "We should be able to do parkour", they are talking about things that are so far off in the future and obscure that while they would be interesting and not a detriment to the game at all, at the end of the day, really serve no purpose. People are always trying to make the perfect game which is a noble quest I admit, but for the time being we need to focus on making Day Z as good as it can be, in 2012, as a mod, on the Arma 2/3 engines. I personally would love a CTF zombie mode. But we should stick to talking about finishing Day Z first.
  10. drseptapus


    Door tags... Implement now please.
  11. drseptapus

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

    There should be no punishment for PvP. You should just be able to identify a bandit and take action accordingly.
  12. Hey not all bandits suck at hygiene.
  13. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    I feel kind of silly now that I know about the duping glitch. Hopefully that gets resolved and some semblance of balance manifests itself. I'll still be crossing my fingers for less ammo and guns further down the road.
  14. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Well I can certainly agree with that. Less guns and less ammo. That's all I want.
  15. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    I guess the term all-powerful was a little strong. I simply wanted to point out that "because it's the best way to do something" is not a reason that should it should stay the way it is. All of the points you made about sniping are valid. I agree with you. And I have said in other posts that sniping should be reserved for people who know how. If a group of people finds a sniper rifle, they should give it to the best marksman because sniper rifles should be absolutely hard to come by. This I think will hopefully come to fruition. I believe I read somewhere that weapon drop rates will decrease dramatically once the game gets a little further on. I am just petrified that players like you will be eclipsed by people killing just to kill rather than kill to survive. The hill sniping remark was poorly worded as well. My main gripe is not specifically sniping, it's just the killing just to kill mentality. I guess I was projecting a little, sniping is a problem in just about every other game I play and I didn't want to see it infect this one as well. Here's to hoping the game survives the alpha stage.
  16. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Before I say anything I'm just going to say i'm not against the completer removal of sniper rifles, or any weapon for that matter. You say that like the it is the only way to be safe in your proposed helicrash looting situation. You're probably right. The sniper rifle does fit into that scenario perfectly and taking it out would mean the un-necessary risk of your group. But why is that bad? Not being All powerful is better in my opinion. I think slowly entering an unknown area with a pistol and an axe and relying on my wits to get me through is much more adrenaline pumping and intense than hiding and shooting someone who doesn't even see me. That video sums it up for me pretty well i think. Right now everyone is too armed and too trigger happy. Guns should be a heavily sought after resource. I'm not saying people should all hold hands and skip, if someone has a gun that you want and are ready to kill for, fucking kill him! Do it! I don't care, if you think you need that gun enough to kill someone for it you should have that opportunity. Follow him, sneak up on him and axe his ass, or hold him up. I have no problem with people being bandits. I have a problem with people on hills sniping other people for no fucking reason whatsoever. That's not surviving. That's ruining the game.
  17. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    I would shy away from AI. Theres a post somewhere talking about rocket's interview with FPSGuru. One of the discussion points was Rocket's intent to make creating outposts feasible and worthwhile. Hopefully this comes to fruition.
  18. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Yeah as I have said in some other threads: There should be less guns and less ammo. I have no problem with military grade sniper rifles, but I do have a problem with everybody and their mother finding them and killing everybody for no reason.
  19. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    That's not the point of this thread.
  20. seconded Everybody else was quoting you too. I didn't want to feel left out.
  21. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Probably because Arma provides a great basis for the mod. The engine could have been used to be a camping simulator. However that doesn't sell, military simulators do. The game is in alpha. I hope that this game becomes the zombie apocalypse simulator that people have wanted for years, not another forgettable military shooter that happens to have zombies. The game in its current state caters to a certain play style. I am voicing my opinion on how to steer away from that and in the direction of the former. Also on the "what it should be" part... once again the game is in fucking alpha. The point of it being open to the public is so the devs can get an idea on what the community thinks "it should be". You need to realize we are all effectively video game testers at this point.
  22. drseptapus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    This. And Less ammo. I thought I read that once the game is out of alpha things will spawn a lot less. Hopefully this is true. Unfortunately for the time being we're going to have to play our zombie apocalypse simulator with people that think it's a military sim with zombies.
  23. Guns are much too easy to come by. They should be much, much more scarce. I like to think that this game ends up being a zombie apocalypse simulator. Not a military simulator with zombies.
  24. drseptapus

    Do you like to sniper, Why?

    I would only ever use it for PvP. The only issue with the sniper rifle in most games is that it's too easy, and in this case too easy/too easy to obtain. Thats what attracts all the little kids. They should be rare and should be used by a skilled person for high value targets. Situations like if you're overseeing your teams raid on a town and see someone coming up behind them notify your team or pop on off directly in his back. Allowing people to easily post up on a hill and light people up is just absurd and boring. EDIT: St00f pretty much is the kind of sniper that should be prevalent. Unfortunately it's usually a bunch of kids stroking their Epeen. Oh shit I killed someone from all the way over here! Oh what did you have to do? Click on him? Holy shit you're hardcore.